
xyzslinky24 replied to My account cannot submit new cases
@zhz0221 I also am having this problem
9:30 pm, February 21, 2020 Technical Issues

woshieayeye replied to Banned by mistake & Nothing in MY CASES
Can anyone do something?
7:00 am, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

wo0dsy replied to Banned by mistake & Nothing in MY CASES
They just banned me for no reason too, I can see it in "my cases" though. Incredibly infuriating.
5:00 pm, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

willgutie replied to This account is invalid
EA won’t resolve your issue. Not only are they slow but don’t even offer a phone number to call. I’ve had the same issue for two weeks with back and forth cases submitted with no resolution. Nev..
7:00 pm, April 26, 2020 Technical Issues

willgutie replied to It says my account is invalid
EA won’t resolve your issue. Not only are they slow but don’t even offer a phone number to call. I’ve had the same issue for two weeks with back and forth cases submitted with no resolution. Nev..
2:30 pm, April 27, 2020 Technical Issues

turtberzerk replied to PSN account ineligible
@EA_Barry this is happening to me and I am one level away from completing my Apex season 4 battlepass i tried ea support on twitter but it seems like nobody wants to help me and most of my games are f..
7:00 am, April 22, 2020 Technical Issues

suicidalthought replied to Cant conect to FUT
Same problem, we need all of theses cases in the same thread
7:30 pm, February 2, 2020 Technical Issues

stagiermerlin90 replied to how does the investigation team take regarding ac hack and fut market ban?
They said I would be informed ASAPcan you give me an estimation as per the previous similar cases
6:30 am, June 26, 2020 Technical Issues

snackreynolds replied to FUT Can't Login to Online Play, Xbox One
I appreciate the quick response, but this info does not help. I have seen this previously and it leads me to create a case and speak with a tech, but I cannot get a hold of anyone. Additionally, my ca..
1:30 pm, April 3, 2020 Technical Issues

rossonerox21 replied to My account has been banned from FIFA online play
I did it. And after week I only got message that my ban is confirmed. I have never sold/bought coins and still got ban. After three cases they still didnt tell me why exactly I am banned.
12:00 pm, June 17, 2020 Technical Issues

rhvkz replied to Accounts banned without a reason
@EA_CadeHello. The only case I opened while I had access to rhikz's account. It was the 54981978 case. Thank you.
5:30 pm, January 11, 2020 Technical Issues

redds212 replied to Banned from transfer market
I asked them in an e-mail if my market ban will be carried on to next-gen of fifa. In response they first banned my account, then decided to lift the ban but remove fut club. I would advise not to con..
3:30 pm, June 9, 2020 Technical Issues

qiruidai replied to FIFA 20 account was banned for no reason. My account has nothing valuable, why?
Need help I tried, my cases were closed. I don't see any solutions. Can you help me with this?
9:00 pm, June 4, 2020 Technical Issues

narka0825 replied to My FUT acc was hacked
Hi EA Cade, Thanks for reverting back. I can guess it will take some time before they review my case. I chatted with someone from your support team this evening about the matter and gav..
8:30 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

lil_deer7 replied to Cant login to Ultimate Team
I have the almost exact same issue. Recevied the following mail 94 days ago):Hello,We've noticed some unusual activity on your EA account.To help keep your account safe, we've locked it down until we ..
7:30 pm, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

jaysal75 replied to Keeps saying I have the wrong password
I’ve been having the same problem for days and have tried 4 times already with their crap webform recovery which doesn’t work or help!I’ve now created lots of cases for the same problem to annoy..
9:30 am, June 17, 2020 Technical Issues

jacobblokk740 replied to Access key and Case Number I think this might help not sure I can’t get on it for no reason, question though when you made your case where did you get your access key I don’t see ..
5:00 pm, April 27, 2020 Technical Issues

jackizzle93 replied to How long does it take for a cases like this to take
@EA_Darko How can I do that even though I anit gonna players in my team or anything and I got hacked aswell and ea are taking the mick to come back to me about it
12:00 am, December 7, 2019 Technical Issues

ifvdgng replied to How long do EA cases take
@EA_Cade Sorry for the slow reply but #60667220
4:30 pm, June 9, 2020 Technical Issues

goalgoat500 replied to unknown email verification
I'm having same issue and have contacted ea 3 times 1st time they sent me to Nintendo but all my other games operate fine online except fifa 20 but I called nintendo anyway and they sent me back to ea..
9:30 pm, February 7, 2020 Technical Issues

edmanlee replied to Fifa 20 broken???
This is the fifa norm. They won't fix it until about 2 months before fifa 21 (go to fifa 19's forums and you'll see a message from them saying they're working on input lag/awful servers, roughly 2 mon..
10:30 pm, January 15, 2020 Technical Issues

colternunn replied to Head goal problem
In two straight FUT Drafts, my game has crashed upon scoring a headed goal from a corner the instant the ball crosses the goal line. I know it is not a connectivity issue or an issue with my system, a..
4:00 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

colternunn replied to Game Crashes When Scoring From A Cross
In two straight FUT Drafts, my game has crashed upon scoring a headed goal from a corner the instant the ball crosses the goal line. I know it is not a connectivity issue or an issue with my system, a..
4:30 pm, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

chokopolo replied to Very poor content and servers
mY first year in ultimate team and I feel so disappointed already here is why : The content on packs is so poor, before writing this post I bought like 30 gold premium packs the best thing out of..
3:30 pm, March 12, 2020 Technical Issues

bogy13lp replied to Account got hacked. Lost 1.3 million coins.
Hello there! I am having the same problem. Sunday I was hacked. I lost all my treatable players(the value of them was more than 3500000 coins), all gold contracts(more than 300) and 150000 coins&..
5:30 am, April 17, 2020 Technical Issues

arhturwoodhouse replied to Its been over a 9 days and still no response from EA
Submitting cases is useless. They use a third party service provider who can’t do anything. It would surprise me if anybody actually looks at those cases after they are closed.
10:00 am, February 28, 2020 Technical Issues

alettonick replied to EA Please help - My FUT account was hacked
When I go to reopen my case, it just tells me that I have no open cases available. There is no option to create a new case.
5:30 am, April 21, 2020 Technical Issues

akamegachill replied to Incredibly confused about how cases on this site work
@EA_CadeThis is literally the exact process that I went through and it just made a case after I filled in the form. There is literally no other option given to me except for contacting an
10:00 pm, June 3, 2020 Technical Issues

afcabarca10 replied to hacked account
is your case resolved? my case took 7 weeks and then they will accuse you of coin distribution, after 7 weeks waiting, i was pretty pissed off with them, so they told me i would have a answer in an ho..
4:00 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

afcabarca10 replied to I got hacked on fifa 20
is your case resolved? my case took 7 weeks and then they will accuse you of coin distribution, after 7 weeks waiting, i was pretty pissed off with them, so they told me i would have a answer in an ho..
4:00 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

afcabarca10 replied to I got hacked
is your case resolved? my case took 7 weeks and then they will accuse you of coin distribution, after 7 weeks waiting, i was pretty pissed off with them, so they told me i would have a answer in an ho..
4:30 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

afcabarca10 replied to Hacked ultimate team
is your case resolved? my case took 7 weeks and then they will accuse you of coin distribution, after 7 weeks waiting, i was pretty pissed off with them, so they told me i would have a answer in ..
4:00 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

afcabarca10 replied to Hacked account
@willyz123 my case took 7 weeks and then they will accuse you of coin distribution, after 7 weeks waiting, i was pretty pissed off with them, so they told me i would have a answer in an hour. and yess..
3:30 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

afcabarca10 replied to Fifa 20 account hacked
is your case resolved? my case took 7 weeks and then they will accuse you of coin distribution, after 7 weeks waiting, i was pretty pissed off with them, so they told me i would have a answer in an ho..
4:00 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

afcabarca10 replied to Account Hacked, Empty Club
is your case resolved? my case took 7 weeks and then they will accuse you of coin distribution, after 7 weeks waiting, i was pretty pissed off with them, so they told me i would have a answer in an ho..
4:00 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

Zambo9 replied to Why have EA murdered League SBCs? on November 7, 2019 5:27PM
Zambo9 wrote: » Gromit wrote: » Because they price fixed leagues for months which is nonsensical unless you're a profiteer. The only people moaning for their return were traders. They've brought..
5:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

TurtBerzerk replied to PSN account ineligible
@EA_Barry this is happening to me and I am one level away from completing my Apex season 4 battlepass i tried ea support on twitter but it seems like nobody wants to help me and most of my games are f..
9:30 am, April 23, 2020 Technical Issues

SmoothTheOneXbox replied to a "Coin Distribution Ban" That isn't valid, and not resolved for 6 weeks.
Thank you so much for the reply @EA_Cade I have followed these steps to a T. I have done this 6 times. Once every 7 days. I am not looking for special treatment, but I stream for chari..
7:30 pm, February 25, 2020 Technical Issues

SAQQA-EGY replied to FIFA 20 - Banned From Online
How did you manage to communicate with them through the live chat ؟؟ ... because I have the same problem and received the same e-mail and I am trying to reach a solution with them a week ago through..
11:30 pm, January 25, 2020 Technical Issues

Muzz1402 replied to FIFA 20 Crashing on PC
@broCedric this keeps on happening with Fifa on PC. I bought mine last Saturday and i have 3 cases on my EA account right now. Customer service only says to uninstall and install the game again or ask..
2:00 pm, January 16, 2020 Technical Issues

MadRedPirahna replied to Disconnected FUT Champ
Hey @sushilbha9874y5 Are you on a wired or wireless connection? Also, What platform are you playing on?You could try opening the ports for FIFA. They are listed here:
7:00 pm, June 20, 2020 Technical Issues

Lachiee8_ replied to Black Friday TOTW Packs
the case number is #53554503
10:30 am, December 2, 2019 Technical Issues

KronosTheG replied to Accidental SBC Submission
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my message. Below I will be setting out some concerns I have based on your response as well as the response of your advisors and the SBC help page. It is my l..
6:00 pm, February 11, 2020 Technical Issues

KRANG00 replied to Why have EA murdered League SBCs? on November 7, 2019 3:29PM
Smokiekeogh wrote: » I dont get why theyd murder the market to up fp sales if you can only sell whatever you get from the packs at rock bottom prices.... You just keep going till you pack one!! (N..
3:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

JoshyBois replied to Fifa 20 wrong verification email
Did you manage to sort this. My son is having the same issue. I have sent 4 cases and all I get is they can’t verify the information
12:30 pm, January 20, 2020 Technical Issues

Invoker77 replied to Wrongly Suspended my FIFA 20 account for 7 days.
@EA_Darko Hey, Thanks for noticing my post.I have already contacted the team. My question here was this whole process take 5 days(max) and these 5 days fall in most critical time frame of Fifa(we..
4:00 pm, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Lanna replied to Transfer ban
Hi @Hamm4ers, The Support team are correct. There won't be anything the Support team can assist with aside from sharing that the Terms of Service investigate account bans and confirming that yours is ..
3:00 pm, March 18, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Lanna replied to EA Please help - My FUT account was hacked
Hi @alettonick, If you're missing content, this will need to be reported to our support agents. Please reopen your case and share with the agents what content your missing. &nb..
5:30 pm, April 20, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to i need hjelp
Sorry to say @Superberget2 but there is nothing that we can do in cases of accidental bids, listings or submissions. We are not able to return the item or reverse the action.Darko
4:30 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to I quick sell (Sergio Ramos , Lenglet , Ter Stegen), and I want to recover them
Hey @KOR_hanjungkim there is nothing that we can do in cases of accidental bids, listings, submissions or sells. We cannot return the item or reverse the action.Darko
4:30 pm, December 19, 2019 Technical Issues