EA Please stop it with the negative attitude!
This game can cause a lot of frustration, understandably when you only partially control the players and a lot of the final ball goes down to luck and the players quality you use. That i can understand is always going to be part and parcel of a game like FIFA. However, i do feel that EA have programmed the game so many other places in a very negative way that causes a lot of unnecessary frustration.
First of all people tend to be sometimes toxic online, not always but they never skip anything, they watch replays of missed shots, of offside calls , basically never skipping anything because they want you to rage quit so they get the win if they lead, or they are not happy because they are losing. Either-way you could simply add a skip multiplier to each person online (i.e. the more a player skip cutscenes the better the multiplier and vice versa) such that you match-make with people who tend to watch as many cut-scenes as you do. Should satisfy people like me who insta-skips all because i like to grind the game for rewards and I'm on limited time, and people who watch cutscenes more relaxed.
I see that EA already reduced kick off waiting time from 30s to 15seconds on kick off, i can only applaud this move and hope this indicates you guys try and make online play less toxic.
A second and very negative programming style in the game is Squad battles, I wanted to rank for Elite 1, which means i cannot drop many points. Upon playing my 8th game (on legendary) i was playing a pub side 70ish rated squad and comfortably leading 6 - 0, at about 75' minute i get disconnected and kicked out of ultimate team. This game was important to me because i only tend to win half the time i play 85 rated squads and the points from lesser sides are important. When i logged onto FUT again (which i had to wait for 2 minutes because "EA Servers are having trouble yadda yadda", my internet being OK and working at the time) i see the side i played against registered a 3 - 0 loss. LOSS. I can understand if you're losing or its a tie when the disconnect happens that you dont want to "thing the worst of worst malice" and give the person a loss. But when a person is winning comfortably 6 - 0. why not give a replay ability? Like, why would i cause a disconnect to that game? Its appears to me that EA have an incredibly negative attitude to the person disconnecting, and i would like to know why? Why do you not allow a replay? Why the negative attitude?
I personally feel this is possibly the last year I'll play FUT and ill go back to Career mode next fifa. as this sort of "lets assume worst malice and give a loss" attitude seems to be deep culture in the way FIFA is programmed.
There are also other long term problems with FIFA, such as (but not limited to)
1 - Kick off , everyone seems to be asleep in the defense and 9/10 a long range shot results in goals.
2 - Bad player selection, sometimes the person who has "possession" gets far away from the ball, while a teammate who is nearby the ball is unable to be switched to, while FIFA is insisting you use the player who is (for example) being held back physically by opposition.
3 - Players can't jump - Frequently for example when a player is on the ground (typically after slide tackle) you can't just easily jump over that player and grab the ball, players seem unable to simply jump over the person on the ground for the ball.<
4 - Kit selection - Why ask if i want to sue my home/away kit when i cant see the kit of the player i connected to, might as well always just use my own kits! Often if i let the auto-kit selection chose for me the results are 2 similar kits resulting in confusing gameplay.
5 - In rivals, if you dont connect to the lobby screen (where you select kits) within 3 seconds, its a guaranteed 40 seconds wait with "Loading.." only to get served "Session no longer available" or something like that Why not fix this? every time it takes more than 3 seconds i KNOW for a fact i have to wait another 30 seconds. Surely it cant take much effort to program local 6 seconds limit as most connection for lobby only needs 2-3 seconds.
This game is fully loaded with these long term, some small, some big annoying things where you wonder, do the developers even play the game? Like bug #5 only annoys you when you play a lot, not when it happen once.
Other than my long rant which i hope someone at EA can actually think about(i know very unlikely), i would like an explanation on why when late in the game ,despite leading by a large margin in Squad battles, when you get a disconnect =you get a loss? and not even ability to replay?
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