Ultimate team issue FIFA 20 PS4
Hello everyone, so i have a problem and is started like 2 weeks ago
I have tried everything I could do at home, we are many players with the same issues and each one of us uses different internet connection, so from that I can say its not the internet connection problem, i have good and fast internet connection connected to PS4 through lan cable. There is no way the issue is related to internet. Now let me count down the issues
1- I keep getting kicked out during the game while I'm winning or losing. Most of time I get kick out during minutes 10 - 20 or 80 - 90
Then it says sorry there has been an issue with ea server, you will be returned to fifa 20 main menu,
2- when I try to load the ultimate team again again it won't let me and says we are sorry but there has been an error connecting to fifa 20 ultimate,
3- when I get back to ultimate team finally, I cant play any game mode. For example if I click on division rivals. A message pops up and say this future is currently not available. Please try again later, no Matter what I click on it's going to shows this message, so i just have to back out to fifa 20 main menu and then loading ultimate team again. Doing this over and over until I'm able to play
PS: sometimes the loading icon comes and keeps circling around for ever so i have to disconnect internet connection or close application
4- every time I wanna do an SBC when I want to add a player to the SBC squad it froze the loading icon comes up and keeps circling around for around 1 minute then message pops up and says sorry there has been some issue. I press X it kicks me out, I do it all again, I need around 30 minutes to 40 minutes to finish 1 SBC challenge
5- when I want to apply any consumable on players it doesn't matter what consumable is it. After I press X on the wanted consumable again the game froze for ever. I have to disconnect the internet or close the application, sometimes closing the application is the only way.
PS: I have been playing online fifa since 2011 and i never had any issues similar to this
I also play pro clubs alot. But there is no issues there, everything is just works fine 100%
My issues and bugs or whatever ist. Its only related to ultimate team
Please help me out anyone. It's been so annoying and its like that since 2 weeks ago. Fist weekend league I lost 12 games because of this problems. The latest weekend league I didn't even play it
There is uploading the video in weekend league game. I won that match 3 : 1 after the match is ended. This happened every players left the pitch I couldn't pause the game or anything. And i waited like 30 minutes. At the end i gave up and closed application, then the match counted as fortified the match
Anyone out there have same problem?
Please help and fix ASAP
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