
tibo212 replied to Banned for no reason
@ISOLATORHASH did they respond ? me too had an issue with the captcha provider it won't load ... then booom , banned when sleeping
2:30 pm, April 26, 2020 Technical Issues

temem1989 replied to My fifa 20 is getting stuck at downloading and applying squads for too long
@EA_Cade sorry it took a while to respond. Its been happening on my ps4
2:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

sarilacicubuklu replied to We need a response about connection problems.
Where are EA admins? Many people lost many matches due to EA servers during weekend. Many messages have been written there and Twitter (@EAHelp) but nobody respond this issue. We pay money ..
10:30 pm, June 7, 2020 Technical Issues

sarilacicubuklu replied to Demand my win and match
I read many same messages. Many people have same problem but nobody respond to us. We lost games due to your servers and we can't play remain matches. Why don't you respond? I think that admins w..
9:30 pm, June 6, 2020 Technical Issues

rtid1 replied to FIFA 20 on PC constantly crashing
its an absolute outrage that these guys haven't even responded to this post.Criminals.
8:30 pm, February 17, 2020 Technical Issues

nathansveryown replied to I think i'm connected to the wrong server
I am having this exact problem too and the more i search the more it seems ea have stopped responding to people about it
11:00 pm, April 3, 2020 Technical Issues

mway replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 27, 2019 10:30PM
Onculcan wrote: » I am from Turkey. Draft, online friendlies and squad battles are fine, no noticable delay at all, but in rivals its totally unplayable. I cant understand how can a game differ so m..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

murphygsa replied to Do support tickets always get ignored???
I did all that. Twice. And both times no one responded and yes I did leave my email that I can access. But it's resolved now. I tweeted EA Help who sent me a link for a live chat and the chat agent fi..
5:30 pm, February 6, 2020 Technical Issues

mteles0112 replied to Multiple second input delay
Please fix this game. Gameplay has been in slow motion for days. To add the time between I signal and a player responds is so delayed the game is virtually unplayable. I have tried just about everythi..
6:30 pm, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues

lllucyz replied to Player actions
Thank you for responding. I was looking around and I found out I was on one button mode.
3:00 am, January 5, 2020 Technical Issues

kristiano159 replied to Fifa 20 Ultimate team servers problem
I tried this but sadly doesn't work. I just cannot access Ultimate Team online games at all; I just get a blank screen that hangs. Riduculous when pay so much money for a game and its unusuable. ..
5:30 am, December 14, 2019 Technical Issues

kakki030 replied to The servers..
@yossi06 Dont think they will ever respond
5:30 pm, April 12, 2020 Technical Issues

johnnyboi1989 replied to Players moving by themselves in division rivals
@Berkoj2000 Well obviously ea haven’t replied due to lack of care, I’ve had the same issue currently on my 11th loss on the bounce high agile/rated defenders just don’t react until the opposing ..
8:30 am, December 23, 2019 Technical Issues

joao6verde6 replied to Losing connection
EA is losing credibility in online games.People got disconnected from the server for no apparent reason. Since the last patch update, people can't play ultimate team without having issues. I..
9:30 pm, March 20, 2020 Technical Issues

jacob_w4 replied to Penalty kick fault
Now that you have responded to this question so promptly, how about solving a real issue and answering my question?? Much more at stake with my issue than this.
8:00 pm, March 30, 2020 Technical Issues

i_am_good_2020 replied to FIFA 20 - Unable to Start Volta Mode
Yup, I have the same issue. Exact same message as your screenshot. Only difference is I bought the PS4 version instead of PC. Slightly ironic that they have been spending so much advertisem..
4:00 pm, November 24, 2019 Technical Issues

hussny2017 replied to FIFA 20,FUT MODE IN CHINA
They have the CSL in the game but won't even respond to paying customers who cannot play the game at all. Why allow us to even access FUT in China if it's unbplayable or they refuse to offer help...
7:30 pm, January 13, 2020 Technical Issues

haidroq88 replied to fifa points and Damaged CD
thank you for your respondand you mean I have to contact sony for the refund? and what about the CD? is it possible to be from the same problem! mismatch of the regions?
6:30 pm, April 29, 2020 Technical Issues

gtitakis93 replied to EA SERVERS FIFA 20
@kunal0013 I am trying to connect for 4 days now.. No luck..The support is awful... No one actually responded..
8:30 am, June 28, 2020 Technical Issues

f3o0x replied to clicking play doesn't launch the game
i can't stand that fooking * app of Origin it's behind this issue i couldn't launch the game since 10 am and i tried lots of sh*t on youtube i even redownloaded the whole foking game but still facing ..
8:00 pm, December 3, 2019 Technical Issues

edmanlee replied to Where can I report EA staff?
There is no way of chatting to an adviser unless I lie about the issue. Direct Message is also not an option as a) your forum staff don't respond, b) the person I want to report is the person I'd have..
2:00 am, January 26, 2020 Technical Issues

edmanlee replied to Massive lag
If you've got decent internet, use a wired connection, have forwarded all ports and have little network traffic, there is nothing more you can do. EA support will continue to claim their servers are e..
8:00 am, December 7, 2019 Technical Issues

dynamosheva1 replied to EA community guys on November 7, 2019 1:23AM
@Purplejacket thanks for sharing . Yeah even before those hacks I always thought EA did a poor job responding to criticism , accepting or disprove community myths or in game things . Basically feels ..
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

@EA_Aljo Why do you keep saying the same things to me please read my post properly. I've gone through ALL TROUBLE SHOOTS. I want to speak to a manager on here
5:30 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues

drbunee replied to FUT Champs Disconnect
I am writing about same problem about 2 weeks and no responds.
12:30 am, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

darhob replied to FIFA 20 Transfer Market Ban
how long did they take to investigate your case and unban you ? .. i'm like you and more than 5 days ans they didn't respond !
10:00 am, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

bouncymonster replied to My account has been banned from FIFA online play
How long will it take to respond?Other than buying & playing it what did I do?I need to complete the objective & its expiring tomorrow.No one replies in here too
10:00 pm, June 16, 2020 Technical Issues

arjunj_92 replied to I got hacked on fifa 20
Its been 5 days since I got hacked and I have had no correspondence from anyone. I have lost my best player and 250k.
10:30 am, June 13, 2020 Technical Issues

akhtarmaitla replied to Slow, Leggy, Button Delay FIFA 20 DU Connection Dubai
I am using XBOX ONE X. And game was purchased online through Microsoft Store. My players don’t respond at all. I am loosing from just basic bronze teams in squad battles. Player with 50 pace can cha..
4:30 am, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

Estou com o mesmo problema, o EA responde aí por favor
3:30 am, November 26, 2019 Technical Issues

WELSHLAD782 replied to Refund on November 9, 2019 1:14PM
P1tch_1nvaderz88 wrote: » WELSHLAD782 wrote: » Its shocking I can accept losing when someone is better than me or I make mistakes but losing because of the game mechanics is wrong The thing is,..
1:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SuperGazelle replied to Career Mode Randomly Crashing to Desktop
I did and nothing worked, however it turned out my drivers weren't up to date and that was causing the crashing. No issues now. Thanks for responding! ..
10:30 am, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

SomeNextGuy replied to Ur not playing against the player, but EA on November 9, 2019 10:41AM
My first three games this WL were dire, unplayable. My last five have been decent. Lost the first three, won four of the last five. I knew from my first pass in the first few games that I couldn't w..
11:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SomeNextGuy replied to SORT OUT THIS STUPID GAMEPLAY on November 8, 2019 8:11PM
My first three games were dire, my last five have been decent. Lost the first three, won four of the last five. I knew from my first pass in the first few games that I couldn't win. One of my wins ..
8:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SamuelManny replied to Cheating in FIFA 20 PC
Sorry to see they ignored you! It's a shame they leave majority of the options we face accessable to cheaters.. I'm guessing you've already given up on Fifa! Shame they punish people who play seriousl..
9:00 am, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

Reyhz replied to Why we can't change our club name in FUT ?! on October 2, 2019 11:29AM
Countyg wrote: » You could call my club anything who cares Yeah sure, but would you like to have displayed on the top left of your screen a team name that does not correspond to you, permanently? ..
12:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Requiem77703 replied to New Servers Made Gameplay a lot Worse
Can we get a fix to this? The game is unplayable. Worse its ever been in any year at any point ever. I literally can not control my players at all. it takes them a crazy amount of time to respond to a..
10:30 pm, June 13, 2020 Technical Issues

Renamed123456 replied to Matchmaking needs to be connection priority on November 7, 2019 6:21PM
MHoney1234 wrote: » Compensation lag. If you have good internet and play against someone on 4G you’re in a world of pain. Is it lag though?? Because i wasn't experiencing and unresponsiveness, b..
6:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

RageRambler replied to Is Kurt video true ( alleged EA employees have gone AWOL) on November 5, 2019 3:19PM
Scripting, random momentum changes, and handicaps have been in game for years... I still have pics of when they literally marketed the first year random momentum changes were implemented. They literal..
3:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

RRkeKoke replied to Hacked
@crispoolp Hi, its not a problem i contacted them but i am waiting over a month and i missed a lot of objectives and sbc in that time, they could at least respond something and get me back players and..
5:00 pm, March 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Queens11 replied to Im at a complete and utter Fifa low on November 7, 2019 8:47AM
Deano2508 wrote: » I just can’t play this game anymore, I’ve always been a div1 player but right now I’m in div4 and still losing almost every game. I don’t understand what’s happened sin..
9:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Pepe Le DiLzZ replied to Just Had a interesting chat !!! on November 5, 2019 11:00AM
The_Unknown wrote: » Just been speaking to a good German friend of mine, he’s a pro in Germany who I met skiing in France 12 years ago. Anyhow we were discussing the game good and bad which led t..
11:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PegLeg replied to Here is why fifa 20 cant be taken seriously. on November 8, 2019 3:07PM
He's clearly sets his tactics to pressure, you can see them swarm forward at seven seconds. Whether or not he's using his controller to move players, that's just how it seems to work (sucks but hey we..
3:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PachFC22 replied to December 21st FUT Matchmaking Issue
What the hell is going on with FUT champions? Keeps saying there is no opponent try again later and when on the odd occasion an opponent is found the latency is on the lowest bar. The connection is ho..
8:00 pm, December 21, 2019 Technical Issues

PachFC22 replied to Compensation for weekend league loss due to bad servers
What the hell is going on with FUT champions? Keeps saying there is no opponent try again later and when on the odd occasion an opponent is found the latency is on the lowest bar. The connection is ho..
8:30 pm, December 21, 2019 Technical Issues

Onculcan replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 27, 2019 10:40PM
mway wrote: » Onculcan wrote: » I am from Turkey. Draft, online friendlies and squad battles are fine, no noticable delay at all, but in rivals its totally unplayable. I cant understand how can a..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NoTrustNoLovee replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread on
FIFA 20 Career mode FIRST TEAM ISSUES. (INCORRECT STARTING 11 and atrocious league table) Basically, I have been playing Fifa for some time now and I don't know which idiot programmer could mess ..
1:55 am, November 11, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

NoTrustNoLovee replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread
FIFA 20 Career mode FIRST TEAM ISSUES. (INCORRECT STARTING 11 and atrocious league table) Basically, I have been playing Fifa for some time now and I don't know which idiot programmer could mess ..
2:13 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

NickIsSoSick7 replied to Why am I not getting skill points on clubs FIFA 20 all I play is league games
I got the game a week ago , I started playing pro clubs and I was wondering how to get skill points so I started doing research I saw that you get 15 right when you make your character and then you ge..
9:00 am, April 23, 2020 Technical Issues