mway replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 27, 2019 10:30PM
I am from Turkey. Draft, online friendlies and squad battles are fine, no noticable delay at all, but in rivals its totally unplayable. I cant understand how can a game differ so much in the same game mode??? there is an incredible button delay, players cant turn, cant pass, totally unresponsive, it is a mess. I think its because the sh*t servers again. If the servers are like that now, I cant imagine what they will become on WL time. Please EA fix the servers... this game is your last chance for a majority of players...
During Early Access Rivals was great. Today is a complete mess. Players just don´t respond to commands. Passes are all wrong, players don´t shot when you tell them to do so, tackles are late. Servers ruin the game experience.
September 27, 2019 10:30PM Posted in