
funitekcz replied to FIFA 20 - Unable to Start Volta Mode
hello, i have one big problem.. i buy fifa 20 today, download is okey, fifa start, Profi clubs okey, online season okey, but volta and FUT is off.. i have problem with fifa servers... why? please help..
4:00 pm, November 24, 2019 Technical Issues

frankiezee28 replied to Fifa 20 ultimate team keeps crashing
Please help!!! I been having major problems with this getting kicked out ive dropped 2 divisions ive called you guys and have done everything you told me to do i even deleted fifa 20 re downloaded it ..
8:00 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

franjogrebnice replied to Division rivals points and coins
can nayone help me to DM whit this issueof course someone from EA please???
4:00 pm, April 15, 2020 Technical Issues

franco24all replied to not possible to connect to ea servers with wired connection
I have similar issue on my PS4. I cannot to EA server when I am using wired network or my 5GHz wifi. I cannot find the settings you directed for XBOX on my PS4 pro. Please help
6:00 am, April 9, 2020 Technical Issues

fozdog1971 replied to [Pro Clubs] - Blank screen when going into Pro Clubs
I purchased the ultimate edition of the game and fifa 20 Pro clubs will not load... Stays on grey screen.. ANYONE ASSIST PLEASE
5:00 pm, November 21, 2019 Technical Issues

footiefanconno replied to Squad battle bug 0 points after win
I’m playing fifa 20 squad battles and won 4 games now on world class but have missed out on getting my points at the end of it.... please fixaccount name is Drifters_Lufu and it’s on PlayStation 4..
12:30 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

flakey9 replied to Personal save issues
Hello, I’ve gone to load up fifa and when I press A to enter the menus, an error message pops up saying “personal settings 1 failed to load”, can anyone help solve this problem please
2:30 pm, April 2, 2020 Technical Issues

fixxer8 replied to Unable to link gamertag
I have the same problem. Me an my brother have been playing Kick off mode on one Xbox against each other. In Fifa 19, we both had linked our gamertags to klickoff names and everything worked. Even res..
9:00 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

fisheyes1251 replied to Fifa 20 alt tab
@EA_Darko I have been having this problem for weeks and its ruining the weekend league for me. Fifa 20 and origin are the only thing running. Please help me.Graeme
10:00 pm, November 30, 2019 Technical Issues

finnkeeffe replied to Fifa 20 Ultimate pack issues
Just opened a 125k from winning 300 rivals games and got a highest rated again of 82, surely this is an actual issue with my account. 300 games and I don’t get a player higher than an 82- the amount..
4:00 pm, January 14, 2020 Technical Issues

finnjkeeffe replied to Ultimate pack probabilities
Even if you tell me to go away, please can you just reply
3:00 pm, January 10, 2020 Technical Issues

finleyziemba replied to Can't buy players on Fifa 20 Ultimate Team market
I am having the same problemCould I have some help please?
3:30 pm, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

ferdzzzzz replied to FIFA 20 Verification
Hi,I've done this twice; I get an automated email and the case is closed - please see attachments. This problem is happening to so many people, and there does not seem to be a fix for it.EA have ..
4:00 pm, April 8, 2020 Technical Issues

fallenzerox replied to packs won't open
@EA_Cade I am also experiencing this issue, please can you also assist to solve this issue for me too.
4:30 am, June 19, 2020 Technical Issues

evans1103 replied to Slow gameplay
@Guteekk93 Hi, I suffer exactly the same. Was working fine up until Sunday. Ping per game is 20Ms and latency is 22. When I play the game now it’s the worst delay, players feel like they are in sand..
8:30 am, April 8, 2020 Technical Issues

equino275 replied to Unresponsive Gameplay - FIFA 20
This game is garbage.use to quit also when i am 2-1 or draw .. i have to see the,ronaldo,stoichkov near 100 speed don't an opponent made a mistake with the keeper my vieri di..
8:00 pm, January 11, 2020 Technical Issues

emaco23 replied to Not able to connect EA servers through FIFA20
I have the same problem but kind of in a different way when i try to go online it says "gameplay recording stopped because of a blocking scene" and then i van't click "x" so i have to close the game E..
1:00 am, January 20, 2020 Technical Issues

elmo16 replied to FIFA Disconnecting 1/31/2020
Last weekend I played and around 6 times it came up saying there was a connection problem, 3 of them I was winning comfortably, and would have won, 3 I was losing, the losing one’s I got defeats the..
7:00 pm, January 31, 2020 Technical Issues

elmo16 replied to FIFA Connectivity 1/31/2020
Last weekend I played and around 6 times it came up saying there was a connection problem, 3 of them I was winning comfortably, and would have won, 3 I was losing, the losing one’s I got defeats the..
8:30 pm, January 31, 2020 Technical Issues

elden11ting replied to Soccer Aid team needs a 2nd kit
Hi. I also agree. I wanted to play with my friends using soccer aid vs soccer aid but it’s the same kit. EA, can you please just add a random kit please? Thanks
8:00 am, June 11, 2020 Technical Issues

elPistola replied to FIFA 20 Commentary Languages
Can we please know why this basic function of having all languages available as DLC is not available by default? We live in a globalised world and play the global game. This feature should have been r..
7:00 am, January 1, 2020 Technical Issues

el1ass replied to Help with my account issue,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
hi there ! im trying the whole day to solve a problem but i cannot find a way ! since the latest update on FIFA 20 i get the Login verification screen and tells me to sent my a code. The email is wron..
10:30 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

ejaws7 replied to FUT chip shot error
I have also had this issue. Scored three chip goals (PS4) with 80 James. Two of the three chips, the ball definitely cleared the line. All three chips the ball went over the goalkeeper. ..
4:00 pm, February 6, 2020 Technical Issues

efcTOPPO1994 replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread on
Product: FIFA 20Platform:Microsoft XBOX OneWhat is your gamertag/PSN ID? Which mode has this happened in? Career ModeWhich part of the mode? Career mode - managerHow often does the bug occur? Every ti..
1:55 am, November 11, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

efcTOPPO1994 replied to Career Mode Issues Megathread
Product: FIFA 20Platform:Microsoft XBOX OneWhat is your gamertag/PSN ID? Which mode has this happened in? Career ModeWhich part of the mode? Career mode - managerHow often does the bug occur? Every ti..
2:13 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

eRJuaki replied to Please help?! Cant Trade in FIFA
What?? Are you telling me that i’ve been blocked by a bot? The same happened to me i cant trade right now on Ultimate and i bought the game just days ago!! I’ve been trading a lot yes, and? So wha..
9:00 pm, March 6, 2020 Technical Issues

eDo85rm replied to Origin client update 10.5.68 has broken fifa pc , old client works fine
I also have the same problem after updating origin. The nice thing that no one answers and this makes me very angry. Please some answers from the moderators. Fed up with all these problems ..
4:30 pm, April 21, 2020 Technical Issues

dylswills replied to I have been robbed of a fut champs win
I was going into my final fit champs game needing 1 more win to get elite 3 and I score a low driven cross and the ai scored and I instantly froze and the game restarted so could I please either get m..
4:30 pm, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

@EA_Aljo Why do you keep saying the same things to me please read my post properly. I've gone through ALL TROUBLE SHOOTS. I want to speak to a manager on here
5:30 pm, June 24, 2020 Technical Issues

duttyfingerz replied to FUT CHAMPS
@EA_Cade Could you help me please regarding my issue duttyfingerz
3:00 pm, December 14, 2019 Technical Issues

ducool2001 replied to Connection issues to EA
@EA_Lanna I have the same problem. It is not a general connection problem. I first started a chat with EA support, your colleague gave me the article with DNS and, I tried, but this is..
4:00 am, February 21, 2020 Technical Issues

dschilling22 replied to Division Rivals is broken for me :(
I’m having the same issues. This game is driving me nuts! I have been in D1 or D2 the past 3 years and now I cannot get out of D5 to save my life. Just lost to a guy in rivals 3-1 and I had 19 shots..
2:30 am, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

droPssssss replied to Lagging all of a sudden... Please help me..
I use wireless connection, I have an Lenovo Gaming 15.6 with Intel i7, nVidia GeForce 980, 16 gb RAM, everything went smooth until 2 months ago...
9:30 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

drayman_pr replied to "You are not actively playing the game" error message-Please Help
@PlainApple8 Did you find a fix for this?
4:30 pm, February 15, 2020 Technical Issues

djcrumpy replied to Error: we are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate
@Zouppa Me too. Mine wont get past the "*** is connecting to the EA Servers..." stage. Was fine up until 8hrs ago. Connection to my internet is fine. So frustrating! EA please answer!
3:30 am, April 11, 2020 Technical Issues

dfranky1758 replied to FIFA 20 verification wrong email
I just bought FIFA20 but I haven’t Ben able to sign in with my ea account, and the verification email is something @, an email that I don’t recognize, please help me
9:00 pm, December 24, 2019 Technical Issues

deymarmusic14 replied to Not finding any match in pro clubs 20
@deymarmusic14 Please fix this it’s the only reason I bought FIFA
2:30 am, November 30, 2019 Technical Issues

deleytje2 replied to Transfer Market locked on Web App and Companion App, played FIFA 19, and FIFA 20
Halo ea why wont you react to this i play the game fore 50 games now i work a lot sow i cant be on the consel please gif me my acses to the transfermarked on the web app
9:00 pm, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

decg04 replied to Can't contact ea support
hi, I was in a game with a Good draft. Suddenly the game crashed and I lost my match early. The lost draft token says I'm not eligible for having a token. I fee..
10:30 pm, April 13, 2020 Technical Issues

deafssfifa replied to What size of a game mointer for Fifa 2020? Which model is right? How much hz?
@EA_Barry Hello, Do you have an experience about a right mointor for Fifa 2020? I have many mointors and TV on PS4 and PC. I already read different reviews. Please answer my question I asked you. Plea..
6:30 pm, December 14, 2019 Technical Issues

deadlox133reece replied to Weekend league glitch/disconnect
@Luca114937 Same here I could have had 11 wins but I’m stuck with 9 because the EA servers freeze when I was winning 2-0 and 4-0 in my last games, this could have cost me lots in my picks for a good..
8:30 pm, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

davidenko replied to It won’t let me into my Fifa 20 UT
Please assist ASAP. Network is working fine.
1:30 pm, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues

darko_batman replied to Can't play online with friends (FIFA 2020 PC)
First of all thank you for your fast reply. I am not sure that NAT could be the problem here, because I can play with that friend CO-OP season, both of us can play 1 vs 1 online game with others ..
11:00 am, April 8, 2020 Technical Issues

Hi @EA_Cade , I've tried your suggestion below, but unfortunately it doesn't work.. please help me to fix this issue
3:00 pm, April 2, 2020 Technical Issues

danspencer1 replied to Account hacked. Please help
Did you manage to get your player back?My club got hacked and they sold all of my trade-able players pretty much above 77 rating, they also sold over 200 contracts and squad fitnesses, rendering the g..
10:00 am, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

dandakis2004 replied to Losing connection
pls EA Sports delete this game. It is so bad. Please delete it.
8:30 pm, March 20, 2020 Technical Issues

d3b4s1s replied to Constant Disconnects
Exactly the same issue here. Right now, I lost a FUT champions match coz of that. I won the match 2-0, it showed error 'EA servers are unable to process your request at the current moment. Please..
1:30 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

curly4000 replied to Hacked
My ea account was recently hacked, the hacker sold all my players resulting in a transfer market ban I contacted EA submitting a case but no one has gotten back to me! I love this game but how a..
4:00 pm, April 20, 2020 Technical Issues

crumblingmoon6 replied to Fifa 20 stuck on Loading Screen
@Eranet66eid wrote:When I start up my game (fifa 20) it stays stuck at the loading screen with the autosave icon and i cant go further, i already tried reinstalling and formatting the ps4 and the..
8:00 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

cristianojuli replied to Losing connection to EA server mid game and receiving a DNF
Same for me, Iwon my draft semi-final match, the loading took much longer than usual, I then received a message saying to me "EA servers cannot process my request. Please try again later." After this ..
8:30 pm, January 7, 2020 Technical Issues