
niani4ever replied to Missing player
Hi , thank you for your answer. Transfer window was opened when I purchased the player but not any more. I have checked in the subs as I know that new players are placed there but again nothing ...
5:30 pm, April 3, 2020 Technical Issues

neeks_77 replied to Problems
The ea servers are nearly as bad as the 2k ones were a few years ago, but as always, there will be no acknowledgement that the servers are the fault, it will forever be the players fault despite it be..
10:30 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

nassahp replied to Disconnecting from squad battles
Hi,Whenever I play Squad Battles I keep getting disconnected from ultimate team near the end of the game. I can reconnect straight away but when I do, I've lost the game, can't replay it, my players h..
5:30 pm, February 6, 2020 Technical Issues

narka0825 replied to My FUT acc was hacked
Hi EA Cade, Thanks for reverting back. I can guess it will take some time before they review my case. I chatted with someone from your support team this evening about the matter and gav..
8:30 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

mway replied to ⚽<<< The Official Squad "SHOW OFF" Thread >>>⚽ on October 18, 2019 6:40PM
P1tch_1nvaderz88 wrote: » From what I've seen he's a lot better at ccam, thta sort of role. Behind a big man, someone like cavani maybe? I've tried Cavani but I prefer agile players. In those form..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Why isn't there a bus tifo??? on November 7, 2019 2:31PM
I agree. Already there is a mummy that represents how our players move when there is delay.
3:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Why are there delays on fifa 20 but not on fifa 17? on November 7, 2019 5:22PM
bainaar wrote: » As far as I'm concerned that's the only logical explanation why a 5 bar latency game against a bang average opponent with a cheap squad proves to be more difficult than a good oppon..
5:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Unbelievable on November 9, 2019 2:37PM
Forca-Barca wrote: » Seriously should I sell grizzy for Lucas? I play with the players I like IRL. If you like Griezmann play with him. if you prefer Lucas play with him. In the end, both will hav..
3:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Unbelievable on November 9, 2019 2:24PM
The EA Fairy turns them into toads. The game balance is destroyed. I could post you a match in rivals where I´ve scored 5 with Giroud while his top players were missing chance after chance. Except fo..
2:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to SORT OUT THIS STUPID GAMEPLAY on November 8, 2019 7:39PM
Surely you were touch by the EA fairy that one that converts your players in stupid mummies. Look, I´ve just played a game against a guy I beat him 5-0 last WL. He won 6-0 now. My players were just n..
8:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 27, 2019 10:30PM
Onculcan wrote: » I am from Turkey. Draft, online friendlies and squad battles are fine, no noticable delay at all, but in rivals its totally unplayable. I cant understand how can a game differ so m..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to I've Lost All Belief In Myself on November 7, 2019 2:10PM
It´s because the result depends more on the game's decisions than yours and the gameplay is more and more random. So, having better players means nothing since you can´t get the best of them. That´..
2:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Have defenders and keepers been broken? on November 9, 2019 2:05AM
It´s the game mate. It has no logic. If I´d face a developer of this game and show him the videos I have recorded he will have no way to explain to me what´s going on. I don´t know if people recor..
2:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Fix the bloody heading on November 6, 2019 3:30PM
RayS wrote: » Even passing headers are unrealistically difficult to pull off. Most of the time players fail or they fall. If, thanks to a miracle, they reach the ball, it goes anywhere but where y..
3:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to First good SBC pack pull since start of the game... on November 6, 2019 9:17PM
Gnomenclature wrote: » Wtf are ea doing? Surely this is affecting their fp sales? Since prices are low, there is no way that with the cards you get from packs you can make enough coins to buy the ..
9:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Balotelli a beast???? on November 8, 2019 7:36PM
Any card could be brilliant if the CPU takes away the defenders from his way. I will upload my 5 goals scored with Giroud when the CPU just moved the players and the other poor guy can´t do anything...
8:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mundopaz69 replied to Why have EA murdered League SBCs? on November 7, 2019 4:12PM
[/quote] How is it relevant? You said "Nobody in their right mind would buy Fifa points solely to pull the top 1% of players." People are spending record amounts on fifa points.[/quote] ..
4:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mundopaz69 replied to FIFA 20 most boring game of all ? on November 6, 2019 10:06AM
Honestly I think it was broken on day 1 too, but right now its shattered. See I can get used to all kinds of mechanics in the game be it passing, shooting dribbling whatever. What kills this year is w..
10:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

munchie63 replied to Why is Squad Battles so mindnumbingly boring? on November 7, 2019 12:28AM
use it as a way to try different players, formations, or generally score 'different' goals - overheads etc work on corners and heading its a bore, but the rewards are there now so worth a go
12:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mrnobody041 replied to Permanent Transfer market ban FIFA 20
@vik22aik Had the similar issue last Friday and requested for TOS review. No response yet, more than 72 hrs as they stated on their page. Really frustrating for that. I did nothing but bid some player..
12:00 am, November 27, 2019 Technical Issues

mr_flibble replied to Packed players: what’s the chance of this happening? on November 9, 2019 8:57PM
Ridiculously low!
9:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mpeters305 replied to Red player picks glitch
Same thing happened to me. Finished Gold 3. Both my Fut player picks were gold players. I've attached a screenshot showing FUT Player picks as gold players. ..
9:00 am, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

mouhaned_manager replied to switching players while defending
just go to vigin and right click repaier on the game et it is all. View in thread
8:00 am, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

mosmartin replied to Did you guys decided which icons you are going to take ? on November 7, 2019 7:11AM
Will risk it and go for the baby icon pack. None of the players there will be a mainstay into my team.
7:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mosadjosa15 replied to Hacked and all my stuff has gone
They bring back you your players?
4:00 pm, April 20, 2020 Technical Issues

mohamedsalim_157 replied to I lose my players
I had tolisso-ter-stegen-sissoko-lengletAnd I lost them
5:30 pm, March 11, 2020 Technical Issues

mohamedsalim157 replied to I lose my players
I had tolisso-ter-stegen-sissoko-lengletAnd I lost them
6:30 pm, March 11, 2020 Technical Issues

moduchezeau replied to Button delay
Same this weekend, today (Sunday in particular). Honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen it so bad. Sluggish, AI controller players running in weird directions, no player switching. PS4 too. And it sa..
6:00 pm, April 26, 2020 Technical Issues

mikezone13 replied to I got gold cards instead of red picks in fut champs rewards
Same here, gold cards weren't even players from ToTW who should've been rd FUT Champions cards
9:30 am, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

michoarse replied to FUT Rivals
Unfortunately mate, EA is a joke with how they have designed this game, encouraging good players to drop divisions to achieve objectives. I feel for you, its taken me until this week to grind to div 4..
5:30 pm, December 17, 2019 Technical Issues

mhh1981 replied to Top 5 meta players in Fifa 20? on November 5, 2019 10:39PM
Sissoko Rashford Lucas Ferland mendy Ben yedder
11:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mhh1981 replied to People arent bored playing with/against the same guys all the time? on November 4, 2019 10:41PM
SYMMO19 wrote: » mhh1981 wrote: » This seems a little hard to believe. So you are saying in 2 out of 3 games is a EPL:french hybrid? Definitely an exaggeration but probably not by much ..too ma..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mhh1981 replied to Packed players: what’s the chance of this happening? on November 9, 2019 8:44PM
That’s a lot of profit. Who cares!
9:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mfmaxpower replied to So LW/RW players are not midfielders on November 10, 2019 4:07PM
LW/RWs have always been considered forwards...
4:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mellis23 replied to Sort out your game
My point being that ball overload is supposed to reduce stamina fast yet even though it has started to go down slightly quicker they can still out run fast paced players so it pointless reducing stami..
11:30 pm, March 8, 2020 Technical Issues

mellis23 replied to Fifa 20 Montreal : Latencies, Slow gameplay, Delay, bad reactivity
Everyone is suffering from lag , its lag compensation that is built into the game I put a post on the forum previously and even had a player openly admitting to using 85% of his bandwidth forcin..
11:30 pm, February 18, 2020 Technical Issues

mellis23 replied to Captcha Error Not allowing me to play Online FUT Draft
Having the exact same issue all I did was sell a couple of players from my draft packs why am I even getting this message literally I listed 2/3 players now I'm stuck and cant even play sort your game..
2:30 am, February 12, 2020 Technical Issues

megag1ga replied to FUT Transfer Market Processing Problem
@lammelvynSame here. I won 2 cards and there is processing since 20 minutes. I can't get my coins back and can't send those players to the club. But I'm on PC.
9:30 pm, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

mattbounty replied to Stuck on Hazard loading screen
I'm also stuck on the Hazard loading page and can't get past it with my controller, I can get past it with the ps4 remote play and I press x on there. When I do that, the game seems to think I'm ..
9:30 pm, December 24, 2019 Technical Issues

marino973 replied to Slow slower slowesr
I play on a wired ps4 with tested internet connection of 250mbps, routed IP, DMZ is on, and it is so laggy.. My players feel drunk, the need second touches, Bal control is terrible. And losing 14 out ..
3:30 am, February 7, 2020 Technical Issues

marino973 replied to Slow Gameplay and Sluggish Response (PS4)
The problem are not the specific EA servers.When you try the UOTr they test the ping to these servers, and it's basically fine. The problems are due 2 different stuffs: - First of all the tr..
1:00 pm, March 10, 2020 Technical Issues

marino973 replied to Poor gameplay
I had the same issue last night. First couple of games where great. Nice speed, no lag and then tmit started losing 4 games in a row with 5 goals different. Players that can't ev..
4:30 am, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

marino973 replied to I'm done with this game
EA will not give you any answers. They know about the delay because they want to compensate the lag between 2 players.
1:30 pm, March 13, 2020 Technical Issues

marino973 replied to FIFA delay / input lag
The only solution is that EA improves their servers and quits adding lag to players with a good connection to speed up with a player that is on the other side of the world.
2:00 pm, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

marcursT replied to Didn’t get wins for conmebol objective
I used the team below and won a game but the win did not register. Are the players used not suitable for this objective? ..
7:30 am, April 28, 2020 Technical Issues

mannyjr1990 replied to Stamina
@EA_Cade It’s a player career so I dnt have a lot of tactical freedom, but I never put it on attacking. My dude has 80 stamina but as soon as he touches the ball the stamina drops and drops rap..
6:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

majorkori replied to Every friday same problem
This is annoying, getting disconnected from the EA servers 4 times while playing FUT Champs is not cool EA. This is really poor performance from your brand. You need to figure out how to reimburse pla..
8:30 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

madwullie replied to Where are the whistleblowers? on November 9, 2019 11:15AM
Brydobhoy88 wrote: » madwullie wrote: » SomeNextGuy wrote: » Scripting and handicap? The game has bloody one sided delay a lot of the time that makes it near impossible for one player to win. ..
11:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Where are the whistleblowers? on November 9, 2019 10:56AM
SomeNextGuy wrote: » Scripting and handicap? The game has bloody one sided delay a lot of the time that makes it near impossible for one player to win. This isn't a code, this is down to **** poor ..
11:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to What happened to the Silver market? on November 4, 2019 5:45PM
BeastlyHusla wrote: » madwullie wrote: » @cortza got banned for this as well. I got my access back today. @Bakudu76 do you know if any of the German players got their accounts back? Did you jus..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion