
xxjuiceywrldxx replied to Why my objectives
I have multiple issues with my objectives and every time I ask for assistance I am never helped. I'm not buying Fifa anymore and I encourage everyone to do the same. whats the point in playing a game ..
8:00 am, April 28, 2020 Technical Issues

waseemabdul7 replied to Over 2,000 Games Completed - WebApp Market STILL LOCKED
Ive played over 50 matches in fut and the market is still locked. If the same thing is going to happen to me that is happening to you, fifa 21 will be released and still the transfer market will be lo..
8:30 am, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

truegunn3r replied to Where have you finished Season 1? on November 8, 2019 2:48PM
The Champion - I completed every objective that was thrown at me (ex daily)130k XP
3:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

truegunn3r replied to No XP carry over? on November 9, 2019 12:17AM
so every month we are going to get a dead week when we don’t need to complete any objectives as we’ve already completed the season.
12:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

torofelice2 replied to POTM NEYMAR SBC
I haven't even opened the packs as I knew that would have been a problem, you can take the packs back if you want but it wasn't my fault, I had completed the SBC before its expiry so I don't get why I..
9:30 am, March 20, 2020 Technical Issues

tn1c0 replied to Pro League sbc player
I've had the same issue. Completed the SBC after 6.45pm, and Vormer was not in the player pick options. How can I get this player pick back with the correct players? ..
7:30 pm, June 10, 2020 Technical Issues

supafunkyone replied to SBC banned for 15 hours and counting
Its working again now mysteriously. It had an error message saying something along the lines of 'there was an error connecting to the ea servers. please try again'. Following this it would boot me off..
11:00 am, June 5, 2020 Technical Issues

steverich1988 replied to THE AMAZING DISAPPEARING XP.... on September 30, 2019 10:15AM
@EA_Andy Ps4 Steverich1988 9pm Silver week 1 challenges cross and head Went up to level 12 then crashed and reopened console and dropped back to level 11 and unlocks have rocked Also the challenge is ..
9:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

starfox1284 replied to Why have EA murdered League SBCs? on November 7, 2019 5:22PM
I just completed the League 1 SBC and I think the best card I packed was 84 Depay.....the packs were incredibly sad. I had much better luck with the Bundesliga SBC though.
5:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

skinnyreptile replied to Game disconnect issue afer completed squad battle
@EA_Aljo After the game, I continue to play 3 more games with no disconnect issue. My issue is always happen once I finish the game. The sad thing is this team is 6x rated with 2x chemistry and I was ..
4:30 pm, March 23, 2020 Technical Issues

seabo replied to GOMEZ SBC - Completed ! on November 9, 2019 3:50AM
Damn they sucked me into this one, haven't completed a player SBC all year until Vardy who I'm just gonna use for fodder for Gomez now lol, just want him too badly.
4:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

saeedaalmufr replied to Missing POTM SBC's
Me too, I Completed 2 of the 3 sbcs for silva and it’s been removed ......
6:00 pm, January 15, 2020 Technical Issues

saba7oo01 replied to Bakayoko Objective not counting
I'm having the same issue. I got stuck at 4/7. I've further completed more than 6 games with the requirements and I'm STILL at 4/7 when I should have the objective complete. Not sure what to do? Tried..
7:00 am, April 9, 2020 Technical Issues

pudgyfudgy replied to Am I the only one that couldn't give a flying ... about icon swaps, league SBCs and storyline player on November 6, 2019 7:16AM
The icon swaps are more difficult and tedious for sure. But everything else can pretty much be obtained just by playing normally. For Zaha/Tolisso/Vazquez, you only need to earn 100k XP out of the 15..
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

o0OainavO0o replied to GOMEZ SBC - Completed ! on November 8, 2019 7:49PM
L1vingl1fe wrote: » MHoney1234 wrote: » Over priced AF Not if they make it far... Lol, but if they don’t, oh my what a toe punch to the ⚽️ ⚽️‘S that would be for those that do this..
8:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

nix5699 replied to Game disconnect issue afer completed squad battle
@EA_Aljo It doesn’t help. This is the same thing you guys told me to do 3 weeks ago. And guess what? It’s still happening to me. Just happened right now after another game I won. And nothing is be..
6:00 pm, March 23, 2020 Technical Issues

nataniel2010 replied to Disconnected twice after scoring
I had a simelar problem today. Was playing Rivals, trying to complete task '' Scoring on a cross from german player'' In to games a road, i get disconected after scoring goal from a cross by german pl..
10:30 pm, April 2, 2020 Technical Issues

mteles0112 replied to Can’t connect Ea server
The connectivity issues with this game as well as the gameplay quality are out of control. Multiple times a day I am having disconnections after weekend league wins, squad battles wins with completed ..
2:00 am, March 30, 2020 Technical Issues

lharrison2 replied to Objecyive not completed
Im having an issue with the Dan James chip shot. Have successfully scored 3 chip shots on professional squad battles now and none have registered.
4:00 pm, February 27, 2020 Technical Issues

kensutz6 replied to FUT Birthday completionist 2 objective reward not received
I too have the same problem and have completed I to V inclusive
7:30 am, April 6, 2020 Technical Issues

kachhu11 replied to Ultimate totsaf
As soon as I completed the sbc... The account disconnected and woof the pack was gone!!!
6:30 pm, June 13, 2020 Technical Issues

juliuscaesar8 replied to 2nd best CB in bpl? on November 10, 2019 12:18PM
I really liked Laporte- haven’t tried RTTF Gomez yet but completed him
12:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

juggsy71 replied to Missing POTM SBC's
I completed the SBC for Alexander-Arnold and as I submitted the sbc it said there was an Error communicating with the servers and kicked me out. on returning, the sbc isn’t visible anywhere (it..
4:30 pm, January 15, 2020 Technical Issues

jpsblue replied to GOMEZ SBC - Completed ! on November 9, 2019 3:44AM
Keep slaying Gomez. There’s a reason why his NIF was so OP because he has the big, VVD like body model. He’s a beast and will be amazing in a month when he’s an 85
4:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

jonwayson replied to Game disconnect issue afer completed squad battle
No that process does not help
7:30 pm, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

jmoneyhu replied to THE AMAZING DISAPPEARING XP.... on October 1, 2019 1:19AM
@EA_Andy 1. PS4 2. Jmoneyhu 3. Around 10:30 PM PST on 9/29/19 4. The objective that I earned (and shows completed) is under "Week 1 - Silver" and the objective is "Score in Five" ..
9:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

dxghd replied to Future star Daniel James isn’t working
Platform: PCWhich mode has this happened in? FIFA Ultimate TeamWhich part of the mode? ObjectivesCan you tell us the date (MM/DD/YYYY) that you saw the bug? 02/06/2020What time di..
9:30 pm, February 8, 2020 Technical Issues

deadmau5lord replied to Objectives cannot be completed
None of my objectives seem to be working this past 3/4 days
6:30 pm, February 16, 2020 Technical Issues

davemori replied to Completed Politano Objective on old club. Started new club and can't access
Got the same issue with missing icons. Slightly different circumstance. But it’s not clear in any disclaimer that your season progress does not reset
6:30 pm, November 27, 2019 Technical Issues

dante2564 replied to FIFA 09 player
Hi, I completed several challenges and opened the packs at once but none of the had the FIFA 09 player
8:00 pm, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

cpsjat replied to SBC crash
Hi Guy. I'm having a similar issue after I completed FutBirthday party bag SBC the pack didn't appear in the store. It isn't anywhere. I spent a 86 raiting squad and an IF also. Do you have ..
1:30 am, April 11, 2020 Technical Issues

chralle2406 replied to Banned For Club Name On FUT
@SimpzzyDo you have an update to this?Because I'm in the same situation, having already completed the name change objective.
12:00 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

bjsyateley replied to Fut 20 season progress
@ArsenalSkagen Same here I completed 3 of the week one golf objectives and got 3,300 xp from one game and then I was disconnected from the servers and didn’t receive any xp or move up to level 14
2:30 am, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

ausbantam replied to No Rivals coins/points awarded for completed match and missing packs
UPDATE: After 90 minutes of sitting on chat, while the 'specialist team' looked at my issues, they could offer nothing more than sit and wait and hope it sorts itself out. While I can't fault the..
11:00 am, November 23, 2019 Technical Issues

abhreebhu_45 replied to Well that was a waste of a grind on November 7, 2019 6:10PM
nsholmberg11 wrote: » Same. It was a lot of grinding to get close, think I ended up 12k short of Zaha myself. Anybody else not going to pay attention to the objectives for season 2? I just can’t ..
6:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

abdohammam replied to Weekend league wins counted as loss
What are the factors that let wins counted as losses?The match is completed , some loading before showing me the results then I'm back to the FUT menu and find myself lose the match !Please note that ..
11:00 am, March 4, 2020 Technical Issues

Zlatan1101 replied to Not able to load in to FIFA 20
@ItsZer0Van Try to uninstall the game first, install again and apply the updates after the disc installation has completed.
7:00 am, April 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Zlatan1101 replied to FIFA 20 freezes during offline matches every single time a goal is scored (XBOX)
Did you try to re-install the game?when installing the game stay offline, when the install is completed download the patches and all other adds.
3:30 pm, November 16, 2019 Technical Issues

Zambo9 replied to Why have EA murdered League SBCs? on November 7, 2019 5:27PM
Zambo9 wrote: » Gromit wrote: » Because they price fixed leagues for months which is nonsensical unless you're a profiteer. The only people moaning for their return were traders. They've brought..
5:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Zambo9 replied to What pack have you had most muck with? on November 9, 2019 5:43PM
I haven’t packed nothing worth more than 10k since the first week.. and consider that I’ve completed every sbc available since then plus the wl and rivals packs. So I guess the most profitable pac..
6:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Zacnweinberg replied to Missing POTM SBC's
@Nickyninjaa Same problem! Two challenges completed grinding games out to earn enough to complete the third then bang all down the drain !I expect compensation
4:30 pm, January 15, 2020 Technical Issues

YaMiToO replied to Ultimate totsaf
I got the same problem, when submitted, a communication error appeared. No pack has been received, players remain on my club, but the challenge doesn't appear anymore (neither as completed)
6:30 pm, June 13, 2020 Technical Issues

WillSmith7644 replied to Over 2,000 Games Completed - WebApp Market STILL LOCKED
@EA_Cade Mind helping out?
2:30 am, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

WalnutSlinky44 replied to Objectives cannot be completed
I also just assisted on a goal in a Rivals with the 77 Zaniolo, and then in a squad battle (diff World Class) and the progress says 0/2. Not sure exactly what I’m doing wrong
4:00 am, February 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Vince_30 replied to Week 6 - Gold Pass to win on November 6, 2019 2:36AM
Completed. The title is misleading. I just squared it with L1 and X and then you just shoot with the 2nd player. There's no 1,2. It's just pass and score!
3:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

VicGabVic replied to Pro League sbc player
Had the same issue here. The player was showing in the rewards, that's why I sent completed it. I didn't pick the player yet, but I can't open new packs meanwhile. ..
7:30 pm, June 10, 2020 Technical Issues

V l u m s d e n replied to Mbabu on November 9, 2019 9:14PM
I have him completed all objectives needed, brilliant card. Highly recommend you get him done.
9:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

TorofelicE2 replied to POTM NEYMAR SBC
I haven't even opened the packs as I knew that would have been a problem, you can take the packs back if you want but it wasn't my fault, I had completed the SBC before its expiry so I don't get why I..
7:30 pm, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

The_Faries_76 replied to Best way to win at squad battles? on November 6, 2019 12:45PM
mundopaz69 wrote: » SB mode is definitely the worse mode in this years game and shows the horrible state the game is in this year. Boring as hell to play. The rewards are definitely not worth the gr..
1:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

TheTataGuy replied to Get vardy now before they remove him! on November 8, 2019 12:09PM
I just completed it
12:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion