
yindongjian824 replied to I have played more than 80 FUT games in FIFA20 Xbox. And I haven't got the trans
Sorry for the title missing. I have played more than 80 FUT games in FIFA20 Xbox. And I haven't got the transfer market access in the web app and mobile app
9:00 pm, December 9, 2019 Technical Issues

yindongjian replied to I have played more than 80 FUT games in FIFA20 Xbox. And I haven't got the trans
Sorry for the title missing. I have played more than 80 FUT games in FIFA20 Xbox. And I haven't got the transfer market access in the web app and mobile app
10:00 pm, December 9, 2019 Technical Issues

xxc4m07xx replied to Fifa 20 ultimate team connection issues
I am also having the same issue with my ultimate team. All other online services work. And I can even access the app on my phone. But whenever I start the game it says ‘ We are sorry but there has b..
5:30 am, January 22, 2020 Technical Issues

xinj replied to AI covering and tracking back! on November 4, 2019 11:46AM
RA22Y wrote: » Stupid idea. What is the point in people working their way up to better defenders with high defensive positioning stats if you're then going to make them all iduots who just stand the..
2:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

willgutie replied to This account is invalid
EA won’t resolve your issue. Not only are they slow but don’t even offer a phone number to call. I’ve had the same issue for two weeks with back and forth cases submitted with no resolution. Nev..
7:00 pm, April 26, 2020 Technical Issues

willgutie replied to It says my account is invalid
EA won’t resolve your issue. Not only are they slow but don’t even offer a phone number to call. I’ve had the same issue for two weeks with back and forth cases submitted with no resolution. Nev..
2:30 pm, April 27, 2020 Technical Issues

waseemabdul7 replied to Can't launch fifa20 (PC)
Can anybody help? I missed out on WL because I haven't been able to launch fifa for more than 24 hours. Or any other game in Origin. I'm subscribed to Origin access premier and unable to play an..
8:30 am, April 12, 2020 Technical Issues

vfgggfvvgvgggg13 replied to Fifa 20 pro club matchmaking, NO opponent found issue
I logged on to ea access and I tried to start an online game and it’s saying no opponents found yet it’s not even trying to search for opponents it was so frustrating as I wasted a good 2 hours of..
2:30 pm, November 12, 2019 Technical Issues

tworaf replied to Fifa 20 server and netcode analysis (Now pros are messing with their connection to get an advantage) on November 3, 2019 3:13PM
Whitebeard wrote: » I don't buy it. Sorry. When FIFA 17 started, the 1st few weeks were amazing. It was smooth, responsive. And ever since more people qualified, the experience was getting worse. ..
2:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

tonym1967 replied to Still no access to transfer market after 1100 games
@EA_Aljo I've played all fut modes and about 90-95% of my games are played to completion but it doesnt work absolute joke of a company
7:00 pm, February 24, 2020 Technical Issues

tomymesa8 replied to Cannot access to my email account
Hi EA I have a problem and is that I have an account of 2016 in EA and it is [edit: email address removed] and I try to get in and don’t let me and when I put change the password it tells ..
12:30 pm, January 18, 2020 Technical Issues

tom55685837 replied to Can't access transfer market in Companion App
Won’t let me access the transfer market on companion and Web app
10:30 am, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

sweatysockbob replied to Unable to play FIFA 20 online
@EA_Cade they are never available in FAQs dont help...surely you could have someone contact not be able to access playing onlin due to an issue at your end is false advertisin..
4:00 am, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

suicidalthought replied to error connecting to fifa 20 over a month now???
Hi @EA_Cade I'm having the same issue. It starting on 29/01, I was kicked out of draft when the servers went down and I have not been able to connect to FUT game mode since. After comp..
7:00 pm, February 2, 2020 Technical Issues

sprocket1066 replied to Block online game access
That sounds exactly the solution. Now the only issue is the account he has currently (mine) has all his saved game progress on.I have no issue converting my account to his, but I only see how to add a..
10:30 am, January 31, 2020 Technical Issues

sniperosh1 replied to Can't access transfer market in Companion App
I'm having the Same problem! I think I played more than 150 games and still the market is locked on the app!
10:30 am, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

sncfvd replied to Wrongfully banned
when I go to the link and press origin it only gives me the option to select Mac and pc but I play on ps. When I search origin there’s 3 options. There’s origin mobile, origin access and origin I ..
9:30 pm, February 3, 2020 Technical Issues

skyblueman81 replied to VOLTA needs both EA Account & PSN Plus !?
Me too, I bought this for my kids knowing that FUT is not available for an account under 13 having had previous FIFA's. They played and enjoyed the single player Journey mode in previous games, ..
2:30 am, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

shilacci replied to Cannot enter Fifa 20 web app
I already bought FIFA 20, the ultimate version. Why don't I have access to the web app? I've also created the team in the ultimate team in fifa 20. ..
11:30 pm, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

shaheen756 replied to Constantly disconnecting since the game launched!
@EA_Cade I am not. I am on Spectrum ISP in Massachusetts. I am on community internet that Spectrum provides to residential buildings so I do not have access to the router. However, FIFA 19 works ..
5:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

shadwbomber replied to FIFA 20 crashes on PC every 10 mins
This is the crash dump file. Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.19528.1000 AMD64Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Loading Dump File [C:\Users\rpras\Documents\FIFA ..
7:00 pm, March 22, 2020 Technical Issues

samwitwickie03 replied to Getting driver crashes when cheaters are losing
Ive been getting a notification that fifa 20.exe has been blocked from accessing the graphics hardware... is there anything i can do about it?
7:00 am, April 21, 2020 Technical Issues

sakinho360 replied to Nintendo switch fifa 20
Thank you for your answer... But at this step"Some games ask you to log in at the start, others prompt you to sign into EA servers when you try to access online modes"never ask me to log in! Sorry for..
7:30 pm, June 23, 2020 Technical Issues

rossscott replied to why cant i access the transfer market on my console
Mine is the same. Did u get this fixed?
7:00 pm, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

rossonerox21 replied to i can't access to my Email
Write "I have problem with fifa points". Then they will help you. This trash company cares only about money. Ban people for no reason so I dont think they will help you.
10:00 am, June 17, 2020 Technical Issues

rossonerox21 replied to Banned From Accessing Transfer Market Web and Companion App
They don't investigate it. You only lose your time. They send automatic messages about confirm ban to everyone.
7:30 am, June 22, 2020 Technical Issues

rhvkz replied to Accounts banned without a reason
@EA_CadeHello. The only case I opened while I had access to rhikz's account. It was the 54981978 case. Thank you.
5:30 pm, January 11, 2020 Technical Issues

rhedrick2020 replied to Fifa 20 ultimate team connection issues
@EA_Barry This issue is when I try to load my ultimate team on Xbox One, I receive the following error message "We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team...
2:30 pm, January 21, 2020 Technical Issues

ragnarok013 replied to Can I retrieve back a Fifa squad
@jellyclock I've moved your post from the Battlefield 3 forum to the FIFA forum so you have a better chance of receiving an answer. From your post the first thing you should do is change your passwor..
12:30 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

proud2bfromcle replied to Account banned after being hacked TWICE in LAST MONTH
Surprisingly good news - moments after I posted this, an EA representative called me and said that the ban had been placed on my account today bc the Transfer Market situation had been resolved and it..
1:30 am, January 22, 2020 Technical Issues

prohibitory replied to Switch email linked to account
@prohibitoryI’m accessing this profile because I choose to login with my psn on the ea website but am not able to change the password by clicking forgot password because the email address doesn’t ..
9:00 pm, April 26, 2020 Technical Issues

pipeguy727 replied to ps4 “you enter a blocked screen” Can’t connect to servers
Im having the same problem, cant access anything i have been in ea account re did my login an password nothing works. Cant navigate to anyone on ea for help this has been a on going issue for mo..
4:00 pm, July 5, 2020 Technical Issues

petrahegedus replied to Game won’t connect to EA servers
@MadRedPirahna I only have one Nintendo online account, and I am not intending to buy a second one just to be able to play.. the other users on my switch have no online access so I can’t change the ..
5:30 pm, June 23, 2020 Technical Issues

paulyd0044c replied to The ea servers ar unable to process my request fifa 20
I 100% agree that the EA support are unhelpful and do not provide any actual support for the issue. So, I can access the game, I have 300mb/s down and 160mb/s up, a wired connection and perfect ..
4:30 am, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

patachoux1 replied to Online Draft unplayable on PC
I don't play this mode because I already had this issue. I've tried it one more time yesterday because I got a free token from a pack and I don't like to play against IA. First attempt: My oppone..
11:30 am, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

pandorox12 replied to Fix your servers!
I can't even stay logged into FUT whether it's playing matches, in transfer market or even doing sbc's, just crashes and kicks me off the server, even caused me to get a dnf even though I finished the..
6:00 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

oskarkaspar replied to "This item cannot be listed for transfer because there was an error"
how can i fix this if i have no access to my console ?
7:30 am, May 6, 2020 Technical Issues

olorcain1 replied to Issue: Unable to connect to Ultimate Team in FIFA20.
First appearance of the issue was after yesterday's outage. I have not been able to connect through matchmaking in any FIFA 20 game mode. I have tried numerous modes in FUT (Long Range, Survival,..
8:30 pm, January 30, 2020 Technical Issues

oR1337xX replied to 1500 games - no web app/companion transfer market access
@oR1337xX up
3:00 pm, March 12, 2020 Technical Issues

mway replied to Legal action possible? on November 5, 2019 11:57PM
This is like politicians. If you vote a politician that you know is lying then you can´t sue the politician. Of course, you can criticize and moan about how bad he is. This is the same, you are buyin..
12:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 27, 2019 11:08PM
Onculcan wrote: » Thanks man, at least I know now that its not only me... Gameplay is very good and the new dynamics are great, there are some minor issues but this game has a huge potential, EA has..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 27, 2019 10:30PM
Onculcan wrote: » I am from Turkey. Draft, online friendlies and squad battles are fine, no noticable delay at all, but in rivals its totally unplayable. I cant understand how can a game differ so m..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

murphygsa replied to Do support tickets always get ignored???
I did all that. Twice. And both times no one responded and yes I did leave my email that I can access. But it's resolved now. I tweeted EA Help who sent me a link for a live chat and the chat agent fi..
5:30 pm, February 6, 2020 Technical Issues

mouzymkd replied to I qualified for WL last Friday, but it doesn't show that I have.
So you can still play Weekend League even though the access was redeemed when that Weekend League started? I vividly remember that the tournament was under way when I used my points for qualification ..
7:30 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

mohamedislam10 replied to Unable to access fifa20 online features
Me too i have the same problème just after i did the PS4 update
2:00 pm, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues

merdo89 replied to i can't access my origin fifa20
this ban is for ever ?? i connected so much times for one week trying to knowing what exactly happens to my account they didn't give me much informations
6:30 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

melanie_232 replied to Unable to login to fifa 20 on nintendo switch
I just found this post when looking for the answer to the same problem with my sons switch. I think the issue is the age restriction to be able to play fifa online you need to be 13 I set up a second ..
5:30 pm, December 25, 2019 Technical Issues

mcgillicuddy1234 replied to WEEKEND LEAGUE
I redeemed access and it says opens in 1 day and 16 hours although that’s the end of FUT champs and the competition is live right now
2:30 pm, June 6, 2020 Technical Issues

maxyman2017 replied to Fifa 20 pro club matchmaking, NO opponent found issue
Anyone else getting an error where they can’t find opponents in any online mode on the early ea access fifa 20? It’s really frustrating and has been going on for days now! Can anyone help me pleas..
2:30 pm, November 12, 2019 Technical Issues

maxyman2017 replied to Cant find opponents on rivals on fifa 20 ea access trial
Exact same position here! redownloaded and tried everything from wired, wireless and even hotspot on my phone! help ea!
10:00 pm, January 25, 2020 Technical Issues