Salvatori replied to How do pros get past delay? on November 9, 2019 1:18PM
Boras (one of the few pros' who is not cringeworthy and is watchable) is pretty honest in saying that he can only avoid it by playing in the middle of the night - I dont watch his stream but i saw his youtube summary of last week, and he is whispering into his Mic because its the middle of the night and he doesnt want to wake his girlfriend 
Much as it pains me to admit it as well, if you are really really good at the the game, you will be somewhat better at overcoming delay. You will learn to develop certain styles of play which are less impacted (some may say abusing mechanics i guess).

Much as it pains me to admit it as well, if you are really really good at the the game, you will be somewhat better at overcoming delay. You will learn to develop certain styles of play which are less impacted (some may say abusing mechanics i guess).
November 9, 2019 1:18PM Posted in