Renamed123456 replied to 5212 is the best formation on the game on November 10, 2019 3:37AM
Renamed123456 wrote: »Hmmm interestin. Played on a bit, and got as far as 5 wins in a row using this. What is noticeable is that it is much more stable defensively. Here are my results from 10 games before (using 4222) and then the 5 game streak:
Can see in general the games are much less high scoring. Three things stand out for me:
1) I have the WB set to "join the attack" but at times it feels they dont, or at least are very slow to do so. This adds defensive stability obviously, but also blunts the attack somewhat
2) The movement of my strikers feels really good in this formation, which is wierd because they have exact same settings, same players as i used in 4222 and in 41212 and they didnt move at all well. Makes about as much sense as the rest of fifa
3) with this formation my pass completion % takes a big spike - been 89 - 92% during that streak and at times before it was down in the low 80s, and at best 87 or so.
I am not gonna rebuild my team into this, because i know fine well it will just suddenly stop working, but nice tip that has helped my WL. Cheers @KezzaJ and the others who posted
Be careful re "5 game win streaks", i usually go on them after a formation change and think I've found he holy grail.
I think it's more of a coincidental timing. As I've noticed it a lot.
If you rise up 2 divisions with it, or you notice other specific changes, then you might just be onto a winner.
I mean i litterally said im not gonna change my team for itBut yeah formation changes can often give a form boost, the difference is being able to see why it works. For me at least, this works pretty well in slow gameplay and also against the ping pong through ball brigade, most of whom seemed to find me this weekend
Played 10 games with it now and gone 8-2 to clinch G2.
352 is my no.1 formation - come back on LM/RM creates 5 atb and once you hold possession a few mins they bomb up for the overload. i use roberto carlos from LB to CDM and he rocks
I used a lot of 352 previously but the reason i like this better is that it appears the presence of the LWB and RWB "force" the middle 3 to stay narrower, which in the current "no crossing" game situation is good news. Means less gaps between the lines for the 2 striker teams to exploit.
Also for whatever reason, wingbacks on "join the attack" seem to have much less stamina drain than LM / RM on "come back on defence".
Hm fair play.
Some games my LMRM alright. I usually only ever have to sub one. CDM. CAM.
I might stick 352, i would have stayed 3421 but it defends as 442. Not sure if 343 still defends as 541 or 532 or if it's been changed.
November 10, 2019 3:37AM Posted in