Game over man game over replied to The introduce yourself thread on November 2, 2019 10:15AM
Game over man game over wrote: »42, Preston Uk (Lake District originally) two kids and a long standing fifa addiction...
Best player packed - CR7 99 from a guaranteed TOTS pack in 19. Other than that, best pull was 87 del Piero at the start of last fifa. Paired him with flashback ibra...oh Lordy - tearing up those early months! Really helped at that point but had nothing this year or in any year prior to that (and I’ve been playing for a long time...) so pretty much have to make my own luck.
I don’t play dropback but don’t blame anyone for doing it given the clear advantage it gives...don’t necessarily think that at the time I’m playing them though...!
Lake district is beautiful part of England if anybody doesn't know.
Wow nice pulls dude .
I know mate, I was over the moon with del piero. The game had become a bit of a wash out (pretty horrible to play) by the time I got cr7 but it made it a bit better
Played him on 7 Chem (he was that good - maxed out all over the shop - that a chem style wouldn’t do much to improve him.) he was a bit special!
Lakes are lovely. Britain’s great (the people are lovely on the whole and the country side is beautiful) , we’re lucky to live here (questionable politics aside)!
Wow probably less then 1% people will ever pack a 99 cr7 so lucky you .better late then never I say
Yes I'm so proud to be British nobody can take away our spirit.
I have been lake district couple of times we have amazing country side but only thing that lets us down I suppose is the weather
November 2, 2019 10:15AM Posted in