Stone_cold_tea93 replied to Do you miss icon SBCs? on November 9, 2019 4:22PM
Prefer icon swaps
I prefer ICON swaps personally. The SBCs would cost a fair but and a player I wanted in November wouldn't necessarily be a player I wanted in April.I see people saying that this is EAs way of stopping them getting the top tier ICONs. Can you link me to the leak of sets 2 and 3 if that's the case?
This will also lead to more variety in squads. Say in set 2 you get to choose between Viera Gullit and Zidane and then set 3 you have Dinho Eusebio and R9 to choose from. People will have more variety in their squads because of this.
November 9, 2019 4:22PM Posted in