Moose Factory replied to Why I'm leaving FIFA for a while on November 7, 2019 5:58AM
I have been playing fifa for about 15 years, I played ultimate team for a few years and then took a break and fifa 19 was my first time to play FUT in about 5 years, it took me a year of playing that garbage to realise I was never going to buy fifa points again and it's taken me 2 months of Garbage 2.0 to realise I have better things to do with my time. The tipping point was when I was grinding for the Politano storyline card and almost finished, I won one of my matches 5-2, scored with 5 seperate players and at the end of the 90 minutes the servers glitched and I got stuck with the stadium on the screen and a loading sign, i accepted it and restarted my ps4 and played another, 90 minutes up I lose 4-3 but again score with a few of the players needed so I'm not too disappointed, and boom same thing again the servers glitch. This gives me 3 major hang ups about the game 1. EA do not have any clue about football. 2. They're supposed to have a clue about computers, servers etc. but obviously haven't a notion about those things either AND 3. They are a bunch of money leeching computer nerd virgins.
Don’t insult virgins by lumping them in with EA employees

November 7, 2019 5:58AM Posted in