Bapinho replied to Best time to buy an Icon on November 6, 2019 5:01PM
They Caged Non wrote: »They Caged Non wrote: »tomorrow morning im guessing, after rewards have been released?
i dont know when its best time but tbh for icons i wouldnt buy them on thursday. Everybody will get coins + rewards so prices for players in demand go up
Ahhh ok, my understanding was most people chose packs so would expect more of them on the market?
for example 85 Hagi only has a few left at the minute and the price has risen to like 480k the last few days.
yeah but icons get packed way less then the amount of people wanting to buy.
I think the general rule is; high rated sbc fodder goes down; every player under 25k goes down, and the players of lets say 50k and more prob go up a little, and the high end players go up too.
A lot of people get money so the players that are more in demand then will be getting packed go up in price
November 6, 2019 5:01PM Posted in