SPN1987 replied to I've Lost All Belief In Myself on November 7, 2019 1:44PM
Same here, I’m no great player but know when things are stacked against me. This years has been pushed towards fast players, cutbacks in the box and constant high pressure. Every game is just a chore now and there’s no fun. Says it all that people are having success with players that have 79 shooting yet but my Lineker can miss an open goal or fail to shoot when the button is pressed.
Finishing is more RNG than ever before. Forget about shooting angles, body position and pressure on your player etc. Pass to your striker, perform a few dragbacks and just shoot and pray. Rushing your shots is quite rewarding. Since rebounds are more common in this game than ever before. Yesterday I've played a game in which I had 16 shots, 15 on target while all of them were inside PK box. Only scored once. Match finished 1-1. The other guy only had 1 shot by a lucky bounce. I honestly wonder why I do all this work to break someone down while not getting rewarded at all.

November 7, 2019 1:44PM Posted in