Viking_Beard replied to Is Mbappe the best ST under 1mil? on November 9, 2019 1:57PM
Viking_Beard wrote: »I had the same thoughts as you when I bought him. He’s obviously good but feel I expected more given his price.
There Is literally 0 point paying 1 million for mane inform when the difference to his gold card isn’t noticeable what’s so ever.
im_the_man_man wrote: »Deff not. Mbappe is good but he’s not insane by any means.
Neymar has been wiping the floor with him so far. Do you reckon RTTF Dembele would be better for the price?
He looks class the only thing with rttf cards is there price fluctuates massively. If they go out he’ll lose several hundred k of value. Suppose it all depends on if you think Barca will do well this year. If they go far his price is going to fly up. I didn’t think much of his base card but this is a significant upgrade so will be a lot better.
Very true and by the time his stats do upgrade there will be other great cards available so there is a big risk early on.
November 9, 2019 1:57PM Posted in