Brydobhoy88 replied to Here is why fifa 20 cant be taken seriously. on November 8, 2019 3:27PM
Love the conspiracy theory at the end there, so you are top 100 online player for 20 years but don't realise that aggressive interceptions, and constant pressure team tactics affect how the AI defend when you are controlling another player?, try it yourself put all your players on aggressive interceptions, team tactic constant pressure, and then quick tactic when you start the game team press, see how your AI reacts when you put the controller down.
If im beating a terrible player 3-0 theres no way they will react like tht, conspiracy theory ? Tell me whats your record and have u played fifa before UT ? So kurt who is a pro player must be wrong also then.
Im not surprised about the way his players are reacting im moaning at why it should have to be manaul to intercept.
November 8, 2019 3:27PM Posted in