AvengerRanger replied to everything freeze
Hey @Burundel ,
Sad to hear it. Maybe you could try these steps:
1) Troubleshooting connection problems: https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/connection-troubleshooting-basic/
2) If you have ruled out all of the above possible causes of connection problems, I recommend that you follow the following instructions: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/pc/connection-troubleshooting-advanced-pc/
3) You can find out how fast and stable your connection is by checking the connection speed: https://beta.speedtest.net/en/apps/desktop
4) If your router is working, you can connect to the network and browse websites, but when the network game is disconnected, it’s worth checking the entire data transfer path from your device to our servers. For this, EA has a special program for PC. It is called UOTrace: https://help.ea.com/en/help/faq/connection-troubleshooting-basic/#options
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