Locked Transfer Market
I have a relatively new user in FIFA 20, I played in FIFA 19 UT but a little bit. in FIFA 20 I already have something like 100 games and I still do not have access for the webapp+companion transfer market.
this is the message I get:

What can I do?
October 2, 2019 6:33AM Posted in Ultimate Team General Discussion
October 2, 2019 6:33AM
hansmitchel replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 11, 2019 8:33AM
Has anyone had any luck?
I'm looking to collect some data: If you do or do not have access, how many hours of game play do you have on Fifa?
210 games and still locked
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
h4nzy replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 9, 2019 11:19PM
Still no Access to transfer on web app/companion. It baffles me how as an existing FUT player from previous years, my transfer market is still locked on web app/companion but a few friends of mine bought their first FIFA this year and already have access to web app transfer having playing like 150 games less than me. I'll wait till end of next week and if it's still locked, that's it from me. I'll never buy this game again
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
h4nzy replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 8, 2019 12:08AM
Same thing here and I played nearly 200 games (SB, new game mode, Rivals & FUT champs) and bought stuff on market through console and all I get is a generic message when raising a case.
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
gtBaz replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 13, 2019 8:20AM
gamertag is gt Baz, been playing FUT collectively since FIFA 14. Currently have well over 100 SB games and Rivals games. Currently have 515k coins, and no access to the transfer market on the web app or companion app. EA just tell me to keep playing, which is pathetic because my friends can all access the market on the apps, but i cant lmao. Ok.
@EA_Andy can you get onto this please mate? its a serious issue
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
TheFatTurk replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 13, 2019 10:18PM
Been playing since FIFA 14 on this account. Currently have played 214 games. Have played FUT Champs, SB, Rivals, Draft, done SBCs and have had several teams, I have 19 DAYS OF GAME TIME. And yet I can’t use the web app market. I try to contact EA about it; generic reply. I have 118 friends on Xbox. I know for a fact around 40 of them have market access. I am 1st for games played and game time against all of these people. Please help us @EA_Andy the representatives don’t help and we need closure otherwise some of us are going to start losing passion for the game.
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Pooter replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 3, 2019 11:05AM
You have to buy something off the transfer market a few times, just don't go around sniping, a few players here and there for a few days. Just to prove you're not a bot or something else
If that doesn't work, contact EA
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Pieman25 replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 3, 2019 11:06AM
Despite a few saying contact EA don't bother as it won't make any difference, no individual can grant you access and it is automated.
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Ohayon replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 3, 2019 10:52AM
GoonerJoe88 wrote: »I think the only thing you can do is just keep playing and hoping it unlocks soon. I never had this problem I guess because I play every year.
Have you tried going to the help section link in the picture you posted?
I'll try
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
LocalHero replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 9, 2019 11:22AM
I’ve played just short of 200 games. I played the full beta also. I received a message on my app this morning with the following:
Hey FIFA Fan,
Your account has been invited to trade on-the-go using the FIFA Ultimate Team App on web or mobile.
Don’t know what I’ve done to trigger it but eventually it seems you will get access
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
GoonerJoe88 replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 2, 2019 7:08AM
I think the only thing you can do is just keep playing and hoping it unlocks soon. I never had this problem I guess because I play every year.
Have you tried going to the help section link in the picture you posted?
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
DannyKoning2017 replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 12, 2019 5:25AM
130ish games. Still locked as well. Raised multiple questions at their help site but only got a generic reaction once. The others were closed without any answer at all..
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
CharlieC replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 8, 2019 5:49AM
It's broken this year and a lot people are being screwed over this. We had a huge thread in here beeing closed.
They won't look into it until enough people complain.
Same every year. If you’ve changed console or have been banned or sanctioned the previous year.
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Bakudu76 replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 8, 2019 4:44AM
It's broken this year and a lot people are being screwed over this. We had a huge thread in here beeing closed.
They won't look into it until enough people complain.
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion