Fifa20 offline lag
Dear All!
I purchased a Fifa20 on disc (completely new) for my Xbox One X. I have it for a month or a little bit more.
My issue is that sometimes, randomly I have laggs in the manu and the gameplay.
I have a philips 43pus6503 4K TV.
I also play other games in 4k and I have not experienced any lag. It's only appears in Fifa. Sometimes I play hours without any issue, but sometimes it's full of lag.
Once I set back resulation to 1080p,also turned of 4k on xbox but did not help.
I am going to try out on monitor as well, but I want to play Fifa on my TV.
Anyone expeeienced the same issue? Any ideas how to fix it?
Thx for any help!
Br. Bálint
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