Fifa 20 crashed on load screen 4 times in a row. Unplugging the ethernet cable was the only thing that worked to get to the main screen. Please send update to resolve asap, £50 for a game that doesn't work properly isn't fair. Thanks
Posted in Technical Issues
Sookiedoo replied to Fifa 20 CRASHING PS4
You know Cade, your a good guy, trying to help us out, so nothing personal, I'm sure your doing all you can but it's always the same crap, how bout EA fix the game, stop worrying about making a buck before satisfying their loyal fan base, sooner than later someone other than Komani will come out with a football game and us loyals remember, were not stupid were just hopeful, that hopefullness will end someday. Just fix it. You guys fix SBC's and transfer market issues in minutes so there's no excuse.
4:31 pm, February 11, 2020 Technical Issues
EA_Cade replied to Fifa 20 CRASHING PS4
@martynrushton Hiya, have you already tried these steps?
4:31 pm, February 11, 2020 Technical Issues