When will this game be fixed?
You claim to have a “great game guarantee”, but FIFA 20 is far from great, so where is my refund? This bug-riddled game is getting worse and worse with every patch you release. Isn’t the purpose of a patch supposed to be fixing issues? It seems every patch you release there’s a new glitch or a new bug introduced, and you don’t fix a damn thing.
Before the game was released, you claimed you would reward human defending, I am yet to see any evidence of that since it seems the game will just allow CPU attackers to run straight through you when it decides you’re gonna be scored on.
Before the game was released, you claimed you had improved the scoring percentage during 1-on-1 situations with the keeper. I’m still yet to see any evidence of that, keepers are just as superhuman as previous years when the game decides you’re gonna lose.
Passing is still broken, despite countless asks for you to fix it. The ball still isn’t passed where you’re aiming, the intelligence of which player to pass to when there are two players in the passing line is absolutely awful.
Control lag in this game is still terrible, either that or you’re blocking controls once your game has decided that the other team are going to take the ball away. Either way, fix it.
Changing the difficulty of the game makes absolutely no difference to the AI, it just makes the user team worse. This is not acceptable and does not make the game fun.
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