Fifa 20 online - lag on Seasons but not Pro Clubs
Hi, can anyone shed some light on why I experience horrible lag and stuttering most of the time while playing Seasons online, but Pro Clubs is always completely smooth and fine?
My PS4 connection is wired via a powerline adapter to my router (BT Smart Hub 6A), I have a static IP configured and have all done all the suggested port forwarding.
Posted in Technical Issues
tykesgroove replied to Fifa 20 online - lag on Seasons but not Pro Clubs
@EA_Darko thanks for getting back to me. I will go through the steps when I get a moment and report back (although on quick look I have tried most of these already - except the UOtrace info)...
Regardless though, it still doesn't make sense that I never have any problems on pro clubs and almost always have issues on seasons...they are both online so what is the difference? Does seasons require more bandwidth or something?
12:00 am, April 28, 2020 Technical Issues
EA_Darko replied to Fifa 20 online - lag on Seasons but not Pro Clubs
It sounds like you may be having issues with your connection @tykesgroove. I would suggest taking a look at our Connection troubleshooting steps which you can find here:
It'll take you a couple of minutes to do them all but please do take the time and do them all.
Let me know how you get on and if you want to share your UO Trace then I'm happy to take a look at how your data is being routed.
4:00 pm, April 27, 2020 Technical Issues