FUT Disappearing Players - PLEASE HELP
I had 3 x Ederson's in my Transfer List this morning on the FUT Companion App (iOS) at about 9:30am AEST. I went to list them all for either 30,250 or 30,500 coins. Two of them went up but one wouldn't let me list it, I kept receiving an error message. After 3 or 4 tries I gave up and sent the item back to my club. But it has gone missing and is nowhere to be seen? I checked on the mobile app, desktop and console and he has just disappeared. I contacted EA on the live chat support and they said they couldn't find any trace of the player, and there was nothing they could do.
How am I supposed to get my player back?! Can someone please help, I really need him back for the coins and I don't know what else to do! PSN is ayris_nanganator if that helps.
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