Crazy Matchmaking and Laggy show!
Me and my friend are playing PS4-FIFA20 Co-op season.
We are using wired Gigabit Internet at home.
Also, we are playing in US.
I personally understand that we should playing with other country players.
Is that right?
Yesterday, I showed that someone played from China and Saudi Arabia.
This is so crazy matchmaking and too many laggy.
We met recently France, Netherlands, Honduras, and other super laggy country.
We stopped the match and got lost record 3 times already.
We can't switch our players at all.
Now, we have to think about degradation.
This is so annoying why EA did like this.
Do you really want to see Circus soccer show?
Why we can't matchmaking with in same region? OR
Why you guys not making Ping Status on Co-OP season?
Next time, I'm sure that we are going to match with someone in Antarctica.
We don't want to play with Penguins. EA. seriously!
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