Videos again
I asked in a recent post how do i upload videos as on a 8sec video it said it was too big. I was told to do it through YouTube but i explained I didn't have and didn't think I needed a YouTube channel so i asked for an alternative but never got a reply. Considering there multiple mistakes in the game like my goalkeeper going ghost by thw ball going through his hand. Videos of the striker just about to score and it just stops dead straight back to the goalkeeper or defender. The speed up lag is a constant issue its not my broadband as I've spoken to my provider who done all kinds of tests and everthing everything is nd was working perfectly. If you or any of the management are not looking into this could you please send it to the relevant teams as having to record all matches and watching them back is a joke and I'm not been cheeky when writing this its just I've been waiting over 24 hours 4 a response. It's just getting worse. Does anyone on EA considering fixing any of these problems before the season is over or will i just give up now
Thank you
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