Transfer Market locked on Web App and Companion App, played FIFA 19, and FIFA 20

I created this account in July 2019. This account is supposed to become my main account for any games I buy in my console.


In the same day I made my account, I created a FIFA 19 Ultimate Team club, because I had the game purchased in another account, which was my previous main account.

I played a lot of games in this account, both in Ultimate Team AND in other game modes, such as "online seasons" and "career mode", because I knew that if your account is new or you don't have games played in FIFA 19, you wouldn't be able to use the web app for the next iteration of FIFA until playing it on console.


Basically, this would eliminate the possibility of my account being locked out of the transfer market when it launches for FIFA 20, since it has a lot of games played on FIFA 19, as well as it has been created a long time before the launch of the web app.


I also pre-ordered FIFA 20 Champions Edition some time after creating the account.

However, to my incredibly unpleasant surprise, this account cannot access the transfer market. And I don't know why.

I have played enough games, enough game modes and created the account a relatively long time before the web app launch...


I assumed, and still assume, that nobody would/will actually help me with this issue, because I don't think anyone will care enough, or perhaps even if they do, they will just follow an etiquette that would result in not enable transfer market access to my account and in a complete waste of my time, as well as leaving me stressed...


The problem is, I also took into consideration the fact that I'm subscribed to EA Access, meaning I would have access to FIFA 20 before it releases. In other words, I would able to play the game, and according to EA's OFFICIAL guide on troubleshooting transfer market related issues, the transfer market would then be enabled once I play it.


By now, I have played almost 9 of the 10 hours available in the trial, played some games in Ultimate Team, as well as I have played 1 career mode game. Still no transfer market access. Even though I can access it normally in-game, as well as I could in FIFA 19, so my account is not locked or suspended from the Transfer Market for some unknown reason.


In those 9 hours I have played so far, ~6 of them have been SOLELY buying and selling players, completing SBC's and making teams. BECAUSE I CANNOT USE THE WEB APP OR COMPANION APP, SINCE I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THE TRANSFER MARKET, FOR WHATEVER REASON!?!? OUTRAGEOUS!


So, basically, I did everything EA says should be done, and even more. Spent 6 out of 9 hours from a 10 hour trial doing things that could've been done out of the trial without spending my hours by using the web app or companion app, FOR NO REASON AT ALL. MEANWHILE, PEOPLE HAVE MUCH MORE COINS THAN I DO, BECAUSE THEY COULD ACCESS THE TRANSFER MARKET AND TRADE PLAYERS BEFORE THE EA ACCESS TRIAL FOR FIFA 20 AND THEY STILL CAN COMPLETE SBC's AND TRADE PLAYERS WITHOUT USING TIME IN THEIR TRIAL, SO THAT IT CAN ONLY BE USED FOR GAMEPLAY, AND I'M HERE LEFT OUT OF THE LOOP BECAUSE OF SOME MISTAKE ON EA's PART??????????? THAT IS EXTREMELY OUTRAGEOUS, REALLY!

What is there to be done about this??? Am I really to be the only one impacted by this???? Pretty much everybody already had the opportunity to get coins before me, and now they can still do what they were doing, meanwhile I have to use my rare trial time in order to do what everybody else is doing for free??????? And I didn't do anything different from anybody else??? Why is this happening to me???


According to EA, these are the requirements for being able to access the Transfer Market before playing FIFA, and after the EA Access trial is released:


* You must have created a FUT Club in FIFA 19 and logged in to FUT 19 on your platform before August 1, 2019, to be eligible for early access to the FUT 20 Web and Companion apps.
* Your FUT 19 account must still exist.
* Your account needs to be in good standing.
* If you don’t have access, it means you have either done things in the past that broke our rules, or we don’t know enough about you yet to make a decision on whether you have earned this privilege.
Playing FIFA 20 during the EA Access trial, the Origin Access trial, or once you have the full game can contribute to earning your access to the Transfer Market on the Web and Companion Apps.


So, let's briefly go over each point, shall we?


1. My account in FUT 19 is created, so much so that when I access the web app in this account it says my club was created in July, 2019, as well as I have played multiple games across multiple game modes, as mentioned previously.


2. My account exists, you can check it. After all, I don't think anybody ever deletes an Ultimate Team club, since I cannot think of a single reason to do so.


3. My account is in good standing, I haven't done anything that goes against the rules. As I mentioned, this account was created in July 2019 which the goal of becoming my main account for buying/playing any games in my console. Same goes for FIFA 20. I don't think it would make sense to break the rules in the account I just created with the sole purpose of being my main account, right? Also, in my e-mail there isn't anything from EA mentioning breach of the terms of service.


4. I don't have access to the Transfer Market, and I haven't broken any of these rules, clearly. So I'm assuming EA screwed up, then I got, and still am getting punished for it for no reason at all, am I right? Now it says that if I can play the trial, I may be granted access to the Transfer Market. I didn't. So far, I have played Squad Battles games, Division Rivals games, and even a Manager Career Mode game...


In the 9 hours I played, ~75% of it were doing things that could've been done without spending my trial, if I had used the web app or companion app with the Transfer Market enabled... Such as selling players, buying players, searching the market to check how much players are going for, completing SBC's, making teams...

Now, I'm extremely pissed, because I have already lost the possibility of making coins, selling players, and a creating team before EA Access released, while everyone else did.
Then, EA Access releases, trusting EA's section that says it could be enabled by playing FIFA 20 on trial, I spend 9 damn hours playing it with almost all of it being spent on the Transfer Market (~75% or more). Guess what? No, I still don't have access to the Transfer Market.

Now, I basically have no hours left to play the actual game since I have spent almost all of it trading players... And I can't even stop playing the game in order to keep the hours and play in specific times, because I need to get in the damn trial in order to simply sell players and complete SBC's... While everyone else is leaving their game alone, selling and buying players in the web app or companion app and only using the trial for gameplay, I have to use ALL my hours for these reasons....



PS - Transfer Market works on FIFA 20 in my console, as well as it did in FIFA 19...

Posted in Technical Issues

Fifa 20
Enjoy more control over the Decisive Moments that determine the outcome of every match in FIFA 20. FIFA 20 is an upcoming football simulation video game published by Electronic Arts as part of the FIFA series. It is the 27th installment in the FIFA series, and is set to be released on 27 September 2019 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
Search Tags
Transfer Market locked Companion played created account 2019. supposed become games console. In account, Ultimate club, because purchased another which previous account.I other modes, "online seasons" "career mode", don't wouldn't iteration until playing console. Basically, would eliminate possibility being transfer market launches since before launch app. I pre-ordered Champions Edition after creating account.However, incredibly unpleasant surprise, cannot access market. why.I enough games, modes relatively launch... I assumed, still assume, nobody would/will actually issue, think anyone enough, perhaps follow etiquette result enable complete waste time, leaving stressed... The problem consideration subscribed Access, meaning releases. words, game, according OFFICIAL guide troubleshooting related issues, enabled it. By almost hours available trial, Team, career game. Still access. though normally in-game, could suspended unknown reason. In those SOLELY buying selling players, completing SBC's making teams. BECAUSE CANNOT COMPANION SINCE DON'T ACCESS TRANSFER MARKET, WHATEVER REASON!?!? OUTRAGEOUS! So, basically, everything should done, more. Spent trial doing things could've without spending using companion REASON MEANWHILE, PEOPLE COINS COULD MARKET TRADE PLAYERS BEFORE TRIAL STILL COMPLETE WITHOUT USING THEIR TRIAL, GAMEPLAY, MISTAKE PART??????????? EXTREMELY OUTRAGEOUS, REALLY!What there about this??? really impacted this???? Pretty everybody already opportunity coins doing, meanwhile order free??????? didn't anything different anybody else??? happening me??? According these requirements FIFA, Access released: * logged platform August 2019, eligible early apps.* exist.* needs standing.* don’t access, means either broke rules, decision whether earned privilege.Playing during Origin contribute earning Apps. So, let's briefly point, shall we? 1. created, July, multiple across mentioned previously. 2. exists, check After deletes single reason so. 3. standing, haven't against rules. mentioned, becoming buying/playing console. sense break rules purpose right? Also, e-mail isn't mentioning breach terms service. 4. Market, broken clearly. assuming screwed getting punished granted Market. didn't. Squad Battles Division Rivals Manager Career game... In played, enabled... searching players going SBC's, teams...Now, extremely pissed, coins, released, while everyone did.Then, releases, trusting section spend spent (~75% more). Guess what? Market.Now, basically actual trading players... can't specific times, simply SBC's... While their alone, gameplay, reasons.... WHAT ABOUT THIS????PS works console, 19...
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