Can't find a formation i enjoy
I know pretty much know how i want to play. But no formation seems to do it quite right.
I want to playlike this...

Pros - passing is best in this formation easiest.
Cons - wingers stay on touchline even with cut inside 1 width. CMs constantly attacking more than wingers. Don't want CMs attacking but creating mostly. Fullbacks dont get far enough forward.
Pros - the forwards are more narrow
Cons - formation really cramped even on 8 width. Forwards on get in behind make less runs than ST on balanced.
Pros - can play really good angles
Cons - LMRM attack goal too much. Defensive positions really messed up... CBs playing RB etc. Should defend as 5, doesn't.
pros - same as 3421 good positioning
Cons - sometimes too wide with no options in middle. Sometimes wingers play too wide like 433. Probably doesnt set up right defensively since the patch.
2ST formations
Not really keen on the passing options not smooth like 433.
Aim is to play like City with forwards who attack like liverpool's.
Anyone who can help be appreciated! 🙏
November 6, 2019 8:36PM Posted in Ultimate Team General Discussion
November 6, 2019 8:36PM
greif44 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:40AM
Renamed123456 wrote: »@Renamed123456
Press on heavy touch, 5 width 4 depth
Fast build-up, 5 width, 6 depth
Wingers cut inside, get in behind, stay forward. ST targetman, stay forward. CAM free roam
Fullbacks on stay back, overlap. CMs cover center
I tried to play possession with same formation, but my team played so slooooow.
@greif44 i think possession is broke this year...
19 i played 343 with possession it was brilliant, tried it in 20 and players literally dont move - looks like table football.
@Renamed123456 I played 352 possession couple patches ago, it worked somehow, but yeah, it definitely felt slower. Now I can`t get on with it, by the time I get to opponent`s box, it`s either already packed or I have almost whole team still sitting at my half of the pitch
2:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
greif44 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 12:12AM
Press on heavy touch, 5 width 4 depth
Fast build-up, 5 width, 6 depth
Wingers cut inside, get in behind, stay forward. ST targetman, stay forward. CAM free roam
Fullbacks on stay back, overlap. CMs cover center
I tried to play possession with same formation, but my team played so slooooow.
12:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
gowtham replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 6:25PM
Renamed123456 wrote: »
put stay on edge of the box for both CM's
6:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 4:20AM
Renamed123456 wrote: »4141 - have the cdm drop between the CBs, the full backs on attack and the wingers on come inside and stay forward.
It will be a little bit wider than Liverpool's forward line but the 'duel 8s (Silva and Kdb)', single screening cdm and flying fullbacks are all there
Is first formation I'm testing when i get on. Then will test the 451(2) -- the LMRM look tucked a little more inside than on most formations, will see if it plays that way.
Look forward to hearing how it goes. I enjoyed it last year but so far the 4231 is more effective so far
4141 and 451(2)
Not so keen on either.
They kinda seemed alright or interesting, but i could really feel the lack of attacking threat compared to formations that use wingers instead of LM RM.
In the 451 i feel the CMs attack a bit more than the 4141, I expected it to be the other way around.
The wingers did generally seem to get to where i wanted them (i think) just it took longer for them to do it, and i think the way the team built up the spaces felt not great.
This is only after a couple of games though and could simply be down to being unfamiliar with the formations or used to my 433 or 343 where my squad gets forward rather quick.
I think i preferred the 4141 tho i really wanted to like the 451(2).
I might try 4321 and 433(4) next. Tempted to try 433(3) and see how those CDM feel, but fearing a disconnect between attack and defense.
4:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 3:10AM
4141 - have the cdm drop between the CBs, the full backs on attack and the wingers on come inside and stay forward.
It will be a little bit wider than Liverpool's forward line but the 'duel 8s (Silva and Kdb)', single screening cdm and flying fullbacks are all there
Is first formation I'm testing when i get on. Then will test the 451(2) -- the LMRM look tucked a little more inside than on most formations, will see if it plays that way.
3:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:18AM
Renamed123456 wrote: »The 4141 is the closest to what you want. And you wont get overrun on counter depending on the players you have. On the new patch it says you cant have more than 4 on midfield when defending but when you have the cdm on drop between defenders it makes a line of 5 including rm/lm drop back.. with the cm going up and one cdm down and st up top makes that triangle you want on attack and then you have the rm/lm width.Oh and then if on the d pad you move rb/lb up to attack just make sure you have the tactic where they go on the inside instead of on the outside overlap..but that some overkill stuff right there.
I'll give this a try,
But i dont get when people say "drop between CB makes a back 5" as drop between is only active on attacking phase; CDM moves back to midfield on defense.
(Though I'll be happy my players hopefully positioning properly).
I think that patch was stupid... there are formations... 541, 451... do these no longer work??
It does it on defence too I tried it
Weird. I've been using it on every formation since i got the game, in attack my CDM drops to a back 3, in defense it returns to midfield.
I'm about to give 4141 and 451(2) a run out and see how they play.
After that i my try 433(4) again and 4411
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:16AM
Play 4411 (2) its seriously good if you like your CAM getting lots of goals
Lot of people seem to be recommending so i may give it a try.
I'm mostly interested in getting my wingers to get goals.
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:14AM
Press on heavy touch, 5 width 4 depth
Fast build-up, 5 width, 6 depth
Wingers cut inside, get in behind, stay forward. ST targetman, stay forward. CAM free roam
Fullbacks on stay back, overlap. CMs cover center
I tried to play possession with same formation, but my team played so slooooow.
@greif44 i think possession is broke this year...
19 i played 343 with possession it was brilliant, tried it in 20 and players literally dont move - looks like table football.
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 6, 2019 9:16PM
I play 433(5) with liverpool custom tactics. works pretty well
Yeah it's what i last switched to again last night. Decided to check liverpools instructions, pretty identical to what i use, but i still find those CM trying to attack goal too much.
9:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 6, 2019 9:15PM
Try 433-4. Decided to try something apart from 352 and like this formation so far
I was using it for a bit. Was kinda working somewhat. Still the wingers don't attack as much as I'd like. Might try again.
Not keen on the awkward defensive gaps it leaves between 2CM ad CB. Might give another go.
Curious what settings you used, @greif44 , especially coming from the 352 which i know we had pretty identical instructions for.
9:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 6, 2019 9:12PM
Greezyweezy101 wrote: »You would do better trying to emmulate Sheffield UTD. Their system is the most FIFA freindly.
I would love to emulate Sheffield UTD.
Unfortunately their system is too complex for fifa...
There's no "CB overlaps fullback" instruction, and i think you'd get completely ruined if you used it.
9:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Renamed123456 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 6, 2019 10:50PM
The 4141 is the closest to what you want. And you wont get overrun on counter depending on the players you have. On the new patch it says you cant have more than 4 on midfield when defending but when you have the cdm on drop between defenders it makes a line of 5 including rm/lm drop back.. with the cm going up and one cdm down and st up top makes that triangle you want on attack and then you have the rm/lm width.Oh and then if on the d pad you move rb/lb up to attack just make sure you have the tactic where they go on the inside instead of on the outside overlap..but that some overkill stuff right there.
I'll give this a try,
But i dont get when people say "drop between CB makes a back 5" as drop between is only active on attacking phase; CDM moves back to midfield on defense.
(Though I'll be happy my players hopefully positioning properly).
I think that patch was stupid... there are formations... 541, 451... do these no longer work??
11:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Pewdiepie replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:08AM
Renamed123456 wrote: »The 4141 is the closest to what you want. And you wont get overrun on counter depending on the players you have. On the new patch it says you cant have more than 4 on midfield when defending but when you have the cdm on drop between defenders it makes a line of 5 including rm/lm drop back.. with the cm going up and one cdm down and st up top makes that triangle you want on attack and then you have the rm/lm width.Oh and then if on the d pad you move rb/lb up to attack just make sure you have the tactic where they go on the inside instead of on the outside overlap..but that some overkill stuff right there.
I'll give this a try,
But i dont get when people say "drop between CB makes a back 5" as drop between is only active on attacking phase; CDM moves back to midfield on defense.
(Though I'll be happy my players hopefully positioning properly).
I think that patch was stupid... there are formations... 541, 451... do these no longer work??
It does it on defence too I tried it
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Pewdiepie replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 6, 2019 10:31PM
The 4141 is the closest to what you want. And you wont get overrun on counter depending on the players you have. On the new patch it says you cant have more than 4 on midfield when defending but when you have the cdm on drop between defenders it makes a line of 5 including rm/lm drop back.. with the cm going up and one cdm down and st up top makes that triangle you want on attack and then you have the rm/lm width.Oh and then if on the d pad you move rb/lb up to attack just make sure you have the tactic where they go on the inside instead of on the outside overlap..but that some overkill stuff right there.
11:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Paul9619 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:07AM
Wow. People are actually talking real life tactics like this game even resembles even the smallest iota of realness.
This game could not be so far detached from reality it is unreal. For a start they made Rashford OP!
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Kove replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 4:13AM
Renamed123456 wrote: »4141 - have the cdm drop between the CBs, the full backs on attack and the wingers on come inside and stay forward.
It will be a little bit wider than Liverpool's forward line but the 'duel 8s (Silva and Kdb)', single screening cdm and flying fullbacks are all there
Is first formation I'm testing when i get on. Then will test the 451(2) -- the LMRM look tucked a little more inside than on most formations, will see if it plays that way.
Look forward to hearing how it goes. I enjoyed it last year but so far the 4231 is more effective so far. Afaik the 451-2 just looks more tucked in on paper due to trying to fit 3 cms in a row
4:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Kove replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 3:08AM
4141 - have the cdm drop between the CBs, the full backs on attack and the wingers on come inside and stay forward.
It will be a little bit wider than Liverpool's forward line but the 'duel 8s (Silva and Kdb)', single screening cdm and flying fullbacks are all there
3:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Greezyweezy101 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 6, 2019 8:41PM
Liverpool play a 4321
City play more of a 433 (4)
In terms of play style forget it. With hyper attacking full backs and really aggressive midfielders you will get shredded in this game.
If real life football played out like FIFA, the top 3 would be Brighton, Burnley and Sheffield UTD.
You would do better trying to emmulate Sheffield UTD. Their system is the most FIFA freindly.
9:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion
Covkilla91mob replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:03AM
Greezyweezy101 wrote: »Liverpool play a 4321
City play more of a 433 (4)
In terms of play style forget it. With hyper attacking full backs and really aggressive midfielders you will get shredded in this game.
If real life football played out like FIFA, the top 3 would be Brighton, Burnley and Sheffield UTD.
You would do better trying to emmulate Sheffield UTD. Their system is the most FIFA freindly.
So true Stoke will be top of the world .The fact you can defend like stoke but attack like Barcelona is a joke .
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion