Game crashes before match result shows up
Hi! Since November, I've had a major issue with FIFA 20.
At the end of nearly every game (between 2/3 and 3/4), my game crashes while loading the game results in Ultimate Team (offline and online).
For example, a few minutes ago, an opponent quit in the first round of the draft when I was winning 4-0 and my game crashed making the game a loss for me...
It's really annoying not being able to grind anything (missed two FUTmas objective cards because the game crashed in the last game to get them..., same for Icon Swaps)
I've tried a lot of solutions like reinstalling the game, updating drivers, switching directx version...
If I could get an answer on how to fix this I'd be very grateful.
With regards,
PS: I can't even attach the crash log as it is not supported...
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