Hello! I am here regarding a huge concern i am very annoyed about. I registered for fifa global series to ensure I can compete at pro level in qualifres etc. I have hit elite1 on 3 separate occasions with a 27-3,27-3,28-2. This means I am supposed to be verified and eligible to play in the qualifiers. However after a lot of time I am yet to receive an email confirming I am verified despite getting elite 1 on 1st december. So yes I have not received the email confirming I am a verified competitive player and as a result of this I wasn't notified about the FCC 4 qualifiers therefore I wasn't able to compete in them. This is hard to deal with due to how much time and effort I have put into this game. I reached out to EA help live chat and was directed to come here for help to resolve this issue. I hope this is fixed ASAP!
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