
Allstar2k17 replied to JUST GIVE US P2P on November 7, 2019 6:58PM
CtldChaos wrote: » Because I can 1) Manipulate it for host advantage and 2) that cannot be allowed be cause it is a competitive game mode. Duhh..... ;-) Tbh mate, I’d give host advantage every g..
7:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Alexvdven replied to EA has reduced the number of servers for fifa 20. on October 10, 2019 6:09AM
Pablofsi05 wrote: » NornIron wrote: » Retro_G wrote: » NornIron wrote: » Retro_G wrote: » NornIron wrote: » Apparently removed the irish one too I dont think it ever worked but it was..
1:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Alex_cr replied to Servers down? on November 7, 2019 12:37AM
Yeah - right at the end of a game to complete CL stuff. Ah well, they’ve been on a good run!
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

AivenMarine replied to Incorrect Login Verification email
Filling out an online form is proving a waste of time. EA are just creating a smokescreen to make you feel the problem is at your end. I bought FIFA 20 for the PS4 on the PS Store on 03/06/20. I ..
10:30 pm, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

AivenMarine replied to Account hacked by
This is how the game downloaded for me. I have yet to play it because the EA server associates my account with a fake email address. EA have closed three of my cases so far and have asked the same que..
9:00 pm, June 9, 2020 Technical Issues

AidenV50 replied to Fifa 20 (PC)- SCreen flickering
I had a working way so I will send, but after the last update I got old demons of this game .. 1st step, you need to set enchanced vsync in radeon drivers for FIFA 20, and set FPS limit to your disipl..
9:30 pm, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

AidenK1967 replied to URGENT PS4 after 13 Update - Lost connection to the EA servers
this game is in a critical state,it pretty much sums up why they opened the weekend league on a previous game? For me that is an absolute joke... we pay there employees with micro-transactions ect and..
3:00 pm, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

AidanFCrtg replied to Fut champs disconnect
@BigB0yAndr0s Sad part is they think that their game is fine and the servers are good. They never take responsibility for anything, all the dcs are our fault even though they claim we have 5 bar conne..
7:30 pm, June 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Ahmed10817 replied to Kicked out of EA servers last game of fut champs
I was going to get elite and dcd twice, everyone in my country (UAE) got a dc at the same twice
1:30 pm, June 14, 2020 Technical Issues

AdzfarShukry replied to Stuck on connecting to the server
Thanks for the reply, PSN is AdzfarShukry
12:30 am, April 8, 2020 Technical Issues

AdityaRRJ replied to EA server can't connect
are you on console or pc?
7:00 am, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues

A_M_Kassem replied to unable to connect to ea servers
i have the same issue, can't connect to the EA servers on XBOX
7:30 pm, April 14, 2020 Technical Issues

A_A_Ron replied to Servers down? on November 7, 2019 12:39AM
I am right in thinking if you have bid on something and the servers stay down until after it finishes you win it right? I am tempted to continuously bid minimum amounts on high value cards at all time..
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ASX replied to horrible servers on November 10, 2019 4:04AM
Never normally get disconnects but got one last night after 20mins while losing but putting my opponent under a lot of pressure, got the loss. In general servers have been horrible, even squad battle..
4:30 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ASX replied to Servers are so fast right now on November 7, 2019 3:31AM
Renamed123456 wrote: » MAMAAAAAAAAAA Just skilled a man, pulled fake shot on his Ed (Militao), pulled the trigger now hes dead...MAMMMAAAA
4:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

AJS-17 replied to Gameplay Responsiveness on November 6, 2019 12:30PM
gaz12321 wrote: » Decee wrote: » Am I the only one that don't get server problems? I get the old leggy game here and there but that's usually when EA decides to pit me against someone in Germany...
4:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

AJS-17 replied to EA_Andy? on November 6, 2019 12:30PM
gaz12321 wrote: » Decee wrote: » Am I the only one that don't get server problems? I get the old leggy game here and there but that's usually when EA decides to pit me against someone in Germany...
1:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ABP-JAKE replied to EAS FC Catalogue update 1 appears to be damaged and cannot be used
Been getting this error since the new update on PS4
7:30 pm, March 3, 2020 Technical Issues

972597 replied to Disconnection from Fut Champs, I need my deserved Rewards
i played fut champions and i lost 3 games from the error in game and from the servers
12:00 am, April 6, 2020 Technical Issues

910599 replied to Disconnected from 2 draft finals and can’t get hold of an ea advisor
Yeah that’s all well and good mate but whatever the situation I shouldn’t be disconnecting from my opponent and then sign back in with no further problems whatever, and if that’s the case I shou..
5:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

530xd replied to Disconnected from servers after opponent rage quit
it seems to be a standard cheat now. EA will answer that its your connection but it only happens when you are winning. Try sending a complaint on the player who cheated. Maybe some day they fix i..
11:00 pm, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

3badee10 replied to Server disconnects after every FUT champions game
@EA_Aljo It was only in the FUT modes, everything wasn’t working properly including transfer market, opponent’s squads, and even the cards on my bench were showing up all grey with no info. I trie..
10:00 pm, June 30, 2020 Technical Issues

19880724 replied to EA read this you need to do something about the input lag, it`s ruining the game
I have the same problem.I live in macau where a city nearby Hong Kong.I know ea have a server in hk,but it also have button lag happen on my fut wl/rival.I feel very upset that I have the perfect skil..
1:00 pm, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

1936061986 replied to Connection between 150-250ms
About 4 or 5 days maybe because everyone is at home and playing games the connection speed is horrible, but after midnights it is ok which means the problem is not me or any other player, u really nee..
5:30 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

16Townley90 replied to TOTSSF Mahrez and Giovinco are terrible on May 7, 2020 5:22PM
Berlus wrote: » The reason are the ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Servers. Just played my first game with giovinco.... Turned it off after 20 in game minutes... All of my players were in a fu mud I did ..
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

11hch replied to DNF - fut champions game
i was winning 4-0 with 10 mins to go and disconnects me off of ea servers. Wasn't my fault because i've got wired connection and never had a problem before until i get kicked off their servers and tak..
1:00 am, January 11, 2020 Technical Issues

0Woei replied to Lags in Fut Champions
@EA_CadeWe're all experiencing this issue right now, there have been multiple complaints about this. It's not the connection of 1 person, it's EA. Please pass this on to the technical team and upgrade..
4:00 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

0Woei replied to FUT championship lag
@guyzinoWe all have this issue. There have been multiple complaints about this. Even when i'm playing against an opponent in my region with stable connection, there still is unbearable lag. EA, u..
1:00 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

09FCE replied to I can't connect to server
I can’t either on Xbox 1
7:00 am, July 1, 2020 Technical Issues

07522142127 replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team.
Hello, After my account was suspended and reactivated for security reason, i cant join in FUT the chat advisor says the servers are down , but no, i just got this problem.Please help me. ..
11:30 am, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues