
raybuff91 replied to Transfer market freeze cost me 200000 coins
Hi there , I understand that , I wasnt on the companion app I'm actually on the xbox . I believe it has bought the item for the price the seller has listed it at , my concern is that I physically didn..
11:30 pm, March 4, 2020 Technical Issues

chrhau1991 replied to Premier League overlay
Hi, yes It has been happening on off for a fee games. I've just started 2nd season and it has been for the first 3 games. Shows the same overlay in the Super Cup final and the FA Cup final toAlso the ..
3:30 pm, March 10, 2020 Technical Issues

Tama83 replied to Logitech Rumblepad 2 not working properly
I have a Logitech RumblePad2 too, for me helped the video for fifa19! last year have the same problem... scrolling down for me, this video helped again:
2:30 pm, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues