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MichaelDK replied to Account Compromised

we can not help you with.account problems on the forums if you want to do a Report. on the person who did this.

10:00 am, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Mguzman1108 replied to Megathread: Error CE-34878-0

@m0d_rewrite  Error CE-34878-0 is a general error that happens when the game you are currently playing on the PlayStation 4 has crashed. Try the solutions below to solve this problem step by..

12:30 am, February 9, 2020 Technical Issues

Methylcyclohexa replied to Matchmaking in Apex Legends

@B3tt3rDanYou This is the FIFA 20 forums. Try the Apex Legends forum But from what I remember it just fills up squads and matchmake you with whatever. But I havent played Apex for 4 months so no idea ..

11:30 am, April 19, 2020 Technical Issues

Methylcyclohexa replied to How Do I Unlock Edit Player On Career Mode? FIFA20 CHAMPIONS EDITION

From the in-game shop (the one you see at the top right corner).Dont remember how many coins it costs but I think you have enough judging by your picture. ..

12:30 am, January 22, 2020 Technical Issues

Methylcyclohexa replied to FIFA 20 installation error

I did think of the windows version as well but the version you have just removes some of the media playback capabilities like removing media player, skype etc. While the game does have in game videos ..

8:30 am, June 19, 2020 Technical Issues

Metatron replied to Why the change EA? on November 4, 2019 8:35PM

vjake wrote: » greggles wrote: » "fifa 19 all over again" are you new? they do this every year only they stated that the game will stay the same upon launch... wasn't even 2 months and ..

1:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Metatron replied to EA YOU ARE SCUM... on November 4, 2019 11:54PM

Pooter wrote: » What for? Have you played this steaming pile of ****?

12:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Metab0lic replied to 💯 Icon Swaps - Who are you choosing? 💯 on October 16, 2019 3:06PM

Sanchez/Zanetti/CostaZanetti for me. Looks to be the only player I wouldn't rush to replace the second another player comes out.

8:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Metab0lic replied to 🏳️🏴List of Badges/Players with chants 🏴🏳️ on October 28, 2019 3:42PM

Love this. Does anyone know if the away team will ever have chants? I game from two locations and one of them I can never get a home game

8:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Metab0lic replied to Icon Swaps - Who are you choosing? on October 16, 2019 3:06PM

Sanchez/Zanetti/CostaZanetti for me. Looks to be the only player I wouldn't rush to replace the second another player comes out.

11:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Metab0lic replied to Dynamic images on player picks on November 5, 2019 3:05PM

Carlo wrote: » Metab0lic wrote: » My Red Chillwell too. I don't care, but it's just laziness from EA I wouldn’t care either if it wasn’t for IF Mbappe and the crying picture Brah if it's..

3:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Metab0lic replied to Dynamic images on player picks on November 5, 2019 3:00PM

My Red Chillwell too. I don't care, but it's just laziness from EA

3:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Metab0lic replied to Anyone know what strip this is? on November 5, 2019 1:14PM

Claret_n_blue_blood wrote: » I don't think its ea access I've got it but not got that kit, recent one was the ultraviolet one It 100% is. I can't get on console to turn the player around for a scr..

1:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mercenary replied to Rivals is words I can’t say or I’ll get banned on May 7, 2020 11:26PM

LDevlin wrote: » BMAC1998 wrote: » Want to just play. I’m having to relegate myself or I just get hammered. Div 5/6 is in reality div 1. Biggest bunch of idiots working at EA who can’t see th..

1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Memo977 replied to Fix the **** game brosss on November 10, 2019 12:00AM

Bad gameplay, lag, bad servers. For one week i can't play my players don't turn 2-3 seconds delay.. whats in wrong with this game..

12:30 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mellore replied to [PC] - FIFA 20 NOT LAUNCHING WHEN I HIT PLAY on

Exact same thing with me. Can even see Fifia 20 in processes briefly before it closes again.

2:03 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Mellore replied to [PC] - FIFA 20 NOT LAUNCHING WHEN I HIT PLAY

Exact same thing with me. Can even see Fifia 20 in processes briefly before it closes again.

1:00 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

MeeseeksandDestroy replied to Winning and Losing Streaks Have No Place in this Game on November 8, 2019 2:34AM

Quixall wrote: » Totally agree. I've thought since the division rivals came out that you aren't playing against your own level. Win two games and all of a sudden you're playing top players. As you s..

3:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MeeseeksandDestroy replied to Out and Out Cheating Allowed in Fifa on November 5, 2019 10:22PM

Amarok37 wrote: » I’ve already raised the disconnecting issue a lot of players are having this problem,is it cheating or ea? Did it just start up again or has it been going since release?

10:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MeeseeksandDestroy replied to Ever wonder why your team suddenly starts playing like garbage after dominating your opponent? on November 5, 2019 9:22AM

PDJEY wrote: » It's for offline modes, we discussed this for the past several years, but you rather believe in tinfoil stories. Do you even know what ini settings are lol ? Burden of proof, dawg...

10:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MeeseeksandDestroy replied to Encourage you people to Skip this WL and do Icon swaps on November 8, 2019 8:52AM

I SiR MartY I wrote: » RTG20 wrote: » I SiR MartY I wrote: » No way people skip it, they need their fix of playing, lagging, then coming here to complain how laggy it is. Then repeat the foll..

9:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MedPokemon replied to [Resolved] Companion & webapp connectivity issues

I keep getting an error when trying to use the web app or mobile app, I am currently unable to log on on my pc so web app is all I have currently. Please see attached image file for error detail when ..

4:00 pm, January 23, 2020 Technical Issues

MeMo67Ms replied to Red player picks glitch

me too xD WhatsApp Image 2020-01-02..

9:00 am, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

Mdewc replied to Gameplay Responsiveness on November 6, 2019 1:39PM

Great Topik.

4:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mdawg918boi replied to Why am I not getting skill points on clubs FIFA 20 all I play is league games

Same and its so annoying. Even my end game rating increases keep repeating. like my reactions go from 84->85 every game. So annoying. plssssss fix fifa

4:00 am, March 31, 2020 Technical Issues

Mc_chigby replied to What will drop today!? on November 7, 2019 3:37PM

other RayS wrote: » Mc_chigby wrote: » Objective giving out 10K XP!!!! One can only hope @Mc_chigby haha u short on XP for season 1 too? No way I'm gonna make it. Still on level 25. @RayS I'..

4:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mc_chigby replied to Saving Packs for TOTY on November 5, 2019 4:04PM

1. You cant save pre-order packs as these disappear if not opened within the week 2. TOTY won't rock up until at least January if not Feb meaning you will miss out on at least 3 Promos between now and..

4:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mc_chigby replied to New season tomorrow - your level? on November 7, 2019 9:11AM

Fatmanc wrote: » level 29 and if I complete all XP left available think ill end up 500 xp shy Me too. I know forumers represent a minor percentage of the community and judging by my games, not man..

9:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

McSwigan replied to Skills need to be patched on November 6, 2019 5:05PM

Lot of dumb Richards in here who only play football in video games apparently. Dude isn’t saying skill moves shouldn’t be effective; he’s saying there should be more of a stamina drain because i..

5:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

McSwigan replied to FIFA 20 Feedback (Ultimate team) on November 9, 2019 3:07PM

The two things that drive me the most crazy in this game are: 1) the passing error for players who have high passing stats and/or missing wide open passes under low/no pressure. 2) You can’t put an ..

3:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

McSwigan replied to FIFA 20 Feedback (Ultimate team) on November 7, 2019 3:01PM

MrSchool_the12 wrote: » @EA_Andy as I predicted no one even cares to respond... Even you must admit the gameplay is far from real life football or a good game. I agree with your analysis of what..

3:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

McSherry_1 replied to Pro League sbc player

I had reviewed the player pick options prior to submitting the SBC and saw it was available yet when I went to open my pick pack it was no longer there. How is this fair ..

8:00 pm, June 10, 2020 Technical Issues

McNasty replied to REDS YOU GOT? on October 10, 2019 1:43PM

Semedo and Wesley. Semedo into the starting line-up playing in game as RCDM. Big Wes to bang off the bench. Gold 2 - got 2 discard IF's, Kroos, Akanji and Kimpembe in packs.

8:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Mazza17 replied to Weekend League Advice on November 10, 2019 9:29PM

Goalrush wrote: » Stop playing it like me. Most frustrating thing in the world weekend league.

9:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MazerM replied to Where have you finished Season 1? on November 8, 2019 2:58PM

The Casualist - Just play what I can and am not bothered about where I finishLevel 26, family and full time job definitely impact on FIFAtime!!

3:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MayneNL replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - Weekend-League on September 25, 2019 11:11PM

Is this the only account you play FUT on? Anyway good luck with the pack to glory! I feel tempted to do the same every year. Even more with the high amount of packs you can get from rivals and SBC’..

7:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MayneNL replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - FUT Swap Challenge on September 25, 2019 11:11PM

Is this the only account you play FUT on? Anyway good luck with the pack to glory! I feel tempted to do the same every year. Even more with the high amount of packs you can get from rivals and SBC’..

7:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

MayneNL replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - Divison Rivals Rewards on September 25, 2019 11:11PM

Is this the only account you play FUT on? Anyway good luck with the pack to glory! I feel tempted to do the same every year. Even more with the high amount of packs you can get from rivals and SBC’..

9:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Your game is beyond a joke on November 10, 2019 5:33PM

this game is by far worse than fifa 19. players with 0 skill just defend with 10 man and send their pacer after the ai won the ball for them. if u honestly believe ai defense in 20 is weaker than in 1..

6:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Why punish those who abandon the match? on November 10, 2019 10:11PM

i guess otherwise ppl would quit more than play. like playing against a better squad = quit. 1 goal behind = quit.

10:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Why is Squad Battles so mindnumbingly boring? on November 6, 2019 11:49PM

lol, squad battle rewards are far from bad and they easiest to optain. u dont even have to play all 40 games if u not completely bad. about 45k points usually enough for elite 1 and u get 2 rare mega ..

12:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Which Storyline Player will you go for? on November 8, 2019 8:37PM

nonepointhless to grind 1.5 month for a 85/86 rated player

9:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Was hyped for a week for getting Zanetti today on November 8, 2019 6:21PM

how come u are suprised? ea never fail to disappoint the players

6:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Unpopular opinion: Zidane is rubbish and not worth the coins on November 6, 2019 5:55PM

sometimes u see how disappointed ur manager is in replay after u missed a good chance.

6:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Time to deal with PC hacking on November 10, 2019 9:23PM

fifa on pc was unplayable for years already. i think last i played there was 16 or 17. back when the old league system existed it was simply impossible to get up to higher leagues cause like everyone ..

9:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Reckon we’ll get a RB Ramos at any point this year? on November 6, 2019 11:28PM

oh xD diddnt know that. but either way. if he would get flashback it would be from his top years as cb, not from his starting career. for inform pos change he would also need to play rb. but why would..

11:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to Reckon we’ll get a RB Ramos at any point this year? on November 6, 2019 11:21PM

why would we get rb ramos? he never plays rb

11:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Max_1899 replied to My own Home & Away shirts in all games ? on November 10, 2019 9:26PM

actually it took a few minutes to get into games back in 19. ppl left when they werent playing at home, ppl left when u wouldnt let them use their home kit if theyre away. its like one of the only thi..

9:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fifa 20
Enjoy more control over the Decisive Moments that determine the outcome of every match in FIFA 20. FIFA 20 is an upcoming football simulation video game published by Electronic Arts as part of the FIFA series. It is the 27th installment in the FIFA series, and is set to be released on 27 September 2019 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.