
mellis23 replied to Sort out your game
My point being that ball overload is supposed to reduce stamina fast yet even though it has started to go down slightly quicker they can still out run fast paced players so it pointless reducing stami..
11:30 pm, March 8, 2020 Technical Issues

mellis23 replied to Packs
@EA_Cade What dont you get? I've not had a tradable walkout out in weeks and I'm talking 5 weeks and above then I contacted ea live chat last night then bang next pack was a walkout , but after doing ..
3:00 am, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

mellis23 replied to Captcha Error Not allowing me to play Online FUT Draft
Having the exact same issue all I did was sell a couple of players from my draft packs why am I even getting this message literally I listed 2/3 players now I'm stuck and cant even play sort your game..
2:30 am, February 12, 2020 Technical Issues

melgarion replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to fifa 20 ultimate team PS4
I have had the same problem for over 2 weeks now and have also had games recorded as DNF on numerous occasions. I have spoken with a dozen different advisors nad none of them were able to help. I have..
8:00 pm, March 31, 2020 Technical Issues

With the start of the game in pc version, cheaters appeared immediately. we were fed up with last year from this glitch ,breaking the match connection and winning the match,is still going on.Plea..
11:00 pm, December 3, 2019 Technical Issues

mdthunder replied to EA-Server down...agaaaaaain!
Hi Cade,rthx for your reply....but really? Thats your answer? Fact is, at the same time in Austria in know 5 People where it was definitely impossible to connect to EA-Servers, about 2-3 hours.Ev..
6:00 pm, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

mcyg21 replied to FUT CHAMPS DISCONNECT
I've now been disconnected 3 straight that say match result under investigation. I was winning all 3 of them. Will I receive credit for these wins?
5:00 am, April 6, 2020 Technical Issues

mcgillicuddy1234 replied to WEEKEND LEAGUE
I redeemed access and it says opens in 1 day and 16 hours although that’s the end of FUT champs and the competition is live right now
2:30 pm, June 6, 2020 Technical Issues

maxyman2017 replied to Fifa 20 pro club matchmaking, NO opponent found issue
Anyone else getting an error where they can’t find opponents in any online mode on the early ea access fifa 20? It’s really frustrating and has been going on for days now! Can anyone help me pleas..
2:30 pm, November 12, 2019 Technical Issues

maxpoppers replied to Matches disconnecting in Fut Champs
Hi I was playing cut champs this week and I had to win one game out of six to get into a new rank I went into these games and was immediately disconnected I checked my internet and it was okay but it ..
5:30 pm, February 9, 2020 Technical Issues

maximilson replied to FUT champions upgrade. on November 7, 2019 9:59PM
Saw some people getting Griezmann and Mbappe out of it. But knowing my luck Ill get trash.
10:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mattrod1967 replied to I have a problem with my old EA Origin account - I can't play online
Hello Im having the same problem right now it's telling me to sign in to an old account which It does not let me log into and now I can't even make a new account or something I don't know what to do?
5:00 am, June 5, 2020 Technical Issues

mattrod1967 replied to Fifa 20 won't connect to ea server
Hello Im having the same problem right now it's telling me to sign in to an old account which It does not let me log into and now I can't even make a new account or something I don't know what to do?
8:00 am, June 5, 2020 Technical Issues

matazkristjan replied to Unable to connect to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team
Hello I have been having the same problem for over a week now, can you check if there is sometjing wrong on your side
1:00 pm, February 6, 2020 Technical Issues

marktko replied to Mocked for being poor player like wtf... on November 9, 2019 6:36PM
Cheers. I’ve calmed down a bit now. Never had that happen before. No need. I need to hit the training ground
7:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

markdone591 replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to fifa 20 ultimate team.
@Coolrunnin2002 this is happening to me to and I don’t know how to fix it
11:00 am, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

marino973 replied to Poor gameplay
I had the same issue last night. First couple of games where great. Nice speed, no lag and then tmit started losing 4 games in a row with 5 goals different. Players that can't ev..
4:30 am, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

marino973 replied to I'm done with this game
EA will not give you any answers. They know about the delay because they want to compensate the lag between 2 players.
1:30 pm, March 13, 2020 Technical Issues

marcamu1 replied to Can't play online with friends (FIFA 2020 PC)
Hi Darko, I played with double NAT configuration some months ago but now it is not possible (I am not sure that NAT setting is the problem). I followed some guides to open all ports that XBO..
8:00 am, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

manueloc1 replied to Weekend league disconnecting
@SoulSlayer717 Exactly the same happened to me. 4 or 5 times already, feeling very frustrated as I don't have much time to play over the weekend league. I would have now 8 or 9 wins instead of only 4...
5:00 pm, November 23, 2019 Technical Issues

magalhaes98 replied to Suspended FUT account
Is it possible for anyone here from EA able to change my team name? The last time it forced me to change it now I'm stuck where I'm always at a risk of getting banned. Don't understand why you only al..
4:00 pm, April 9, 2020 Technical Issues

madwullie replied to What happened to the Silver market? on November 4, 2019 5:45PM
BeastlyHusla wrote: » madwullie wrote: » @cortza got banned for this as well. I got my access back today. @Bakudu76 do you know if any of the German players got their accounts back? Did you jus..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to What happened to the Silver market? on November 4, 2019 5:24PM
@cortza got banned for this as well. I got my access back today. @Bakudu76 do you know if any of the German players got their accounts back?
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to What happened to the Silver market? on November 1, 2019 5:48PM
Also futbin are refreshing their silvers on a daily basis now if not quicker meaning they don't have as much chance to rise and / or go extinct. Previously it was as long as 3 days for them to refres..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Transfer market ban on November 4, 2019 11:09PM
Latanaka wrote: » madwullie wrote: » Jonx88 wrote: » We really need something official from EA on this, people want to play within the rules and not trigger the automatic system so they need t..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Sad i didnt do scream pique Sbc on November 10, 2019 5:58PM
EisenErmin wrote: » DannySTFC wrote: » EisenErmin wrote: » DannySTFC wrote: » Genuinely the best CB I’ve used this Fifa and maybe any Fifa. Clearly isn’t working for some people but for..
6:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to SINGLES DAY KIT SBC out now! on November 10, 2019 6:20PM
I'm married etc but fancy sneakily doing this anyway. Anyone got a pic? (of the kit not my wife)
6:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 7:40PM
Knowlesdinho wrote: » I helped someone the other day even though I'm not doing the objective. I let him score 13 (he used a couple of subs), then I scored 13 and said let's play as normal. He gifted..
8:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Official FIFA 20 Kits & Badges Thread on September 28, 2019 8:54PM
I know the roma kit isn't a great match but I like it too much in game for now to drop it yet. Will be looking for a white based strip to swap out that fits the colours better soon
1:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Neymar VS Hazard? on November 8, 2019 8:33PM
Hazard is excellent but I replaced him with Neymar. That's all you really need to know
9:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Minor Things You Want... on November 10, 2019 6:45PM
Now they've finally managed to add quick sell all, I'd quite like the functionality to be extended to list all. Big ask I know
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Guess I've been left behind :( on November 9, 2019 12:48AM
I know you'll have done this already but check out some video tutorials on defending. Boras (spelled the sound way and not the fat sweaty gimp way) has at least one really good one, and his voice isn'..
1:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Base Zidane - what a disappointment. on November 5, 2019 11:29AM
OZero wrote: » madwullie wrote: » Yeah it was engine I had on him. He's gone now. Farewell sweet Prince 😢 Sold him, del piero hazard which enabled me to afford cruyff, kaka and Neymar. I wil..
11:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to Base Zidane - what a disappointment. on November 5, 2019 10:29AM
Yeah it was engine I had on him. He's gone now. Farewell sweet Prince 😢 Sold him, del piero hazard which enabled me to afford cruyff, kaka and Neymar. I will certainly try his prime when it's out..
10:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

The first year everything went fine...I'm now in the middle of the second year... Starting a new career from would be the next move...before then I'd like to end the second year, sta..
6:30 pm, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

lulzfifaomega replied to EA you are stupid as **** on November 9, 2019 4:00PM
OZero wrote: » Why so serious about your division? You need that as your identity? i dont give a **** but it destroys the fun, im in division 3 for a reason and not 1. if i were good enough i woul..
4:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

lukaskule replied to No longer have access to EA/Origin account linked to PSN
This is absolutely terrible service and advice, I’ve had the exact same problem and the last time (of 3 calls in total) I spoke to an advisor he sat on tje phone and helped me fill out my recover fo..
9:00 pm, December 1, 2019 Technical Issues

lucasbailey400 replied to PSN account ineligible
Mines now sorted turns out the email address i was using was closed down by aol, filled in a request to change email, once that was done I reset password and I'm now able to get on my FUT.
9:30 am, April 23, 2020 Technical Issues

lorenzo0391 replied to There was an error communicating with the Fifa ultimate team servers PS4
Hi I am having such a horrible experience with ultimate team. Similar situation and I deleted everything saved and nothing is working. I keep getting kicked out of ultimate team. I don’t know what t..
4:30 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

loma001 replied to Unbelievable game delay and button lag !!
u r 100% right i was in div 9 at rivals and could get gold 3 in fut champions with 85 OVR teamnow iam in div 5 with 93 OVR team and still get gold 3 or 2 if i get amiracle !i swear all my players..
2:30 am, June 22, 2020 Technical Issues

lmeezy2 replied to Serevers and connection are trash
Hello, my name is Lamar, my EA account is LMeezy2 with Email [edit: email address removed] - I’ve been getting disconnected within 2-3 minutes for over a week now. Can’t play pro clubs on FIF..
12:30 am, March 10, 2020 Technical Issues

lisatom2 replied to Disconnected in WL already 3 times
disconnected 3 times this weekend and still in a party with people and straight back into ultimate team and no problems with internet, wired connection and 14ms ping. never have problems except in cha..
7:30 pm, June 14, 2020 Technical Issues

lippyone replied to League SBCs - the redemption of EA - Bundesliga + CSL out now #justiceforleagues on October 5, 2019 7:12PM
without league SBCs then 99% of cards are now pointless. Why do bronze cards even exist? This will kill the transfer market for many cards. The league SBC s were a relaxing hobby in their own right,..
7:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

lippyone replied to FUT Friendly Seasons Ruined on October 5, 2019 5:21PM
They have removed quite a bit of personal stuff from the game, like kits in rivals, and replaced them with Tifos of Krakens and brains. Worse not better. I am missing 19. In fact may go and play a few..
2:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

linas21 replied to Account Hacked and all my players sold - Support can't support me
@EA_Cade ,thanks for your help. I appreciate it. I will not "Accept As Solution " your reply yet, until my case been resolved. I see now that the case is " IN PROGRESS" status so i wait for an advisor..
3:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

limjitwe replied to Servers are so fast right now on November 7, 2019 6:56AM
Terrible. Players are moving like they are stuck in the mud
7:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

limjitwe replied to Seandimes 4222 possession - guide (currently under construction) on September 29, 2019 10:36AM
Hey guys!!! Welcome back!!! I was driving just now and I actually thought of messaging you to start a new one!! I’m on balanced and played around 20 games only. I’ll try fast build up later!!
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

limjitwe replied to Seandimes 4222 possession - guide (currently under construction) on September 29, 2019 10:36AM
Hey guys!!! Welcome back!!! I was driving just now and I actually thought of messaging you to start a new one!! I’m on balanced and played around 20 games only. I’ll try fast build up later!!
12:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

lilseb15 replied to Disconnecting from games
Oh my god me too! It started about 4 or 5 days ago. It's so random. It happens both on games that I am winning and games I am losing but the result is always the same, I get a loss. Especially right n..
8:30 pm, June 7, 2020 Technical Issues

likephysical123 replied to 500 Games - Transfer market locked
@oR1337xX wrote:@EA_DarkoI played:division rivals all weeks rank 1all fut chamiononline drafts, offline drafts, squad battles (around 80-90)In addition, couch play - all the new modes..This is a ..
11:00 am, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues