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ChazLad2691 replied to [Pro Clubs] - Blank screen when going into Pro Clubs

@EA_Darko I’m having the exact same problem on Xbox aswell

5:00 pm, November 21, 2019 Technical Issues

ChayBR replied to FUT Online draft constantly disconnecting

Yes i have. I understand that disconnections happen as apart of any online game. But its one thing for one section of fut online working perfectly fine when playing against others and another section ..

8:00 pm, December 5, 2019 Technical Issues

ChayBR replied to After the 10th patch Squad Battles gameplay got terrible

I had same issues for long time and noticed on my dads xbox and tv its alot smoother and faster. So i decided to tune down from 4k to 1080 and i also googled it and people said if you adjust your tv s..

2:00 am, December 5, 2019 Technical Issues

Chavez76 replied to Winter Update prediction on October 31, 2019 1:18PM

can you stop doing nothing but promoting your videos on these forums ?

7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Why my player deselected? on November 6, 2019 2:02PM

you mad bro?

2:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to When Is The Vinicius SBC Out on November 9, 2019 7:51AM

RileyD wrote: » I just really want a good La Liga LW that doesn't cost the world! This ... Every time I come up with my LaLiga team against a BPL, I feel I am 0-1 behind before start. Than I see R..

8:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Tallest icon? on November 8, 2019 5:54AM


6:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Switching to serie A on November 6, 2019 2:00PM

KingOfFifa wrote: » Is a serie A team meta? I don’t really see many in div rivals, was thinking of switching too but not really enjoy the idea of no wing play in a 4312 does it matter whether it..

2:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Squad battles server disconnects on November 6, 2019 2:40PM

Keatonirish wrote: » EA ....fix your Sh*t. Why would I disconnect when I'm up by 4-0 and now I get 0 points and a loss. It's f&"*?ing easy logic. Who has the most goals at a disconnect....t..

3:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Skills need to be patched on November 6, 2019 2:10PM

Ajim2078 wrote: » Fifapayne wrote: » Ajim2078 wrote: » BEASTERBOY789 wrote: » Ajim2078 wrote: » Oweyman wrote: » Ajim2078 wrote: » SomeNextGuy wrote: » They're probably the leas..

2:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Skills need to be patched on November 6, 2019 1:54PM

They are already nerfed to oblivion in comparison to last year, I personally kinda like where they are right now. Maybe a little powerful, but defo not overpowered

2:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to RTTF Upgrade Stages (Confused) on November 9, 2019 7:58AM

Futfanatic wrote: » Chavez76 wrote: » Leandrinho wrote: » Do they upgrade like informs? 84 rated will be 86 after first upgrade? So Militao will be 86 after qualifying for knock out stages? ..

8:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to RTTF Upgrade Stages (Confused) on November 9, 2019 7:52AM

Leandrinho wrote: » Do they upgrade like informs? 84 rated will be 86 after first upgrade? So Militao will be 86 after qualifying for knock out stages? no, always +1 mate.

8:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Neuer is awful, best goalkeeper? on November 5, 2019 11:26AM

Steegen for sure.

11:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Mistake choosing La Liga? on November 5, 2019 8:12AM

sulliez wrote: » I got aguero from PL prime pack totally realted to this topic.. not

8:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Mistake choosing La Liga? on November 5, 2019 8:11AM

scream Kroos is good, Casimiro is underrated, Ter Steegen is the best, Suarez is decent, not perfect, Scream Gameiro is very good.

8:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Laczette on November 5, 2019 8:16AM

never expwerienced, never seen, and never heard off before... Yet, forum cant help you, get back to EA chat if you want anything done. Apart from that, why would you list him from 3300 onwards? No us..

8:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Icon swaps - nationality based on November 8, 2019 1:50PM

DR1 wrote: » Or maybe some of the remaining leagues? Turkish, Portuguese? in Rivals? neh, probably too hard for people that cant complete it in week 1

2:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Icon Swap lads on November 8, 2019 1:57PM

cant judge Pep (allthough not been very impressive against me) but Nesta is very good in defense for me. Stick a shadow on and he is fast, strong, good tackle, good positioning

2:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to I Wonder..! on November 8, 2019 2:37PM

say what now?

3:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Griezman on November 6, 2019 8:46AM

strings79 wrote: » Goatiano_Goataldo wrote: » strings79 wrote: » shame looking for a partner for WBY and need a French striker any reccomendations budget 250k ish xbox Have you considered Sc..

9:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Giovinco SBC worth it? on October 31, 2019 11:35AM

Depends on your style. I did him, and could fit him in on 10 chem in my Serie A team, and I really like him. Extremely agile and feels fast, but dont try to outmuscle anyone since you will fail misera..

1:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Giovinco SBC worth it? on November 6, 2019 2:09PM

Depends on your style. I did him, and could fit him in on 10 chem in my Serie A team, and I really like him. Extremely agile , but dont try to outmuscle anyone since you will fail miserably.

2:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Fut champions on November 10, 2019 9:34AM

skill <> better team. You are being matched on form, it will not look to your team.

10:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Best Striker under 200k on November 4, 2019 8:04AM

FlyingOkapis wrote: » Rashford unfortunately this... that card needs a massive nerf

11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Best Icon ST under 800k on November 8, 2019 1:59PM


2:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chavez76 replied to Am I the only one that couldn't give a flying ... about icon swaps, league SBCs and storyline player on November 6, 2019 8:41AM

its basicly what peopel asked last year for, the ability to 'grind out' players with objectives and suh, and it got implemented. I agree though, it is a lot (and no, noone forces you to them )

9:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CharlotteFats replied to Disconnected FUT Champ

If this is a connection issue, why is it not showing up in other games or other applications in my home? The other thing about the FUT Champ disconnects is that unless it is a rage quit that happ..

4:30 am, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

CharlieC replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (video intro) on September 22, 2019 9:31PM

My job isn’t as complicated as this thread and my job is quite complicated

7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CharlieC replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on September 22, 2019 9:31PM

My job isn’t as complicated as this thread and my job is quite complicated

8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CharlieC replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 8, 2019 5:49AM

Bakudu76 wrote: » It's broken this year and a lot people are being screwed over this. We had a huge thread in here beeing closed. They won't look into it until enough people complain. Same every y..

3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CharlieC replied to Incredible button delay on rivals and WL!!! Dont buy this game!!! on September 29, 2019 5:31PM

Game needs to be P2P but too many people cheat.

11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CharlieC replied to EA please reintroduce headers to fifa 20 on September 30, 2019 9:00AM

This would ruin the game. fast wingers who just spam crosses. No thanks.

7:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chapstick_87 replied to Losing connection from EA servers with great network connection

Here are screenshots, they are from when I was troubleshooting with EA Help! They had me do speed tests, delete corrupted files, and run a UO Trace. ..

12:30 am, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

Chappy replied to Just packed bale on November 6, 2019 11:08PM

I LOVED Bale when I first got him, but he feels worse since the patch. I haven’t read up much on what they changed, but his finesse feels significantly less consistent, where before it felt automati..

11:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ChappellRovers replied to Tekkz Interview lol on February 23, 2020 1:42AM

Im enjoying it. It is best to try and remain calm. I had a shot hit the post roll along the goal line hit the other post then go out for their throw in. Just burst out in uncontrollable laughter it wa..

1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ChappellRovers replied to Joe Gomez requirements... on November 8, 2019 7:05PM

Don’t think ill be bothering and I play an England team and was sucker enough to do the Milner scream SBC. Ill stick with Smalling IF, Stones, Dunk IF and Maguire OTW. For that price I could get Bob..

7:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ChappellRovers replied to Joe Gomez requirements... on November 8, 2019 6:59PM

Is this even worth it? If they get out of the group stages he goes to 85 correct? Then quarters in January (after price crash) he goes up to 87? Then semis/final 90? Doesn’t seem worth it for the i..

7:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ChappellRovers replied to Issue being resolved - Items stuck on transferlist on February 1, 2020 12:05PM

I wouldn’t worry mate, mine were stuck for 3 hours from 7AM to 10AM then freed up finally. Bit annoying obviously as I could have tried selling them rather than just having them processing for 3 hou..

1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Chanelock replied to Game freeze on launch when connecting to EA Servers

Not sure why but I tried everything. Finally got the new terms and conditions pop up which was causing the freeze i believe when I turned off pop  up notifications for blocked content in the PS4 ..

3:00 am, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues

Champagnebold replied to LaLiga Tots Predictions? on May 7, 2020 3:59PM

Price Prediction of varane? 2 mio?

1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ceybaba28 replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team.

 is this ihave been doing this for a while, what should I do can someone help me have everything rested my playstation etc during my fut rival match it keeps crashing so I can't move my joystick ..

7:00 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

Certified_Baller replied to Should I sell 87 daglish for 89 eusabio on November 9, 2019 3:56AM

KevinFTW wrote: » Rich man problems. I hear Eusebio is choice but way overpriced yeah hes 4.5m which is kinda putting me off. That's why I wanted to see if people could give me a review of him be..

4:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CentricCandy874 replied to Connectivity problems

I have the same problem on XBox One... it doesn't connect

7:00 pm, April 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Cemal8080 replied to two button not working

@EA_Cadewhy? I can't use some fingers of my left hand for having a traffic accident. So it's more convenient to play two buttons. This is very painful for people like us. and in return I get an answer..

11:30 pm, January 7, 2020 Technical Issues

Cemal8080 replied to fut20 companion

hi @EA_Aljo I already played every mode. I finished the volta except fut. I'm playing pro. I played every mod in fut. and I keep playing. Your answer is ridiculous. Don't answer me to throw ..

10:30 pm, February 14, 2020 Technical Issues

Ceeezzzzz replied to Fut champs

Can you sort this out please?I need this game so I can qualify for next week

12:30 pm, January 25, 2020 Technical Issues


Same guys I got a rare gold as well

9:00 am, January 2, 2020 Technical Issues

CeeQue replied to Who is excited for tomorrow? on November 7, 2019 2:49PM


3:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CeeQue replied to What’s worth saving from Bronze Packs? on November 7, 2019 3:53PM

gorillabear wrote: » Obviously saving all China cards to do the CSL SBC but unsure of what other league SBCs will be bronze card heavy? Was thinking of saving all eredivisie or mls cards but unsure..

4:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fifa 20
Enjoy more control over the Decisive Moments that determine the outcome of every match in FIFA 20. FIFA 20 is an upcoming football simulation video game published by Electronic Arts as part of the FIFA series. It is the 27th installment in the FIFA series, and is set to be released on 27 September 2019 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.