
padr81 replied to The dreaded replay watchers- simple solution on November 1, 2019 11:56PM
Its easy remove replays and stupid tifo thing afterwards. Leave celebration for when players want a drink of water but have a default celebration where the play does a fist pump or something.
12:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

pabloarbu replied to Get Kicked out of every online game I play
I'm having the exact same problem, went through all of the steps and still happens. I don't have a clue what to do and it's really frustrating.
6:30 pm, December 13, 2019 Technical Issues

ozzie9494 replied to My FUT was hacked lost all coins and players.
I got hacked I lost 100k and now I have 0 coins pls help me
12:00 pm, April 27, 2020 Technical Issues

ozytattos replied to Hi 62DerSimSpOr62 i miss my player
I did already help desk Germany Netherlands England nand what i need to do more ha if Ea dont bring my hole team i wil make it online face twitter bud i am w8ing of answer hoping at lies they can brin..
8:00 pm, June 17, 2020 Technical Issues

ozguraksoy replied to fifa 20 not connecting to servers problem
@nikivasilevbg As like ever other day EA servers are having problems. Because of the coronavirus outbreak more people have started playing more of EA’s games but EA has less employees working at a s..
2:30 pm, April 14, 2020 Technical Issues

ozcs_69 replied to Your Top 3 cards under 3 million? on November 4, 2019 6:02PM
Zizo and zizo and zizo. ( I've tried them all under 4 mil players) he is the best steal out there atm, the only reason he's cheap is because he is a new icon and community don't know him well, he doe..
3:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Wow that Vardy is sooooo Cheap!!! on November 8, 2019 11:45AM
for whoever thinks, this is not a mistake, are you kidding me? This is Auba stats, this is a 300 k SBC
12:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Why do u gain 15-20 skill points at division 2-1 per win, but lose 45+? on November 4, 2019 11:19PM
yesterday I lost a game and still gained 11 points
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Webapp just go down? on November 7, 2019 12:37AM
you all got banned, stop spamming bmp
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to UCL SBC in the code on November 6, 2019 7:19AM
the 81+ rare will be populare, people will do it for the walk outs
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Transfer bidding issues on November 6, 2019 6:25AM
yes, been around for a while...
6:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Servers down? on November 7, 2019 12:36AM
i thought i got banned hahaha
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Really stuck with my team. on November 10, 2019 6:18PM
how much coins have you saved?
6:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Pretend listening to customers, and then secretly undid the game patch for gameplay resonsiveness on November 10, 2019 12:55AM
Eric18 wrote: » Now can comfrim that in the WL the lag compensation also works in the poor connection side's favor. How can you confirm that?
1:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Listed my Scream Otamendi for 10K on November 5, 2019 4:06AM
Suarez8 wrote: » Accidentally listed him for minimum price. Hopefully I gave someone here a nice profit today yesterday i bought an icon for 200k extra by mistake and i was really spewing
4:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Listed my Scream Otamendi for 10K on November 5, 2019 4:05AM
4:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Is it me or are top icons well overpriced on November 6, 2019 7:14AM
Riotiga wrote: » have you seen the number of icons available in the market? I believe there are way way less of them than last year, hence the high price nah, people are just way reacher and less ..
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Is it me or are top icons well overpriced on November 6, 2019 6:20AM
L1vingl1fe wrote: » They will drop when TOTY comes out they will drop when the prime icons come which is in december, and they will crush more when the prime icon show up on Feb,
6:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Is Zanetti Really The Choice? on November 7, 2019 5:56AM
as a chelsea fan, it would be a big shame if i dont take the big man Drogba...(its a free icon ffs, when will i even have an extra 1mil to splash on him ?)
6:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Is Ligue 1 POTM tonight? on November 8, 2019 5:48AM
next week, EPL is tonight i belive
6:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Highest pack pull on November 7, 2019 1:02PM
same here, packed nothing all year
1:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Ever wonder why your team suddenly starts playing like garbage after dominating your opponent? on November 5, 2019 4:04AM
its discusting, but its all in your head ...
10:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to EA please reintroduce headers to fifa 20 on September 30, 2019 7:52AM
No they are not bringing bag the cheesy headers and i m so proud of them for that, they already confirmed it in the Q & A on reddit
7:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Can't find a formation i enjoy on November 7, 2019 1:07AM
424 with everyone coming back on defence
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Base Zidane - what a disappointment. on November 4, 2019 11:23PM
AliasMaurice wrote: » You'll get more out of him at cam. and with hunter did you made this hoping for his price to drop?
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Base Zidane - what a disappointment. on November 4, 2019 11:22PM
you must really suck at this game, he has been my motm for 15 games straight, all in rivals, 18 goals and 12 assists, and he plays Cam or false nine next to my main striker, he has single handedly too..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to Anyone see these INI files someone posted? on November 5, 2019 4:04AM
its discusting, but its all in your head ...
4:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to 6k left to do on November 7, 2019 12:41AM
Yendinho_11 wrote: » I want the storylines Zaha card I’m 6k short, are we expecting bronze/silver and gold challenges Thursday? I’m buggered else he is not worth it man, i only used him for fe..
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to 2 icons. on November 10, 2019 1:06AM
RTG20 wrote: » What about Rivaldo? He is the worst icon this year, tried him for 30 games , only 1 goal and few assists
1:30 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ozcs_69 replied to 2 icons. on November 10, 2019 1:06AM
RTG20 wrote: » What about Rivaldo? He is the worst icon this year, tried him for 30 games , only 1 goal and few assists
2:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ovojefferson replied to Fifa 20 alt tab problem fixed
@mhnd198502It solved my problem, thank you. "Users ---> your name ---> AppData ---> Local ---> Electronic Arts ---> EA Services ---> License . Delete everything you find i..
11:00 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

ouinouinx replied to FIFA 20 Create a Player issues
I totally agree! Why is the max height 6"2 in custom player creation?? I really don't understand.. so without this, all the other missing points in career mode and teams update, I still can't play to ..
6:00 am, November 21, 2019 Technical Issues

otutsarTR replied to IF Saul or Scream Kroos? on November 8, 2019 1:54PM
Kroos deffo Not comparible
2:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

otu16 replied to There was a problem communicating with Fifa ultimate team servers
Hello! What should we do?I win the game but get disconnected at the end of the game and counts as losing.I m about go crazy.please help!
2:00 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

ottoszambolics replied to National Pride SBC bug
I have the same issue with the German challenge. ..
6:00 pm, November 25, 2019 Technical Issues

othman_ovn replied to Companion App says i dont have a FUT 20 Club on November 7, 2019 1:20AM
Spoke to a mate and says the same for him. Guess they reset the whole player database lol
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

othman_ovn replied to Companion App says i dont have a FUT 20 Club on November 7, 2019 1:14AM
Reckon it's the servers mate. Got logged out in the middle of the game and as frickin' usual got a loss. Disgrace
1:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ot991 replied to Error launching Fifa 20 (Win 10)
Ayone had the same probem before?
10:00 am, November 28, 2019 Technical Issues

osustu99 replied to Online Friendlies PS4 Bug?
OK so I figured out how to delete and update the Online Squad file and I did that. I still get the error message even though I did what the game I asked. Is this a bug?
4:30 pm, December 12, 2019 Technical Issues

orpheelepoete replied to Cheating in FIFA 20 PC
Everyone here is defending the cheating AI in FUT.Just forgot the idea of winning because the game cheats PS: I know and I bet I will be banned from the forum just to notice how ❤️❤️❤..
1:30 am, February 21, 2020 Technical Issues

oridamari1 replied to button delay help please EA!
when they see that your UoTrace is good they will completely ignore your post. they are just searching for packet losses and high ping range.they don't have solutions for people with a good internet c..
11:30 am, December 22, 2019 Technical Issues

oridamari1 replied to I Dont Know What Have You Done In The Gameplay
okay now i take back what i said. this weekend league is slow as hell
10:30 am, January 5, 2020 Technical Issues

oridamari1 replied to EA - do something with servers
9:30 am, December 16, 2019 Technical Issues

oren132 replied to Game Disconnecting at End of Match
Same with me.Every time I finish a game in Division Rivals i get the error: "Could not process your request currently",and then I immediately get disconnected from fut.Why EA are not addressing this s..
3:00 pm, March 11, 2020 Technical Issues

oren132 replied to Division Rivals - can't finnish the match
Same with me.Every time I finish a game in Division Rivals i get the error: "Could not process your request currently",and then I immediately get disconnected from fut.Why EA are not addressing this s..
1:00 pm, March 11, 2020 Technical Issues

operationswagy replied to [PC] game crashes when looking for rivals in Ultimate team
@EA_Cade hi, I do this steps when I was talking with a EA man and it didnt work and I also repair the game and delete everything it wasnt save file and it sill didint work help plz
11:30 am, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

oocraigo replied to Disconneting Mid game.
@EA_Cadehows that fair tho? If I was 29-0 and this was my last game, cruising 4-0 and I lose my connection because your servers aren't good enough, hows that my fault? Theres surely a way you can chan..
8:30 pm, January 4, 2020 Technical Issues

onetwo3kid replied to Seriously bad delay/input lag. Unplayable game
Lads , the servers and lag / input delay has been a problem for years . EA refuse to fix it or acknowlege it . Its a disgrace ! Had games last nite that were just unplayable . An absolute joke of a co..
9:30 am, November 22, 2019 Technical Issues

onetwo3kid replied to FUT Lag after update
@EA_DarkoDo you actually seriously believe that everyone is having issues with connection .. There is something seriously wrong with the game . Everyone is being effected by lag /delay . Poll done on ..
2:30 pm, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

onetwo3kid replied to FIFA 20 lag after a month
@jorhek1995I have an idea ... Its the EA servers that need fixing .. EA will blame everything else except their servers and people are getting sick of it . It will hit them hard someday soon .. 👍
1:00 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues