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hofjinco replied to Cannot access to my email account

Good afternoon fellow gamers, i had an issue regarding the origin account associated with my xbox one account on fifa 20. i made the origin account a long time ago and i havent played fifa i..

12:30 pm, January 18, 2020 Technical Issues

hjdjydyufu replied to 🏳️🏴List of Badges/Players with chants 🏴🏳️ on October 28, 2019 5:09PM

Metab0lic wrote: » Love this. Does anyone know if the away team will ever have chants? I game from two locations and one of them I can never get a home game I think it works for you no matter wh..

8:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

hjdjydyufu replied to 🏳️🏴List of Badges/Players with chants 🏴🏳️ on October 28, 2019 2:10PM

Can anybody add some more to the list? Also if you know what chant goes along with those teams above please post them. I only know the ones I listed a chant next to.

8:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

hithere325 replied to Fifa 20

Thanks Barry! I have done that on Saturday morning and I’m just waiting for a response do you know how long that could take ?

11:00 am, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

henrythelegend08 replied to FIFA20 FUT entering a match disabled

How much longer 

12:30 am, April 15, 2020 Technical Issues

greggles replied to Best value icon swaps? on October 28, 2019 11:39PM

has to be zanetti for longevity

9:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gorillabear replied to What’s worth saving from Bronze Packs? on November 7, 2019 4:30PM

Hmm looks like I’ve been doing it the opposite way around. Been selling all players basically to recoup the cost of the pack back. So bronze pack is kind of a long term investment as with most cards..

5:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gorillabear replied to Finally got a shadow card on November 7, 2019 9:07PM

Are these really that much better than anchor? I never use them because I don't want to waste them on a player I won't use all year so I hold onto them too long and never end up using

9:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gorillabear replied to Counter Attacking: Long Ball or Fast Build Up? on November 6, 2019 9:54PM

Try both. Change your custom tactics put Long Ball on Attacking, then set Ultra Attacking to Fast Build Up with everything else left the same. Play one half with long ball then another half with fast ..

10:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gohabibi replied to login verification issues

Any progress on this guys? I'm having the same issue but I no longer have access to the email so I need that ea account unlinked from my PSN account

3:00 pm, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

general-mps replied to Is anything being done about the no loss glitch

they have not even sorted out the game crashing when opening packs  yet, got a long wait till they start getting the dc problems sorted,

3:00 pm, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

gaz12321 replied to Just packed bale on November 6, 2019 12:39PM

I packed him untradeable so I didn't have the choice, i'd defo sell if I could. He's ok but for me feels very slow and predictable. His long shots are probably decent but the AI blocks them all anywa..

1:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gaj0sab replied to I can not start fifa

Hello I have the same problem I can't log in to Tut mode. The problem is that I am not interested in recommending EA forum staff, because I did not cause these problems, on the contrary I paid for the..

9:30 pm, March 4, 2020 Technical Issues

fiz-p4 replied to Gameplay issues in FUT after update 7

@JoshW1928 I removed my disc for the first time since September. It's hard to quit FIFA but these issues are not good considering that you put energy and time to play a match. I am okay with losing a ..

5:30 pm, November 29, 2019 Technical Issues

findylee replied to FIFA 20 - No Transfer Requests for Player Career Mode

@HUNT3R-EVZ I have the exact same problem! So lame. This is my first FIFA ever that I own and therefore the first time that I play career mode. I had so much fun, created this “Messi-wannabe” and ..

5:00 pm, January 16, 2020 Technical Issues

egordon4 replied to Server failed after penalties challenge

@MOONR4H No one from EA will sort this for you, let alone all those around the world with this issue. I have it all the time. Takes objectives 3 times as long to complete. I will be skipping FIFA 21

10:00 am, November 16, 2019 Technical Issues

edmanlee replied to Fifa 20 broken???

This is the fifa norm. They won't fix it until about 2 months before fifa 21 (go to fifa 19's forums and you'll see a message from them saying they're working on input lag/awful servers, roughly 2 mon..

10:30 pm, January 15, 2020 Technical Issues

edmanlee replied to Cheats

A semi-fix I found is to use up around 80+% of your bandwidth. If I play with no network traffic, I'm at a disadvantage, so I've found running a torrent client with uploads and downloads limited to 85..

2:30 am, January 26, 2020 Technical Issues

davechs2005 replied to Delayed player movement

I get this problem too and it is sporadic. Like weekend league was mostly bad then the last 10-12 games the game played smooth. Tonight my first rivals game was some of the worst delay I’ve seen in ..

6:30 am, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

darhob replied to FIFA 20 Transfer Market Ban

how long did they take to investigate your case and unban you ? .. i'm like you and more than 5 days ans they didn't respond !

10:00 am, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

dannywestx replied to Banned For Club Name On FUT

how long did it take for you to get unbanned because im having this same situation now

12:00 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

curvedferret41 replied to Missing players

Had any luck ? I think it’s pretty appalling it takes them this long to sort anything out. And you’ve not had a reply from anyone of note ! 

5:00 pm, March 5, 2020 Technical Issues

cuero_terco replied to FIFA 20 connecting to EA servers freezes

It did work out, but does this means I will ALWAYS have to play with my mobile’s hotspot? That is not a long term solution! Is there anything I can do to my router/PS4? Thank you!!!! 

10:00 pm, March 27, 2020 Technical Issues

cristoffercosta replied to Fifa 20 tournament mode crashing glitch

Yeah it’s practically impossible to play through the tournament mode on this game because of this, how hard and how long time can it take to fix?

12:00 pm, April 10, 2020 Technical Issues

cristianojuli replied to Losing connection to EA server mid game and receiving a DNF

Same for me, Iwon my draft semi-final match, the loading took much longer than usual, I then received a message saying to me "EA servers cannot process my request. Please try again later." After this ..

8:30 pm, January 7, 2020 Technical Issues

creyentes replied to Transfer Market locked on Web App and Companion App, played FIFA 19, and FIFA 20

I have played more than 130 game still no access "Your account has not earned access to the Transfer Market on the Web and Companion apps yet. Continue playing FUT 20 to unlock access to the Transfer ..

9:00 pm, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

chrhau1991 replied to Premier League overlay

Hi, yes It has been happening on off for a fee games. I've just started 2nd season and it has been for the first 3 games. Shows the same overlay in the Super Cup final and the FA Cup final toAlso the ..

3:30 pm, March 10, 2020 Technical Issues

calvinhoder replied to banned from the transfer market. incorrectly

@EA_Aljo you really think thats going to help? wow ive dealt with this issue for way too long and it is an unjust ban, how can this not be uplifted instantly?

2:00 am, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

burken replied to Sell Otw Ben Yedder for (possible) potm Ben Yedder? on November 10, 2019 5:29PM

Tboon wrote: » burken wrote: » ICE_UP_SON wrote: » burken wrote: » ICE_UP_SON wrote: » burken wrote: » When will OTW Ben Yedder be the lowest? If he is the POTM most likely right wh..

5:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

burken replied to Sell Otw Ben Yedder for (possible) potm Ben Yedder? on November 10, 2019 4:15PM

ICE_UP_SON wrote: » burken wrote: » ICE_UP_SON wrote: » burken wrote: » When will OTW Ben Yedder be the lowest? If he is the POTM most likely right when they announce him. If he is not in..

4:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

breezy077 replied to Banned For Club Name On FUT

How long was you banned for I’ve been banned for 4 days now 

12:00 pm, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

bouncymonster replied to My account has been banned from FIFA online play

How long will it take to respond?Other than buying & playing it what did I do?I need to complete the objective & its expiring tomorrow.No one replies in here too

10:00 pm, June 16, 2020 Technical Issues

boeyboeyboeyboey replied to Can't access transfer market in Companion App

It took me quite a while to be able to use the transfer market on the companion app, probably around 30-40hours(or like 35 matches, dunno how it’s counted) of gameplay. I then got a message saying s..

10:30 am, November 18, 2019 Technical Issues

bluffbucklle replied to No longer have access to EA/Origin account linked to PSN

Hello I been have a similar problem to yours too where I created a EA matching my email to my PlayStation 4 for FIFA 20 yet it won’t connect and I have tried many things to make it connect but it wo..

9:00 pm, December 1, 2019 Technical Issues

blue166 replied to EA please reintroduce headers to fifa 20 on September 29, 2019 1:41AM

No original poster. The new heading system is the best in any FIFA yet. It's more balanced then ever and stops those who can't actually play football from spamming the wings and just crossing all gam..

7:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

bigGucciso5a300 replied to Gameplay issues

My router is perfectly fine as every other online game I play works exceptionally. To be honest every time there is a issue with gameplay it’s always my router that’s being said to have conne..

3:30 am, March 26, 2020 Technical Issues

bestsquad123 replied to Disconnected

Winning 2-0 in fit champs and my opponent messaged me. I paused the game to view the message and took me 20 seconds to reply. When I come back into the game it says I was inactive for too long althoug..

10:00 pm, December 1, 2019 Technical Issues

ben1bob replied to 4 Disconnected Games While I was winning

Never had disconnects before last week.  Last week in WL I had three. This week I've had six.  But the community manager will soon be along to say all our Internet is awful and to ..

9:00 pm, June 28, 2020 Technical Issues

bayrouma89 replied to Sudden internet disconnection

@EA_Aljo hi, this topic is been going on for long time, i have seen many comments arround youtube and google and here. And you provide always no solution except what you said, the problem is real and ..

1:30 am, May 6, 2020 Technical Issues

astro3k replied to PSN account ineligible

I'm having the exact same problem idk where else to reach out to I even contacted the ea help twitter. I purchased the battle pas not to long ago and been putting a lot of work in for it

3:30 pm, April 28, 2020 Technical Issues

angelthesavant replied to How long does it take to get a refund?

@Moskolonel my refund status is complete but I have yet received my money

7:00 pm, December 1, 2019 Technical Issues

abc812599973 replied to Player career UNPLAYABLE!!!!!!

@schoolpassword be careful with your words before you get a ban for calling out sarcasm mate. I really do love this ea staff. Because they really do reply to us and answer out questions and bring..

11:30 am, November 25, 2019 Technical Issues

Zeke1216 replied to Anyone have guide of team to make for politano ? on November 6, 2019 2:59PM

Staxdoobie wrote: » I don't think there's any quick-fix for this, or any point spending coins on it. Just run with what you have. A player from 11 different clubs, swap them out once their 3 goals a..

3:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ZUR1EL replied to PC FIFA losing focus in every single online game. Refund please

Never had a problem losing window focus until maybe a few days ago ? 4/20/2020  Now,... sitting in the TITLESCREEN of fifa, on the main menu, if i leave the game long enough, it will randoml..

1:00 am, April 24, 2020 Technical Issues

YB_11_ replied to EA, just put Ribery in already on November 9, 2019 8:00PM

I dont know why it take this long..

8:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

XenoBlazing replied to PSN account ineligible

I am in the same boat.  I have reset password twice now.  Account is still not eligible to play for Battlefront 2. Everything I have read says to call the help line.  Well they have lim..

8:00 pm, April 21, 2020 Technical Issues

XXIIIunderdog replied to When will Title Update #6 1.07 come to PS4? on

Worst Fifa ever. In every aspect, even in the simplest things like a patch release.Im totally speachless. And im a longtime fan

2:03 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

XXIIIunderdog replied to When will Title Update #6 1.07 come to PS4?

Worst Fifa ever. In every aspect, even in the simplest things like a patch release.Im totally speachless. And im a longtime fan

2:13 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

Wortel1981 replied to La liga rb on November 5, 2019 12:30PM

I've used semedo also for a long time, but bought scream trippier as his passing is a lot better and i really like him so far. But haven't played that many games with him.

1:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Whoman replied to UCL SBC in the code on November 6, 2019 11:24AM

pudgyfudgy wrote: » According to FUTBIN: Total # of 81+ UCL rare = 231 players Worth under 10k = 127 players (54.9%) Worth over 50k = 36 players (15.5%) Worth over 20k (inclusive of 50k) = 69 pl..

11:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fifa 20
Enjoy more control over the Decisive Moments that determine the outcome of every match in FIFA 20. FIFA 20 is an upcoming football simulation video game published by Electronic Arts as part of the FIFA series. It is the 27th installment in the FIFA series, and is set to be released on 27 September 2019 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.