
peeedro20004000 replied to I got hacked on fifa 20
I was hacked this monday and ia lost 1M coins and all my tradables , i complain to the fifa chat , and after&n..
12:00 am, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

marandonara replied to Please ea help fifa 20
Please contact me once you see it because he was pretty expensive
1:30 pm, February 17, 2020 Technical Issues

jonty1989 replied to Goals not registering for season objectives.
It's the premier league goals objective And no the category I was trying to contact them with had no email option Managed to get a call back but their reply was just use a differ..
9:30 pm, December 17, 2019 Technical Issues

ashmanzting replied to Icon swaps online no progress
Just a update the addict I am couldn't stay away so I have now won 3 rivals games with 9 first owned premier league players and again nothing towards completing objective
2:00 pm, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

H0tZone replied to High pings in UOTrace FIFA 20
they will give you the basic troublesooting.... you can do nothing its their servers. its 60 euros gone to trash every year... the worst thing is that ea dont have competition so basically dont give&n..
11:00 pm, December 17, 2019 Technical Issues