
zzALii replied to Player career changes the shirt number
@Apo1500190050 Bit confused by your instructions. I’ve selected my desired kit number, saved it and quit. I’ve then started a new player career and saved that. Backed out and restarted the game. U..
3:30 pm, December 5, 2019 Technical Issues

zygron replied to Did not receive futmas boulaya
@jrdeath Have you still got the loan player also? I have the issue with Roussillon missing and my loan one of him dropped one contract. If I search from the club they both show up, but can't find thro..
5:00 am, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

zyddraxx replied to Fix something with the servers!! - THIS GAME IS UNPLAYABLE IN ANY ONLYNE MODE !!
Gunoaiele astea nu merita un leu si voi bagati mii de euro, pai din cauza voastra se intampla ce se intampla in momentul de fata. Nici macar jucabil nu e, de ce i-ar interesa atata timp cat fac milioa..
12:30 am, December 19, 2019 Technical Issues

zxrgx replied to Unable to connect to the EA servers
@ibrahim2222653 I have the same problem but for me it's reciently just 3 days ago started to show a message that Say *SL_MoreThanOneDevicePopup, ir You get any answerd about this let me know please, a..
6:30 pm, December 29, 2019 Technical Issues

zumbann replied to Problem after buying a pack
Wow, I didn't know that. That was my second time I decided to buy a pack and I was sure that last time I could store it and I think I did. Maybe in that time that was a bug. My bad then,thanks for ans..
3:30 pm, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

zthbyxl replied to FIFA 20 file damaged
Even I cannot delete that file. Is here someone who can help me, please!
5:00 am, June 13, 2020 Technical Issues

zoteni replied to Ps 2 controller problem when i use x360ce
Thanks for the reply , well no one seems to had this problem. I guess EA's anti cheat software BLOCKS the softaware. I think the generated .dll this software flags the game because when i delete..
1:30 am, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

zoomracin replied to Live Form not working
@EA_Cade LI will try that later thanks. Wouldn’t I need to keep my profile tho? 10 years in?
1:00 am, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

zoecameron1977 replied to Hacked account
Someone logged into my account in traded in my 3 million coin team for a the April fools kit sbc it would be appreciated if u could reach out to me or show me a way of which I can retrieve back my tea..
10:00 am, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

zockerutd replied to No squad battle points
Product: FIFA 20Platform:Sony Playstation 4What is your gamertag/PSN ID? Extrem_GamerWhich mode has this happened in? FIFA Ultimate TeamWhich part of the mode? Squad BattlesCan you tell us the date (M..
4:00 am, June 17, 2020 Technical Issues

znevel2more replied to Unable to connect to ea servers on PC platform
I have already done all of those and it still does not solve the problem. Here is my uotrace result. ..
2:30 pm, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

zlcollinlz replied to Fifa 20 ps4 keeps disconnecting
I'm disconnecting all of the time too how is yours happening? I will join a fut champ or rivals match with 4 green bars and experience no lag whatsoever then it will just freeze and say you lost conne..
7:00 pm, November 16, 2019 Technical Issues

zizo32755 replied to My game crashes in fut friendlies right after we choose the shirts
@EA_Cade before I do thisDoes this mean that I will lose my fut squad
9:00 pm, April 28, 2020 Technical Issues

zizo-elgendy replied to When will Title Update #6 1.07 come to PS4? on
@MalaiKandas32 No one's care
2:03 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

zizo-elgendy replied to When will Title Update #6 1.07 come to PS4?
@MalaiKandas32 No one's care
2:30 am, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

zirom8940 replied to Squad battle rewards
Wondering when this get fixed...
1:00 am, February 10, 2020 Technical Issues

zirom8940 replied to Pack luck
is it even possible to pack an icon out of a 7500 pack?
2:30 pm, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

zirom8940 replied to Item stuck on transfercandidate list
Ok thx... gonna try
8:30 pm, February 11, 2020 Technical Issues

zirom8940 replied to Accidental discard
In the web app there is a option where you can recover your discard players. You can do it 5 times in a month and the players are listed by date.and it goes 7 days back...
8:00 am, March 17, 2020 Technical Issues

ziotree replied to Varane or RTTF Militao on November 9, 2019 10:23AM
Grezzerk wrote: » Way to early to posting this. All your going to get on here is people with hardly any coins saying milatao better as they’ve never even tried varane. The price with rttf a huge g..
10:30 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ziotree replied to LaLiga Tots Predictions? on May 7, 2020 3:37PM
I’m just hoping for odegaard and partey. Still Using 87 Odegaard and he’s a beast
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ziotree replied to How's Storyline Politano? on November 5, 2019 2:23AM
Got him. He seems amazing. First game 3 goals 5 assists. One amazing long range shot. He replaced dembele. However it’s hard to say how good he is as it was a real grind getting him. Took me all da..
2:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ziotree replied to Cheating? Guy got a red card. Quit. But I didn’t get a win on November 9, 2019 5:01PM
PegLeg wrote: » RageRambler wrote: » This happened to me a few times as well. Score is tied, opponent turns ball over, I counter with 5 hungry attackers on the 87th minute, and boom my opponent q..
5:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ziotree replied to Cheating? Guy got a red card. Quit. But I didn’t get a win on November 9, 2019 4:58PM
PegLeg wrote: » RageRambler wrote: » This happened to me a few times as well. Score is tied, opponent turns ball over, I counter with 5 hungry attackers on the 87th minute, and boom my opponent q..
5:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ziotree replied to Cheating? Guy got a red card. Quit. But I didn’t get a win on November 9, 2019 4:57PM
RageRambler wrote: » This happened to me a few times as well. Score is tied, opponent turns ball over, I counter with 5 hungry attackers on the 87th minute, and boom my opponent quits, and the game ..
5:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ziotree replied to Cheating? Guy got a red card. Quit. But I didn’t get a win on November 9, 2019 4:50PM
Kingdingaling wrote: » ziotree wrote: » Kingdingaling wrote: » It's not cheating he still gets the loss but if your not winning why should u get the win Cos I didn’t quit. I didn’t give ..
5:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ziotree replied to Cheating? Guy got a red card. Quit. But I didn’t get a win on November 9, 2019 4:18PM
Kingdingaling wrote: » It's not cheating he still gets the loss but if your not winning why should u get the win Cos I didn’t quit. I didn’t give up?
4:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zillasgv replied to FIFA 20 verification wrong email
My account appears to be hacked and they cannot do anything to help. They are incompetent! I have to verify my identification and sign into origin. The email I can only choose to sen..
9:00 pm, December 24, 2019 Technical Issues

zidane739 replied to Server in Eastern Europe
They are RACIST... They simply wana make the western countries to win.... I am from Romania and my weekend league looks like this 90% germans(trash servers with big delays 2-3 seconds each move) 5% du..
3:00 pm, June 20, 2020 Technical Issues

zidane739 replied to Ping spikes, game is unplayable
EA really sux, EA is matching me only vs germans who have their own servers(90% of my matches are vs them)... They should move the servers into a country with better internet connection...
1:30 pm, June 5, 2020 Technical Issues

zhuzhuyiyi09 replied to Fifa 20 lag in friendly matches only?
Hi @EA_Cade I have the exact same problems like @azzac004 , I am sure that my PS4 internet connection is very good, the NAT type is type 2, which is no problem. When I play R..
12:00 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

zhoukaka replied to Center Asia xbox FUT server is dead?
Please help check what’s wrong with the HK server@EAHELP@EA_Darko
1:30 pm, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

zendenkat replied to Kante and Allan on November 7, 2019 7:09AM
It Kante really better? Allan is such a beast and much cheaper
7:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zendenkat replied to Griezmann, De Bruyne or IF Ben Yedder on November 7, 2019 9:27AM
No love for De Bruyne?
9:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zendenkat replied to Griezmann, De Bruyne or IF Ben Yedder on November 7, 2019 9:11AM
zendenkat wrote: » More opinions?
9:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zendenkat replied to Griezmann, De Bruyne or IF Ben Yedder on November 7, 2019 7:52AM
More opinions?
8:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zendenkat replied to Griezmann, De Bruyne or IF Ben Yedder on November 7, 2019 7:12AM
Formation is 4-2-3-1
7:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zendenkat replied to Griezmann users on November 10, 2019 1:21PM
CAM. He is awesome!
1:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zenabitnasbor10 replied to Issue : unable to log into my ultimate team
For the past week, every time I get on fifa it gives me an “ unable to connect” message however It lets me log in to FUT anyway. I had disconnects after I had won WL matches (On 3-6-2020) . ..
2:00 pm, March 11, 2020 Technical Issues

zelziusch replied to FUT 20 Friendlies Issue
The thing is he can matchmake with randoms and I can too.
7:00 pm, February 20, 2020 Technical Issues

zekiakdeniz replied to Unbelievable game delay and button lag !!
@loma001 Do yourself a favour mate, delete your club right away and don’t buy the next one.Welcome to my world, ultimate team is controlled and designed by EA to make sure you don’t hit the higher..
2:00 am, June 22, 2020 Technical Issues

zealot1899 replied to Conmebol squad did not get credit for Icon Swaps objective
I’ve won 2 squad battles with my CONMEBOL team on world class difficulty. Except it doesn’t seem to complete the objective. What am I doing wrong? I have attached my team here. ..
6:30 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

zamille1972 replied to Ultimate team freezing on start up
When loading ultimate team, keep pressing RB (on Xbox), if done fast enough you come off the FUT Central tab. You can then play the game. If you go onto the FUT Central tab, your game will crash. I on..
12:00 pm, March 2, 2020 Technical Issues

zalarm replied to Lag (100%) and script ?
@Gouleador Yeah would also like to hear someone from the staff , Fifa is a hellhole .Gameplay lags & feels like there is 3third player sabotaging the game
6:00 pm, January 5, 2020 Technical Issues

zakka1daa replied to Cant connect to Ea servers in Fifa 20
@mohdhammad2771 yup, we have paid for the game we cant even play
6:30 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

zahner78 replied to Banned for 72 hours and i am panicking
I've had the same problem on NHL. Out EASHL team (pro clubs) got deleted. I don't think that they would delete your FUT team due to this, but I don't know for sure. Have you been un-banned yet. Its be..
6:00 pm, June 9, 2020 Technical Issues

zago33 replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 7, 2019 10:57AM
this is the best fun for me in fifa yet, that objective.. looking forward to others, althought i play serie a team so i dont know if be interested
11:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zago33 replied to Anyone have guide of team to make for politano ? on November 6, 2019 4:43PM
Invincibility wrote: » Get Scream medel at CDM and 10 objective players around him that guy is totally not working for me, looks like gonna sell him..and also Dzeko (scream) is just not good
5:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

zachaaarryy replied to It won’t let me into my Fifa 20 UT
@ToughCookie2003 me too man, so bullcrap
1:30 pm, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues

zachaaarryy replied to Every time I try to get into fut it comes up with an error message
@ToughCookie2003 me too man, so bullcrap
8:00 am, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues