
scottyevens93 replied to Can't find opponents on FIFA 20 NINTENDO SWITCH
I am having the same issue - spoke to ea and they were absolutely no use at all. Basically washed their hands saying we aren’t able to help as we can’t troubleshoot Nintendo anyone got ..
6:30 pm, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

scottrama00 replied to Constantly getting disconnected from the EA servers seasons FIFA 20
I have already tried all these trouble shooting steps multiple times, I’ve even factory reset my PS4 and still no luck.I’ve been in multiple live chats with EA employees who always recommend the s..
9:00 am, February 5, 2020 Technical Issues

sbnfar replied to Fifa 20 online stamina issue
Having online issues with fifa on ultimate team and online season when I play kick off it's fine but when I play online the players stamina is gone by half time I've factory reset my ps4 redownload th..
5:30 pm, April 10, 2020 Technical Issues

saba7oo01 replied to Bakayoko Objective not counting
I'm having the same issue. I got stuck at 4/7. I've further completed more than 6 games with the requirements and I'm STILL at 4/7 when I should have the objective complete. Not sure what to do? Tried..
7:00 am, April 9, 2020 Technical Issues

ryvnkey replied to FUT Speed Up Lag STILL!!!
hiI’ve tried this and still having the same problem..Still the same lag.
11:30 pm, January 7, 2020 Technical Issues

ryfarl123 replied to Verification code
I am having the exact same problem. Load of * man
1:30 pm, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

ryfarl123 replied to Fifa 20 EA account login verification
@Carter018765 I am having the exact same problem. Load of crap. Cant get help from anyone from EA
4:30 pm, April 3, 2020 Technical Issues

rsclarkey33 replied to Login issues
I am having the same issue tried filling a online form out twice and still no luck!!! The email coming up i have never seen before and is asking me to verify the account
11:30 pm, December 8, 2019 Technical Issues

rizakusuma09 replied to Transfer Market Locked
@MadRedPirahna It is near the end of the game and it just unfortunate really, to not having the ease of trading on my phone
3:00 pm, June 25, 2020 Technical Issues

richie-mccaff replied to Fut champions
Anyone been lagging ?? I’ve been having weird player movement lag and players doing crazy passes and doing everything slow and just run bye where they should go but got no freezing or speed up lag i..
2:30 pm, February 8, 2020 Technical Issues

protzbischof replied to EA please reintroduce headers to fifa 20 on September 30, 2019 8:59AM
protzbischof wrote: » Recoba wrote: » EA: Q: Are there any plans to increase the effectiveness of headers or improve the chances of having a successful header? In particular, scoring goals from ..
7:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

protzbischof replied to EA please reintroduce headers to fifa 20 on September 30, 2019 8:55AM
Recoba wrote: » EA: Q: Are there any plans to increase the effectiveness of headers or improve the chances of having a successful header? In particular, scoring goals from headers off of crosses or..
7:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

protzbischof replied to Any one still having fun on November 8, 2019 3:06PM
Hard to find fun this year for me. I always loved using tall,strong strikers and liked to inclue crossing + headers into my game. This years thats impossible. The last patch made it even worse. They n..
3:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

pipeguy727 replied to ps4 “you enter a blocked screen” Can’t connect to servers
Im having the same problem, cant access anything i have been in ea account re did my login an password nothing works. Cant navigate to anyone on ea for help this has been a on going issue for mo..
4:00 pm, July 5, 2020 Technical Issues

paulroberts69 replied to Can an under-13 account play Volta/FUT on a PS4? I cannot get this to work.
Hey, I'm having exactly the same problem, my lad is 8 and all is school mates got FIFA20 for xmas, we are all struggling to set up accounts so they can play online together. Don't quote EU law at..
10:00 pm, January 1, 2020 Technical Issues

pandorox12 replied to Cant connect online for Fifa 20.
@EA_Barry I've been having the same issue for days, I've lost out on coins and players due to FUT crashing and kicking me out of the game, the EA help isn't what it says on the tin all EA support do i..
4:00 pm, June 16, 2020 Technical Issues

pabloarbu replied to Get Kicked out of every online game I play
I'm having the exact same problem, went through all of the steps and still happens. I don't have a clue what to do and it's really frustrating.
6:30 pm, December 13, 2019 Technical Issues

ozguraksoy replied to fifa 20 not connecting to servers problem
@nikivasilevbg As like ever other day EA servers are having problems. Because of the coronavirus outbreak more people have started playing more of EA’s games but EA has less employees working at a s..
2:30 pm, April 14, 2020 Technical Issues

onetwo3kid replied to FUT Lag after update
@EA_DarkoDo you actually seriously believe that everyone is having issues with connection .. There is something seriously wrong with the game . Everyone is being effected by lag /delay . Poll done on ..
2:30 pm, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

olejakadudu7fold replied to Cannot play with friend
@EA_Cade Thanks to ea team for answering to this thread while yesterday Iposted one for an issue that I'm having with pro clubs and still had no response.
12:30 am, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

obinodmx replied to FIFA 20 Dempo-Black Screen
Exactly the same issue i'm having. Thank God it's not only me. Is there a fix yet? I click play, black screen flashes and disappears
8:00 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

nt009 replied to How's Storyline Politano? on November 6, 2019 1:37AM
Ishibum wrote: » To kinda go the other way, the card has been great for me. Very quick on the turn and makes good runs for me. Strength is an issue (though we're not talking Giovinco levels here) bu..
2:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

nsholmberg11 replied to Disconnecting me on November 5, 2019 6:38PM
Yes. Happens all the time to me. Even playing offline modes. It’s horrible and makes it unplayable at times. Very unreliable despite having a wired connection at 1gig speeds
7:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

nsholmberg11 replied to Any one still having fun on November 8, 2019 9:56PM
Normally I don’t care for the sbc’s as I’m picky about players. But between Ndombele and Mbabu I’ve been excited- it’s just an awful grind to get there which sucks the fun out. I just got cl..
10:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

nizarsan replied to Error connecting to fifa 20 ultimate team.
@EA_Cade I am having the same problem my game freezes when trying to connect to EA servers
5:00 pm, April 17, 2020 Technical Issues

nirmzskibopz replied to We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to fifa 20 ultimate team
Im having the same issue.. no help.. no solutions... i've spent 1000s on this game... WHYYY!!
1:30 am, April 23, 2020 Technical Issues

nikolasvel2846 replied to Fifa 20 (PC)- SCreen flickering
I am literally having the exact same issue. FIFA 20 is flickering while in the menu and while in game at times. No other game or video is creating the same issue.RX 5700 XT and Acer 27 inch 1440 144hz..
4:30 am, June 11, 2020 Technical Issues

nieldy1991 replied to Fifa 20 Draft not finding any opponents
I am having the same issue with the switch what is going on Ea
6:00 am, November 20, 2019 Technical Issues

nicitel32 replied to Inception xxx on November 9, 2019 10:42AM
Cant behave ? Youd prefer they sit and dont call out EA on their terrible game ? nowadays u wont manage to do something better by spitting and swearing and behaving like ****. I Never said that the g..
11:00 am, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

nicitel32 replied to Drag back spam WL on November 10, 2019 3:08PM
Kingdingaling wrote: » nicitel32 wrote: » kids having all players in own box and crying when they concede to a goal after a skill move...go play football and not just stinking in own half and pra..
3:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

nicitel32 replied to Drag back spam WL on November 10, 2019 3:04PM
kids having all players in own box and crying when they concede to a goal after a skill move...go play football and not just stinking in own half and praying for a counter with your brand new cheeky c..
3:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

nial675 replied to FIFA 20 PS4 stuck at connecting to ea servers.
Hi, I am having this issue do I need to change the DNS? I’ve been using a wired connection and can’t connect. All my other games connect and work fine. I’ve even tried the turning..
9:00 am, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

neeks_77 replied to Constantly kicked out of game
To update on this, my son using a different account managed 1 game before being kicked out of 2, and I've managed to play 3 games before being kicked out of a 4th just now. I'm not the only one w..
12:30 am, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

navysealned replied to Kicked off FUT server mid game
I also been having the same issue for the last 3 nights and the help team are a load * . No help what so ever. I have hard-line my Xbox and great internet. This ea is a load of * . Been hacked aswell ..
9:30 pm, February 13, 2020 Technical Issues

nathansveryown replied to I think i'm connected to the wrong server
I am having this exact problem too and the more i search the more it seems ea have stopped responding to people about it
11:00 pm, April 3, 2020 Technical Issues

mway replied to I've Lost All Belief In Myself on November 7, 2019 2:10PM
It´s because the result depends more on the game's decisions than yours and the gameplay is more and more random. So, having better players means nothing since you can´t get the best of them. That´..
2:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Any one still having fun on November 8, 2019 10:30PM
I have the same problem since the patch. Anyway, I´m having fun playing with gold teams and scoring with Giroud. It´s incredible how many times people rage quit when scoring with him . I don´t car..
11:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mundopaz69 replied to Any one still having fun on November 8, 2019 9:49PM
Renamed12345678 wrote: » This is the most down right disgusting thing ever made
10:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mteles0112 replied to Multiple second input delay
Please fix this game. Gameplay has been in slow motion for days. To add the time between I signal and a player responds is so delayed the game is virtually unplayable. I have tried just about everythi..
6:30 pm, April 1, 2020 Technical Issues

mteles0112 replied to Can’t connect Ea server
The connectivity issues with this game as well as the gameplay quality are out of control. Multiple times a day I am having disconnections after weekend league wins, squad battles wins with completed ..
2:00 am, March 30, 2020 Technical Issues

momo_shawali replied to FIFA 20 VIP Club
I am still having the same problem. Has your problem been solved?!
3:30 pm, June 28, 2020 Technical Issues

mohad123 replied to Fifa 20 ps4 triangle/square button doesnt work!
Hi again Thanks for the reply but I ve tried that but still having same issues. My controller is on classis. I even deleted the full game and re installed it but still having same issue.&nbs..
2:30 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

mikek270182 replied to Fifa 20 ultimate team keeps crashing
Hi I'm currently having the same problem during ultimate team games, it kicks me out of the EA servers and I have to restart my console. I'm playing in Xbox One and any help would be appreciated ..
8:00 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

mickyz1991 replied to Online friendly issue fifa 20
I am having the same issue. Cannot connect with a friend.Can you please fix the issue urgently?
8:30 pm, March 25, 2020 Technical Issues

micky290787 replied to Won’t load fifa 20 ultimate team
Hi I’m having issues I go to load FUT and just freezes when it gets to the home page of fut any idea?
11:00 am, February 29, 2020 Technical Issues

mh77944 replied to Wrong Verification Email Fifa 20
I'm having the exact same issue. Someone hacked my PSN account and changed the email address on the linked EA account to "****". I've literally been dealing with this for months and EA has b..
5:00 pm, April 9, 2020 Technical Issues

mentusation replied to BUG Captcha
Having the same damn issue
8:30 pm, January 16, 2020 Technical Issues

meloalvarez replied to *****
@fjh2009 im having the same problem. i tried making a new ea account but the problem persists because it is linked to my psn account.. im going nuts trying to fix this issue
2:00 pm, January 20, 2020 Technical Issues

mellis23 replied to Captcha Error Not allowing me to play Online FUT Draft
Having the exact same issue all I did was sell a couple of players from my draft packs why am I even getting this message literally I listed 2/3 players now I'm stuck and cant even play sort your game..
2:30 am, February 12, 2020 Technical Issues

mdpeters21 replied to Can’t connect
EVERY TIME I LOAD UP FIFA IT ASKS FOR A VERIFICATION CODE TO AN EMAIL I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. WHY CANT I LOAD FIFA? It’s been Months!!!! I need help. EA you suck for being 0 help and having this b..
12:00 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues