
Dazz2710 replied to I got hacked on fifa 20
HI @Louis1210 , I got hacked yesterday, someone coin transferred 560k worth of Luis Suarez cards and this was confirmed by EA live chat, however, they did not think it was suspicious that I ..
2:30 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

Damonlufc replied to The dreaded replay watchers- simple solution on November 1, 2019 9:43PM
Jameshorse wrote: » Darkwing1708 wrote: » Childish people getting offended by celebrations ffs.Its part of football. Get over it Nonsense.....everyone knows it’s the childish one who can be b..
12:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Dad71UK replied to FIFA 20 Crashing - PS4/Xbox One
I’m getting a similar issue on PS4.Error code CE-34878-0Happening on both my consoles (PS4 & PS4 pro)
8:00 pm, February 28, 2020 Technical Issues

Dad71UK replied to Error message: an error has occured in the following application (CE-34878-0)
I’m getting a similar issue on PS4.Error code CE-34878-0Happening on both my consoles (PS4 & PS4 pro)
7:00 pm, February 28, 2020 Technical Issues

D_D_51lv4 replied to Opponent quits, but recorded as a loss!?!
@EA_Cade Thanks for the reply.I'm certain that my connection did not drop. Perhaps, it dropped at the opponents end. However a message came up stating the opponent had forfeited, which is why I was su..
8:00 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

DStaar75 replied to Controller triangle and square not working when playing online
It is happening with the PS4 and PS4 controller
10:00 pm, June 18, 2020 Technical Issues

D4VEG82 replied to PSN account ineligible
Hi, that hasn't worked, is this happening because o changed my psn id? Still saying invalid account
11:30 am, April 21, 2020 Technical Issues

Cyodine replied to SBC abusers beware! on November 6, 2019 6:53PM
They sucked me in so fast and hard I didn't know what was happening until it was over. Damn you EA!
7:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Cuagaldo replied to Green premier league overlay
Suddenly happening all the time... incredibly annoying. Restarting the console gets rid of it, but nothing else - if I finish a match a start a new one, it’s still there! To clarify this is the..
11:30 pm, December 10, 2019 Technical Issues

CtldChaos replied to Gameplay this weekend deserves an apology from EA on November 10, 2019 4:32PM
Pablofsi05 wrote: » It's this simple people. There are 3 types of netcode regarding the connectivity model they use: servers, P2P and rollback netcode (predictive). If EA really wanted to eliminate ..
5:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Cthirtyfive replied to I got disconnected after a win in FUT Champions
This has been happening to me for the last week. But on divison rivals like as soon as the refs blow the whisle the game game kicks me out of ultimate team and it also gives me the lose. Even though i..
7:00 pm, March 31, 2020 Technical Issues

ChiraaKitteh replied to Daily objectives
@EA_CadeHas been happening so often recently.
11:00 pm, January 15, 2020 Technical Issues

CheekyFreakOfTheWeek replied to Ever wonder why your team suddenly starts playing like garbage after dominating your opponent? on November 5, 2019 8:12AM
If you play Squad Battles on Legendary you feel this happening, especially over the last couple of weeks. Disgraceful.
8:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CaptainDan- replied to My RTTF price predictions on November 8, 2019 5:02PM
Suarez8 wrote: » I wish Kante will be 600K but definitely cannot see that happening. His price could be a little bit lower because it's not sure If they will go through to the next round, but still ..
5:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CallipsoKidd replied to Fifa causing Mental health problems
It's so bad what this company does to its players who support the company. We spend billions on fifa and what we get back is nothing more than a joke. Bad game play the ' random things happe..
5:30 pm, December 1, 2019 Technical Issues

CRAZYPUPU replied to Literally UNPLAYABLE.
My GOD I am facing the same issue from last month after the January UPDATE but still EA couldn't fix this I am on Xbox One X and seriously its absolutely unplayable ... players stand at the spot ..
10:30 pm, February 28, 2020 Technical Issues

CIARANH129 replied to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team freezes when loaded
Have the exact same problem all day long have squad battles and fut champs to play this weekend can’t get on a live chat and also an hour later and you’ve got no answer if a ea worker but if this ..
3:00 am, February 29, 2020 Technical Issues

CG_ps4 replied to Getting kicked out of games on November 10, 2019 8:55AM
Been happening to me all weekend, no issues with internet either. Game just freezes and kicks me to the menus. When kicked If im winning no win or loss, if losing i get the loss. Is it just eas terri..
9:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

C0mmanderInQueef replied to Keeps crashing error ce-34878-0 once i load into ultimate team
Im having the same issue. Ive done everything. Reset internet and PS4, Initialized my PS4 redownloaded Fifa and it kept happening.
5:30 am, March 1, 2020 Technical Issues

BuB9775 replied to Why Is This Game Broken On So Many Levels but WHY is Passing So Broken!
They forget the word called "Karma".They took too much our money, times, loves of football for granted. They didn't even bother to fix. After every patch, the game becomes worse and worse. So many * t..
11:30 am, June 15, 2020 Technical Issues

Brydobhoy88 replied to Stumbling my **** on November 8, 2019 3:37PM
kayron16 wrote: » Brydobhoy88 wrote: » You do realise everything works well offline soon as you go online it doesnt ? People think gameplay responsiveness, that doesnt make the ball magically bo..
4:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Brydobhoy88 replied to MESSAGE TO EA TO SAVE THIS GAME on November 9, 2019 1:34PM
Bouboe112 wrote: » Brydobhoy88 wrote: » They are not going to do anything to increase the skill gap its not good for profits. Fifa 18,19 & 20 all started with large skill gaps because of man..
2:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Brustring1893 replied to Market crashing hard on November 8, 2019 2:23PM
Whoa what’s happening with Rashford? Lost 50% of his value in the last hour.
2:30 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Brendi2k replied to Unable to connect to ea servers at this time
Located in Wisconsin, this has been happening for 2 days now, I registered for fut champs and have a draft open and I can’t play either
10:30 pm, December 13, 2019 Technical Issues

Bouboe112 replied to MESSAGE TO EA TO SAVE THIS GAME on November 9, 2019 1:21PM
Brydobhoy88 wrote: » They are not going to do anything to increase the skill gap its not good for profits. Fifa 18,19 & 20 all started with large skill gaps because of manual defending was good..
1:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Bouboe112 replied to Anyone elses delay worse than usual today? on November 10, 2019 12:36PM
Pablofsi05 wrote: » It's this simple people. There are 3 types of netcode regarding the connectivity model they use: servers, P2P and rollback netcode (predictive). If EA really wanted to eliminate ..
1:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

BeboElijah replied to "We are sorry but there has been an error connecting to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team.
What’s happening with Ultimate team?? Im losing xp like crazy. The system just quit After I finish the game...they would give me the points back??
1:00 pm, April 21, 2020 Technical Issues

BadenMoan86 replied to Keeping getting disconnected from EA servers?
@Frankysquad Exactly the same with me during a match on seasons. I have a wired connection into my router and my Xbox dash stays connected.I’ve lost 4 games in a row now over 2 separate days. It’s..
8:00 am, June 6, 2020 Technical Issues

Baadboi0 replied to Fifa 20 ps4 keeps disconnecting
There is something wrong at their server ends. Lots of people across platforms are experiencing this. I had to organize a static IP from my ISP to try as a final result to fix this and guess what? It ..
7:00 pm, November 16, 2019 Technical Issues

AvengerRanger replied to disconnection in all matches
Hey @dcs3000 , Sad to hear it. Maybe you could try these steps: 1) Troubleshooting connection problems: 2) If..
7:30 pm, June 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Ash2442 replied to How do streamers dribble so fast? on November 10, 2019 3:33AM
tom4s wrote: » Ash2442 wrote: » RTG20 wrote: » Dronegan wrote: » Pocketsquareguy wrote: » Streaming takes a lot of bandwidth I’d assume. Which throttles their connection to the the act..
4:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Anna123Cutie replied to Career mode bug
i know how squad / team sheet works, the issue here is the simulation team does not match with any of my team sheets and i cannot change that at all, i.e i am stuck with a simulation team that i dont ..
5:00 pm, December 5, 2019 Technical Issues

Al3xand3r12 replied to Unable to connect to FIFA 20 Ultimate Team
Yes it's still happening. It also says that the EAS FC catalogue update 1 appears to be damaged and cannot be used.
9:00 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

Airmax6 replied to Fix passing, EA! on November 6, 2019 5:14PM
Clearly the game has been badly coded. It keeps happening to me. it keeps happening to players i watch on twitch. bad game
5:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

01america replied to Conmebol squad did not get credit for Icon Swaps objective
Sorry to bud in but the same thing is happening to me. Did they ever resolve your issue? I used nothing but CONMEBOL Lib and Sud my first game and then only CONMEBOL the second game but neither record..
6:00 am, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues