
EA_Cade replied to Disconnected from the servers after a Fut champions win!
Hi @Maca_880,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This process ..
5:30 pm, April 4, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnected from game minute 90 while wining!!!!!!
Hi @Urr2Ezz,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This process i..
6:00 pm, June 5, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnected from fut champs
Hi @darraghb101,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This proce..
9:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnected from a match when I had already won
Hi @Gallagher893,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This proc..
2:00 pm, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnected from FCH
Hi @ERNESToo007,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This proce..
10:00 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnected from EA servers 3 times in a row while playing weekend league
Hi @samwalker101851 @quankhuc99 If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's repla..
6:30 pm, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnected at end of FUT champs match
Hi @LiamJehu21,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This proces..
2:30 am, June 2, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnect in Fut champs
Hi @Orange1245,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This proces..
9:30 pm, June 19, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnect 4 times whilst winning
Hi @johngilborson,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This pro..
6:30 pm, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Disconnect
Hi @Billy9481,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This process..
2:30 pm, February 8, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to DNF after Opponent quit in Weekend League and game froze
Hi @arhturwoodhouse,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This p..
3:30 pm, December 7, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Connectivity Issue
Hi @SneakyTurtle2023,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This ..
10:00 pm, March 3, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to 4-0 up in weekend league, opponent disconnects and I don't get a win.
Hi @Dude_PJ,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This process i..
5:00 pm, June 5, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to 3 Champions disconnections without network problems
Hi @Evalios68,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This process..
7:30 pm, January 25, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to 2-1 up in the 117th minute disconnected and lost
Hi @IronCharlstar,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This pro..
4:30 pm, May 1, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to * Div Rival
Hi @Goosterrooster2,If your game session is interrupted the game will determine based on several factors whether the game is recorded as a win, loss or if it's replayed as if it never happened. This p..
8:30 pm, January 7, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Barry replied to EA is [Edit - Admin.].
@Kamratligan That depends on the Edition of the game you have and a couple of other factors, check the following link for specific details, thanks.
2:30 pm, December 17, 2019 Technical Issues

Drachenfells replied to EA need to add additional unique factors into special cards on November 10, 2019 8:36PM
I think this is a great idea. But it would involve work so it will never happen.
9:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

D_D_51lv4 replied to Opponent quits, but recorded as a loss!?!
@EA_Cade Thanks for the reply.I'm certain that my connection did not drop. Perhaps, it dropped at the opponents end. However a message came up stating the opponent had forfeited, which is why I was su..
8:00 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

Claret_n_blue_blood replied to Buy aguero on November 8, 2019 6:35PM
Gazhunt1981 wrote: » James909 wrote: » Well that depends on many factors we have yet to establish.. Coxk Is there any need to be so rude
7:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Aspral replied to EA need to add additional unique factors into special cards on November 10, 2019 9:02PM
I think basically if they get an IF for scoring free kicks then upgrade free kicks and so on. Imagine certain cards with individual upped stats rather than overall
9:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion