
PixelGuitar replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - FUT Swap Challenge on September 25, 2019 9:14PM
Opponent's Squad (Division Rivals #8) The first pure Serie A squad that I see this year! Barella is left with too much space in the penalty box, has a lot of time to adjust his shooting position and..
7:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PixelGuitar replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - FUT Swap Challenge on September 25, 2019 9:01PM
passpassshootpost wrote: » Hope you can get yourself a timo Werner. He’s an animal Werner looks really good. He is especially a perfect striker for a duo up front. Yesser7 wrote: » Looks great..
7:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PixelGuitar replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - FUT Swap Challenge on September 25, 2019 3:59PM
PassingThoughts wrote: » Bookmarked. This looks awesome, I'm loving the effort you're putting into it with the images. Good luck to you! I really appreciate your comment! Opponent's Squad (Div..
7:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PixelGuitar replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - Divison Rivals Rewards on September 25, 2019 9:14PM
Opponent's Squad (Division Rivals #8) The first pure Serie A squad that I see this year! Barella is left with too much space in the penalty box, has a lot of time to adjust his shooting position and..
9:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PixelGuitar replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - Divison Rivals Rewards on September 25, 2019 9:01PM
passpassshootpost wrote: » Hope you can get yourself a timo Werner. He’s an animal Werner looks really good. He is especially a perfect striker for a duo up front. Yesser7 wrote: » Looks great..
9:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PixelGuitar replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - Divison Rivals Rewards on September 25, 2019 3:59PM
PassingThoughts wrote: » Bookmarked. This looks awesome, I'm loving the effort you're putting into it with the images. Good luck to you! I really appreciate your comment! Opponent's Squad (Div..
9:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Pelimistanblue replied to Players running slow?
Responsiveness, input lag, delay, ping. Always fighting with these factors. Sounds like too much effort to play a GAME.
3:30 pm, December 28, 2019 Technical Issues

PassingThoughts replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - Weekend-League on September 25, 2019 12:21PM
Bookmarked. This looks awesome, I'm loving the effort you're putting into it with the images. Good luck to you!
7:30 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PassingThoughts replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - FUT Swap Challenge on September 25, 2019 12:21PM
Bookmarked. This looks awesome, I'm loving the effort you're putting into it with the images. Good luck to you!
7:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

PassingThoughts replied to Buenos Aires FC - RTG - Divison Rivals Rewards on September 25, 2019 12:21PM
Bookmarked. This looks awesome, I'm loving the effort you're putting into it with the images. Good luck to you!
9:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Ollie_gunnar132 replied to Pro clubs minor adjustments for ea
@Brian_3305_6w4r wrote:this takes little to no effort as I know pro clubs has little to no recognition for ea however just add new cleats/boots to player customization, it’s small but it’ll h..
12:00 am, February 23, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to 充值未到账
Hey @ZhaKunKoala1 we would like to ask you to post in English so everyone can participate in the discussion.This thread will be closed, feel free to repost your query in English.You can also use ..
2:30 pm, February 1, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to stolen content
@man9our66 Welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”!Here at Answer HQ, we are not EA. We are only a community-based forum board for giving/helping mutual assistance!Unfortunately, we can not help ..
9:00 am, April 13, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Need to switch EA account on FIFA 20
First off, let me start by saying welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”. Answer HQ isn't just an ordinary message board or support center. It's a new approach to our community experience and a fun way of ..
8:30 pm, March 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Money back?
Hello @DagIsak88! First off, let me start by saying welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”. I am very sorry for your inconvenience. I can understand your problem and I treat it like a serious m..
4:30 pm, December 8, 2019 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Money back
Check to see if you can get a refund right here: Other official links on refund & cancelations Topic:
10:30 am, March 7, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to HELP
Hey @bgyikt1980 we would like to ask you to post in English so everyone can participate in the discussion.This thread will be closed, feel free to repost your query in English.You can..
1:30 pm, February 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Delete fut account
@bigGucciso5a300 I am sorry to see you go, but you can come back at any time! You need to contact an EA Game Advisor to delete your account. Notice that all your games (the games which you bought..
7:00 am, March 20, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to Account Hacked and Now I'm Banned
Hello @balloman2001! First off, let me start by saying welcome to EA’s “Answer HQ”. Answer HQ isn't just an ordinary message board or support center. It's a new approach to our community ex..
8:00 am, March 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Mikimuster3 replied to * everyone who works at ea
@asgarlisaid wrote: ...*REACH ME ASAP*... @asgarlisaid EA will newer reach You on the basis of the Post at this public forum. It is necessary to contact EA support like described in t..
8:30 am, March 22, 2020 Technical Issues

MBKamal_82 replied to Match Under Review?
I just had 8 matches disconnect. In the last few hours, I was winning 4 games in the last minutes,3 draws and 1 loss. I cannot get losses for all of them? I don’t even get the review results, ..
7:30 am, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

Knowlesdinho replied to The 41212 formation guide. on October 26, 2019 9:14PM
Not read through it yet, but I can see the effort you've put in. I'm actually using this formation myself... I'll test your tactics out tomorrow when I get chance to play some WL. Well done.
12:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Knowlesdinho replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (video intro) on September 27, 2019 9:08PM
Nice effort mate...hope this goes well.
7:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Knowlesdinho replied to Record Breaker's RTG: 20 Seasons (Kit Help) on September 27, 2019 9:08PM
Nice effort mate...hope this goes well.
8:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Kartavya123 replied to Lost player's
I did, it's been 24 hours and I haven't gotten any replies. I'm worried, will they not give my players back? What should I be expecting here. It's a lot of effort
4:30 pm, April 7, 2020 Technical Issues

Jobiwan replied to Do you get annoyed by Division droppers? on November 9, 2019 11:49AM
RTG20 wrote: » Jobiwan wrote: » RTG20 wrote: » Jobiwan wrote: » Load of people giving reasons why its fair enough for them to drop down and hammer people not as good as them. Saying its not..
12:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Jobiwan replied to Do you get annoyed by Division droppers? on November 9, 2019 11:37AM
RTG20 wrote: » Jobiwan wrote: » Load of people giving reasons why its fair enough for them to drop down and hammer people not as good as them. Saying its not fair that it takes so long. Yet ignor..
12:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Jeremy295 replied to What Red Picks did you get? on November 7, 2019 8:10AM
Silver 2 and I jagged hazard. Not unhappy for minimal effort!
8:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

JPBennett123 replied to URGENT URGENT URGENT, after escalating my case, this is my last resort
No, I’m not lying or making this up, my conversation was on a EA live chat, it disconnected, and the operator told me the EA systems were having problems, so I’m not liable, I was more concerned w..
12:30 am, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

JGCramp replied to Why is almost every foul a booking? on November 8, 2019 3:29AM
Lately it's the opposite for me. I'm not getting called for fouls and I can't buy a foul. Last match I played I was about to go clear past the last defender. My opponent made a last ditch tackle effor..
3:30 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ImNoam replied to this is how I solved my in game delay on October 29, 2019 12:34PM
Fifafuthed wrote: » ImNoam wrote: » Fifafuthed wrote: » We can tell you are rather proud of your video mate and appreciate your time and effort making it......... But it aint gonna fix ****. ..
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ImNoam replied to this is how I solved my in game delay on October 29, 2019 12:11PM
Fifafuthed wrote: » We can tell you are rather proud of your video mate and appreciate your time and effort making it......... But it aint gonna fix ****. first of all , thx man I worked on this 3..
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ImNoam replied to Winter Update prediction on October 30, 2019 4:51PM
ICE_UP_SON wrote: » Nice video! More effort than most people hating would put into it. Little early for the average fan to be thinking about winter upgrades. Good luck! thank you so much!
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

ICE_UP_SON replied to Winter Update prediction on October 30, 2019 3:10PM
Nice video! More effort than most people hating would put into it. Little early for the average fan to be thinking about winter upgrades. Good luck!
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

HullCity1904 replied to Politano Objectives brings out the worst in this community on November 6, 2019 7:38PM
YorkshireJapan wrote: » Basically, you want everything with no effort. Your cake and eat it. Work hard for the special cards like everyone else. You didn't read the post so your opinion is irrel..
8:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Hagooey replied to REDS YOU GOT? on October 10, 2019 9:09AM
Wesley and Dunk, hardly worth the effort.
8:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Guvnor replied to Nerfing bench in WL on November 9, 2019 11:41PM
I tested this, this year and I actually think they have made a concerted effort to penalise you for bronze benching this year. Iv played numerous games with both and I’m telling you know my team pla..
12:00 am, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Guillotine_Mack replied to The 41212 formation guide. on October 26, 2019 9:23PM
Knowlesdinho wrote: » Not read through it yet, but I can see the effort you've put in. I'm actually using this formation myself... I'll test your tactics out tomorrow when I get chance to play some ..
12:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Grezzerk replied to Remove objectives from rivals pls! on November 4, 2019 11:24PM
Put it in friendlies like they did last year? How did that go down last year? Personally I Was sick of seeing pages and pages of complaints on here from people saying the objectives should be in rival..
11:46 pm, November 4, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

The fact is its the EA Servers and nothing else don't lag in any other game just fifa. Ea are happy to make money but not investing in the future as there are not enough servers to cope with the amoun..
4:00 pm, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

Goalrush replied to Opening packs on November 10, 2019 12:34PM
kaaasen wrote: » This year is the first year I've done trading instead of BPM. I'm not a good trader at all, but lazy trading has made me a 3,2 mill club. Best packpulls this year: Kane (sold for 2..
1:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Geek4mjc replied to Scream Ozil - Chip Shot on November 1, 2019 6:27PM
Has to go over the keeper. Just do the little dink over a keeper rather than a long range effort.
4:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Gavingrieves1 replied to Poor game performance after patch
Been onto ea about thisThey say its internet issue yet my provider has changed all equipment.totally wasted there time.Its the * fixed servers it runs on.I would like to know how all fat cat youtubers..
2:30 pm, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

Fifafuthed replied to this is how I solved my in game delay on October 29, 2019 12:18PM
ImNoam wrote: » Fifafuthed wrote: » We can tell you are rather proud of your video mate and appreciate your time and effort making it......... But it aint gonna fix ****. first of all , thx man..
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fifafuthed replied to this is how I solved my in game delay on October 29, 2019 11:48AM
We can tell you are rather proud of your video mate and appreciate your time and effort making it......... But it aint gonna fix ****.
7:30 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Durrani13 replied to Objectives Xp on November 5, 2019 1:33PM
Chriswhiteisright wrote: » Durrani13 wrote: » The old XP points system kept adding. So why not this one? It could just continue given it's levelling up. So the points may not get erased or it pen..
2:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Durrani13 replied to Objectives Xp on November 5, 2019 1:24PM
The old XP points system kept adding. So why not this one? It could just continue given it's levelling up. So the points may not get erased or it penalises those who have put it more effort. It should..
1:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Dronegan replied to My 7 day ban continues but at least I know why...EA told me there is 8 days in a week! on November 6, 2019 11:39PM
Max_1899 wrote: » Dronegan wrote: » EA does not scan any memory, processes or in-game files on your PC. That is also the reason why they can´t get rid of the amount of cheaters on the PC section..
12:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

DeanoZoff replied to The 41212 formation guide. on October 27, 2019 3:27AM
Admire the effort and formatting of the post. Not a huge fan of drop back, 3 depth and wingers on come back though.
12:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Cyodine replied to 💯 Icon Swaps - Who are you choosing? 💯 on October 16, 2019 3:23PM
Not worth the effortIf I get enough tokens, then I'll pick Sanchez or Klose. I haven't gone out of my way yet to do any of the objectives.
8:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion