
ygyg0120 replied to purchased Fifa points in FIFA 20 from PS store
Hello @EA_CadeCan you pls explain in more detail?My console is US and I’m in Nigeria .
11:30 pm, February 20, 2020 Technical Issues

wood2e1 replied to Webapp/companion FIFA 20 says I don't have a FUT club?
Hi , I have just downloaded the Companion APP for my son, and I have logged into to the APP but i get this error message It looks like you EA account doesn't hav a FUT 20 Club. In orde..
11:00 am, March 2, 2020 Technical Issues

wilmotheworm replied to CONMEBOL Libertadores and Sudamericana leagues on companion but not console
Thanks. Really would make the menus easier to search
5:30 pm, March 19, 2020 Technical Issues

tworaf replied to Fifa 20 server and netcode analysis (Now pros are messing with their connection to get an advantage) on November 3, 2019 2:56PM
Henzz87 wrote: » tworaf wrote: » Henzz87 wrote: » Just one question, how come i have never got speed up lag on any other online game? if the speed up lag was my internet? many games especial..
2:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

troy_taylor125 replied to CONMEBOL Libertadores and Sudamericana leagues on companion but not console
Still waiting on an update on this. The situation still exists where we are unable to search for CONMEBOL on consoles
8:00 pm, March 29, 2020 Technical Issues

treishyy replied to Time to deal with PC hacking on November 9, 2019 7:38PM
Boysie91 wrote: » And this is why console gaming is better less cheaters I believe you, but if i paid for the game, there are some things that should really not exist, especially if this already e..
8:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

tomrhumby12 replied to Fifa 20 stuck on Loading Screen
i know how to fix this problem on your console there is either an switch on button to turn on your console you hold that butten for ten secends your console will switch off next you wait for ten secen..
8:00 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

therealmrbent replied to SBC not working.
So I wanted to do the new marque matchups sbc of psg and real madrid, but it keeps saying that I did not complete a requierment. Evne though I did do the requierment. I have 6 players of the ligue 1 b..
4:00 pm, November 27, 2019 Technical Issues

swampmonkey435 replied to Sbc natinal pride germany
@al3xz12 it's a common problem, a few people have already posted about it. It doesn't work in the app, but if you go on your console or pc it will work apparently.
2:30 pm, November 28, 2019 Technical Issues

swampmonkey435 replied to SBC not working.
Reading through these forums I've seen that a lot of people had problems with other SBCs and that they didn't work on the companion app but did work on the console. Unfortunately I'm stuck at work for..
10:30 pm, November 26, 2019 Technical Issues

swampmonkey435 replied to SBC
@ZxIISONIC69 Its a problem with the companion app. There are already a butt load of posts with the same problem. Go on your console (or pc) and it will work.
2:30 pm, November 28, 2019 Technical Issues

suicidalthought replied to error connecting to fifa 20 over a month now???
Hi @EA_Cade I'm having the same issue. It starting on 29/01, I was kicked out of draft when the servers went down and I have not been able to connect to FUT game mode since. After comp..
7:00 pm, February 2, 2020 Technical Issues

steverich1988 replied to THE AMAZING DISAPPEARING XP.... on September 30, 2019 10:15AM
@EA_Andy Ps4 Steverich1988 9pm Silver week 1 challenges cross and head Went up to level 12 then crashed and reopened console and dropped back to level 11 and unlocks have rocked Also the challenge is ..
9:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

stevenagehoof41 replied to FIFA 20 freeze
My game is stuck on the loading up page ive tried restarting it tuened off console still no joy i press a wen it says english press a again to load game but it just stays loading been like it for half..
11:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

smithy260889 replied to Account hacked, all tradeable cards sold, and all coins spent
Good luck, I got hacked 2 weeks ago for players worth upto 3.3 mil and apparently it was done on a trusted console 350 miles away from where i lived and they couldn't do anything about it
1:00 pm, February 17, 2020 Technical Issues

sharnayay replied to Wrong login email verification Fifa 20
How many people have to have this problem before EA actually finds a fix for this... why would I pay 5$ a month for an EA subscription when EA cant even associate the correct email address to my conso..
6:30 pm, March 31, 2020 Technical Issues

rossscott replied to why cant i access the transfer market on my console
Mine is the same. Did u get this fixed?
7:00 pm, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

ronin424 replied to ps4 crashing again
Thanks Darko the "issue" with my console, is simply that its not the PS4 original Hard Drive. Thats it nothing else and no other games give this issue just the Fifa series.
10:00 am, November 30, 2019 Technical Issues

protzbischof replied to Time to deal with PC hacking on November 10, 2019 9:45PM
Dead_Dave wrote: » Im hoping to find a decent deal on black friday for a console fifa bundle, it will be interesting to compare the two, its my first fifa and choosing the PC for it was a mistake. ..
10:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

prismaniac replied to bought fifa points and didn't receive it
@xxwarking Depends, if it's bought through a console, you have to call the specific console support (PS or Microsoft), if it's bought through Origin - call EA CS, or if it's bought from retailer shop,..
1:30 pm, December 11, 2019 Technical Issues

prismaniac replied to Haven't been able to play FUT in over 2 months...
Have u tried opening ports for your console for fifa specifically? FIFA 20 - PCTCP: 3569,9946,9988,10000-20000,42124UDP: 3659,9000-9999FIFA 20 - Playstation 4TCP: 1935,3478-3480,3659,10000-10099,..
1:00 pm, December 10, 2019 Technical Issues

prath11 replied to An error occurred download the fut squad updat
cleared the Mac addressuninstalled the gamedeleted profile on Fifa Reset console
8:00 pm, June 26, 2020 Technical Issues

pekkaa88 replied to Level 30 achieved on November 8, 2019 10:43AM
kokom87 wrote: » pekkaa88 wrote: » I'm 187 points short.. I would have to play and score in 20 sb matches or 13 rivals matches to get +500.. Done everything else that gives xp.. Unfortunately I d..
11:00 am, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

pascalonegames replied to FUT Champions always plenty of cheaters
On 30 matches more I met more than 20 cheaters. Can EA Sports ban 90% of the idiot users of the PC version of FIFA 20? I guess not. Then it is better never to buy the PC version.And mos..
11:30 pm, May 31, 2020 Technical Issues

oskarkaspar replied to "This item cannot be listed for transfer because there was an error"
how can i fix this if i have no access to my console ?
7:30 am, May 6, 2020 Technical Issues

olibain95 replied to SBC UEFA Marquee Matchup bug
EA, will this be fixed before the SBC expires? Not everyone can get onto their console before the expiry and have already bought some players in order to complete this.How are your developers getting ..
10:30 am, November 27, 2019 Technical Issues

mway replied to Time to deal with PC hacking on November 10, 2019 9:47PM
Dead_Dave wrote: » Im hoping to find a decent deal on black friday for a console fifa bundle, it will be interesting to compare the two, its my first fifa and choosing the PC for it was a mistake. ..
10:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

mway replied to Time to deal with PC hacking on November 10, 2019 9:40PM
FIFA on PC will no longer exist in a few years. I guess 21 and 22 and 23 will be similar to PS4 and Xbox One versions but it will never catch up again with consoles. PD: I´m a PC player.
10:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

moonpandak replied to Over The Top Season Objective Not Registering
I just played another game after restarting my console and scored four after lobbed through balls... Still not registered any.OP
12:00 am, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

mikek270182 replied to Fifa 20 ultimate team keeps crashing
Hi I'm currently having the same problem during ultimate team games, it kicks me out of the EA servers and I have to restart my console. I'm playing in Xbox One and any help would be appreciated ..
8:00 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues

madwullie replied to is it possible to buy a Shadow off the phone app? on November 5, 2019 10:30PM
Must admit I find it easier to snipe on phone than console
11:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

madwullie replied to is it possible to buy a Shadow off the phone app? on November 5, 2019 10:30PM
Must admit I find it easier to snipe on phone than console
1:00 am, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

leonosm replied to Speed Up Lag after latest patch
I ve even bought a new console and the same problem remains. EA keeps blaming on it on ISP, and would never admit their problems.
2:00 pm, February 5, 2020 Technical Issues

lammelvyn replied to FUT Transfer Market Processing Problem
Bought Gotze on console and now it's stuck in my transfer target both on ps4 and app
9:30 pm, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

kunlegendy replied to Unable to connect to EA servers
I'm using a console. How can I do a U trace using a ps4
6:30 pm, April 24, 2020 Technical Issues

kermz_2 replied to Verification code
I did this, got a reply from “Aman” on 3/31/20 with instructions to disable my consoles privacy settings so he can send me a code to verify my console. I did just that and replied the same day... ..
1:30 am, April 8, 2020 Technical Issues

kayron16 replied to Does anyone want to sell me a CF to CAM card? on November 8, 2019 9:46PM
Lol, go on the web app on a computer, then keep searching and click buy now and press enter. Quickest way to snipe if you can’t do it on console
10:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

kawouett replied to FIFA 20: An error occurred and your squad was not saved
@d3b4s1s I have the same issue, impossible to modify the team or sell a player from this team.On web app or companion. Can’t test on console cause i’ve finished my ea acess and was kicked during l..
8:00 am, December 2, 2019 Technical Issues

jplumber replied to How to get a hunter card? on November 9, 2019 11:43AM
RayS wrote: » Hello Mr Plumber, hope your business is going well. Buying a Hunter using the Web or Phone app is almost impossible as it seems to lag slightly behind using console. Best bet is to bu..
12:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

jperkopool replied to Disconnect loss
I had a earned a penalty in the last few minutes of a rut champions game and we were drawing 2-2 at the time. While the animations were loading before the penalty was taken, my opponent turned off his..
1:00 am, April 26, 2020 Technical Issues

jordan1093_cfc replied to Connection issue
I have tried all of these before coming here with my problem. Still not working. According to my console my my connection is "good" and I am connected to the internet. My network speed seems good also..
5:00 pm, February 7, 2020 Technical Issues

jcarlosrestrepo replied to SBC not working.
I can confirm what you said. From mobile app is not working but from console (xbox) it is working with ligue1-conforama players
11:00 pm, November 26, 2019 Technical Issues

im_the_man_man replied to Was there a patch? This game feels like im playing on a turtle now. on November 7, 2019 6:35PM
Players turtles RayS wrote: » Are the players turtles? Or they're on turtles? Or your console is on turtle?
7:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

hawky028 replied to BAN Cheaters in Squad Battle on October 15, 2019 2:48PM
Idek wrote: » Grezzerk wrote: » How on earth can you say with confidence that people are cheating when playing an offline mode!?!? Who really cares if people are getting top 100 by cheating in sq..
7:00 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

h4nzy replied to Locked Transfer Market on October 8, 2019 12:08AM
Same thing here and I played nearly 200 games (SB, new game mode, Rivals & FUT champs) and bought stuff on market through console and all I get is a generic message when raising a case.
3:00 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

greggles replied to update 6? on November 5, 2019 12:24PM
RTG20 wrote: » On what platform? There was a patch before last WL on console, have you not played for a while? yeah i downloaded update 5.
12:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

greggles replied to update 6? on November 5, 2019 12:23PM
RTG20 wrote: » On what platform? There was a patch before last WL on console, have you not played for a while? im on pc, consoles get it 1 day later
12:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

greggles replied to Time to deal with PC hacking on November 9, 2019 7:46PM
If fifa was cross play they would have stopped the cheats years ago. The console players have a MASSIVE voice compared to PC users when it comes to fifa. I know that there is so much EA can do but at ..
8:00 pm, November 9, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gorillabear replied to Hall of SBC/Objective Players on December 4, 2019 7:20PM
Cool idea about adding the stats. I’d do it now if the app actually let me see my own players stats like on the console
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

frankiezee28 replied to Fifa 20 ultimate team keeps crashing
Please help!!! I been having major problems with this getting kicked out ive dropped 2 divisions ive called you guys and have done everything you told me to do i even deleted fifa 20 re downloaded it ..
8:00 pm, November 13, 2019 Technical Issues