
timurtheboss replied to Clearly got hacked
Sue EA mate. Clearly their game is gambling and they provide no security for accounts. If real life money is used to purchase FIFA points and thats spent on packs, that means cards have a real life va..
2:30 am, June 27, 2020 Technical Issues

pascalonegames replied to EA Servers connection issue
@Lexwolverine555 only english here, please.I managed to play a game in Division Rivals, but my football players seemed to walk in the mud.I also have problems with the markets, I cannot buy cards caus..
3:30 pm, June 11, 2020 Technical Issues

pascalonegames replied to Division Rivals unplayable due to slowdown and button
@KhumukchamA the response time is different then I must change my way of playing to try to win, but at the end is only luckiness because you must guess 2/3 seconds before what you would like to do and..
8:30 pm, May 4, 2020 Technical Issues

pascalonegames replied to Division Rivals unplayable Division Rivals unplayable due to slowdown and button
@KhumukchamA the response time is different then I must change my way of playing to try to win, but at the end is only luckiness because you must guess 2/3 seconds before what you would like to do and..
3:00 pm, May 4, 2020 Technical Issues

nailman86 replied to Huge delay on online game
Hi, Yes I have checked everything - this brings me to UOTrace. I was checking different DNS also - open and from Google. Nothing is working. Game now is terrible - full of lags and delays.F..
10:00 pm, April 25, 2020 Technical Issues

They should disregard any game that was played as well. Why should we suffer a loss because of this broken server and we have only 30 games. And they get players to pay for fifa points and packages ....
7:00 pm, December 21, 2019 Technical Issues

D0lvl replied to Packed untradable ronaldo yesterday havent had chance use him yet how come.... on November 7, 2019 11:15AM
With bad gameplay, cr7 is horrible though every player will be horrible in bad conditions. Like others said, he does tip over a lot and will lose the ball at times. However, he'll just score goals for..
11:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

CtldChaos replied to Does FIFA 20 delay exist? on October 14, 2019 7:17PM
It definitely exists, and I would be more than willing to let EA or a Pro come to my house and try to play it in delay conditions. There is no way EA could blame it on my connection or equipment.
11:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion