
Shork16 replied to Market still BLOCKED.
Thanks for the reply! " all aspecte for fut"? Including which ones? Or exactly what should i do? I ve been playing since 2013 and didn t get this block.
9:00 pm, January 22, 2020 Technical Issues

Jabzol replied to Market still BLOCKED.
@EA_DarkoWhat if I already explored all aspects of FUT? and I do not want waste my time for playing some stupid friendlies..
3:30 pm, January 24, 2020 Technical Issues

Invoker77 replied to My tranfer market has been banned for over a week and no response
Same here. But my entire account is blocked. Their cheat detecting scripts are as broken as their game. My account is wrongly suspended for 7 days. Its been 5 days already after making a case for this..
10:30 am, December 14, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Darko replied to Market still BLOCKED.
Hey @Shork16 in order to unlock the transfer market you need to explore all aspects of FUT. It is not possible for us to unlock it for you. Darko
4:30 pm, January 22, 2020 Technical Issues

DON_VEGA replied to After patch update
this doesnt explain the bad gameplay. Sorry, TERRIBLE gameplay. Opponents whom i used to win 5-0 r now winning 6-1. I can clearly say the gameplay is so terrible, that i can't make one single pas..
2:30 am, March 26, 2020 Technical Issues