
xFATAL replied to What’s worth saving from Bronze Packs? on November 7, 2019 3:53PM
I save all the players that don't sell for more than 200 coins especially the rares HOLD them all. As for consumables most don't sell but I use those for my own use and sell off all my gold consumable..
4:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

temem1989 replied to My fifa 20 is getting stuck at downloading and applying squads for too long
@EA_Cade sorry it took a while to respond. Its been happening on my ps4
2:30 pm, May 2, 2020 Technical Issues

s1siyaz replied to Downloading and applying online squads
@EA_Cade Thanks let me try and I’ll let you know
11:30 am, January 31, 2020 Technical Issues

lIlIlIlIlIl replied to Rodrigo get out of my team on May 7, 2020 10:11PM
You did a first timed finesse instead of top corner power strike near post. Applying real life football logic to FIFA is a recipe for disaster.
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gorillabear replied to What’s worth saving from Bronze Packs? on November 7, 2019 9:24PM
xFATAL wrote: » I save all the players that don't sell for more than 200 coins especially the rares HOLD them all. As for consumables most don't sell but I use those for my own use and sell off all ..
9:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

gimjay23 replied to Black Screen / PC Keyboard Stuck on screen Glitch
@DarkWaterSong It's an Xbox with an Xbox controller and not a pc keyboard.As for the video card, I've gone to the extent of reapplying new thermal paste to my system and cleaning the fan thoroughly.So..
12:00 am, March 21, 2020 Technical Issues

ZzSam98zZ replied to Fut20 keeps disconnecting
Try applying port forwarding, for me this does not work but for you it may. The values are attached to the photo below. ..
11:00 pm, November 24, 2019 Technical Issues

SomeNextGuy replied to Rodrigo get out of my team on May 7, 2020 11:39PM
lIlIlIlIlIl wrote: » You did a first timed finesse instead of top corner power strike near post. Applying real life football logic to FIFA is a recipe for disaster. Can't snap out of going for the..
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Fish88 replied to What’s worth saving from Bronze Packs? on November 7, 2019 3:57PM
xFATAL wrote: » I save all the players that don't sell for more than 200 coins especially the rares HOLD them all. As for consumables most don't sell but I use those for my own use and sell off all ..
4:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

EA_Cade replied to My fifa 20 is getting stuck at downloading and applying squads for too long
Hi @TEMEM1989,What system is this happening on? -EA Cade
9:30 pm, April 30, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to Downloading and applying online squads
Hi @s1siyaz,Super odd. Can you try going into the Customize Menu and then selecting Profile - Delete and then delete anything in there that isn't a save file. Then let me know if this persists? ..
2:30 pm, January 29, 2020 Technical Issues

BenGrigg5 replied to What’s the issue please!?
As far as points for the first 3 matches, none registered. It was like they never happened. as far as applying consumables.... after playing a match, every day at least once, I c..
4:30 am, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues