
swiftbeatsg1 replied to Not actively playing message stuck on screen
Sorry the video didn’t upload...!AjfWdZTvR2ncoGynAgkAG5wHSOOM
12:30 am, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

ewanmcc2001 replied to Fur champs
Hi there I just played a game with a notification on my screen saying I wasn’t actively playing I needed a win in this game to complete the serie a objective in icon swaps so this was extremely anno..
11:30 am, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

drayman_pr replied to "You are not actively playing the game" error message-Please Help
@PlainApple8 Did you find a fix for this?
4:30 pm, February 15, 2020 Technical Issues

dcordash replied to Here is why fifa 20 cant be taken seriously. on November 8, 2019 3:52PM
I have to agree with the poster. Sometimes, during Rivals I'll get sidetracked in the middle of a contest while playing defense, dog jumps up in my lap..someone walks in front of the TV, etc. When I f..
4:00 pm, November 8, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

SuperRob replied to League SBCs - the redemption of EA - Bundesliga + CSL out now #justiceforleagues on October 5, 2019 6:52PM
If this turns out to be true, it means EA are actively looking to stop the enjoyment of its player base. Its almost as if the want people to stop playing the game. Taking league sbcs out the game wont..
7:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

LockhartBrute replied to The Contradiction Around Locked WebApp Market on October 28, 2019 5:57PM
CaptainDan- wrote: » So this comes up every year. I believe its a time thing and not a 'play as much as you can' thing. I have a feeling its a month. 27th of September was the game’s official re..
7:30 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Liamooo replied to Squad battles server disconnects on November 6, 2019 3:11PM
I had to play 2 SB games yesterday with the sign that comes up saying you are not actively playing the game..... clearly was. Quit first game loaded up next same again. Games just a **** shambles.
3:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

EA_Cade replied to Career mode bug
Hi @Anna123Cutie,This issue should be resolved as of Title Update 5, are you using a save file that was created pre-patch? We cannot modify your career mode saves retroactively on our side. ..
5:30 pm, December 5, 2019 Technical Issues

EA_Cade replied to " You are not actively playing the game " Fifa 20
Hi @alizafar1994,Can you try playing a Squad Battle and then going back to an online mode and let me know if this persists? -EA Cade
2:30 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

EA_Barry replied to " You are not actively playing the game " Fifa 20
@alizafar1994 Assuming you are on Xbox, can you try the following steps please?
2:30 pm, April 16, 2020 Technical Issues

DopeCubans replied to Fur champs
Yesterday night i spent money on fifa points to do a draft. First game on i was up 3-1 and the ea servers disconnected, i’m on a wired connection i know i had nothing to do with that. My game got vo..
11:30 am, December 6, 2019 Technical Issues

Dazz2710 replied to I got hacked on fifa 20
HI @Louis1210 , I got hacked yesterday, someone coin transferred 560k worth of Luis Suarez cards and this was confirmed by EA live chat, however, they did not think it was suspicious that I ..
2:30 pm, November 19, 2019 Technical Issues

Coolkidlambert00 replied to " You are not actively playing the game " Fifa 20
I have the same problem, I’ve just tried going to squad battles but it’s still coming up on squad battles too.
5:00 pm, April 26, 2020 Technical Issues