
carlensp replied to we are sorry but there has been an error connecting to fifa 20 ultimate team
Can you please help me also. I am having the same problem. I was told by someone that works at EA to make a new squad using the same players from my active squad and it worked for a while then it star..
2:00 am, November 15, 2019 Technical Issues

carbielo replied to Continous disconnects in Fut Champions
Hi @EA_Aljo , this afternoon I had 1 DC in division rivals, this evening I started Fut Champions and my first game was DC, now i just played other 4 matches without problems. It seems purely rand..
8:00 pm, June 19, 2020 Technical Issues

cammomisreal replied to FIFA 20 on PC just won't start
10:30 am, May 5, 2020 Technical Issues

callancleary56 replied to FIFA 20 freeze
It’s not fixed and it’s getting annoying, it doesn’t let you apply consumables or enter squad building challenges forcing you to restart the app and don’t say check software updates because it..
11:30 pm, November 11, 2019 Technical Issues

burco4 replied to FIFA 20 PC - Game goes randomly to window mode
Hi. Was having same problem on Windows 10.Restarting of PC, deleting cache, etc didn't help.Neither disabling notification, origin in-game, focus assistant, updating driver, etc... So I run cmd a..
12:00 pm, April 22, 2020 Technical Issues

bugzy32bugzy32 replied to X box freezing when i try and start ultimate team.
The last one worked but I missed out on 5 days of game and a lot of packs. I should get compensated. Thanks for your help.
11:30 pm, March 2, 2020 Technical Issues

brycrockett replied to Green premier league overlay
@Cuagaldo This is happening to me to. Every 2nd game loaded or so in career mode. Super annoying. I have to close the application then restart.
3:00 am, December 11, 2019 Technical Issues

brasilIDja replied to [PS4] Fifa 20 crashes at launch after 1.03 update.
@Recoogs I got same problem twice, so I restarted my ps4 and so it goes! But happen again every time!
12:30 am, March 28, 2020 Technical Issues

bluep005 replied to Career Mode - Scouting Issue
Hi I have same issue but half way threw my 1st season and I stop them all scouting and start them again for it not to do anything even after a day skip it’s annoying how can they possibly solve all ..
1:30 pm, February 4, 2020 Technical Issues

blank77511237 replied to Squad battle rewards
Hello,I entered my FIFA normally then I played a game on squad battles when there was around 10 mins left. Then when I won, it logged me out and ever since then I couldn’t open my squad battles anym..
6:00 pm, February 11, 2020 Technical Issues

blackhole414 replied to Skill moves not working after update
It’s been fixed but if your skill moves we’re already reset to 0 you need to start a new save
6:30 pm, November 14, 2019 Technical Issues

bigGucciso5a300 replied to Fifa 19.2
The game pattern is so obvious, the ai players that I’m not in control of in game start to do some shambolic stuff and it’s evident when you replay the highlights, the game in its self causes prob..
8:00 pm, May 3, 2020 Technical Issues

benlang32 replied to Fifa 20 Pc - kicked for switching focus
Cheers mate,I’ll give it a try! I’ve already uninstalled Fifa just to see if that helps. Thank god it didn’t start doing this while champs was on.
8:00 pm, April 22, 2020 Technical Issues

bayrouma89 replied to Sudden internet disconnection
@EA_Aljo hi, this topic is been going on for long time, i have seen many comments arround youtube and google and here. And you provide always no solution except what you said, the problem is real and ..
1:30 am, May 6, 2020 Technical Issues

b852f63372933372694e1c69074d975b replied to FIFA 20 on PC just won't start
@stekal1ty I`ve got the same problem, bought the game a couple of days ago, but the game simple don´t want to start. I just come to the language-menu then instant crash. I have tried everything, redo..
5:00 pm, April 12, 2020 Technical Issues

at619 replied to Wrong email address on verification screen Fifa 20
I am having the same issue. Please could someone from EA team help us out. I bought my FIFA 20 for xbox and just when i start the game during the verification process there is already some weird accou..
4:30 pm, April 6, 2020 Technical Issues

asimilation replied to FIFA 20 - Unable to Start Volta Mode
I posted in the general Origin section in error when I was meant to post here on the FIFA 20 board.I got the PC version of the game for Volta mode and get the following error message:"Unable to connec..
4:00 pm, November 24, 2019 Technical Issues

arhturwoodhouse replied to Fifa 20 keeps freezing up ps4
Just wait for one of the bots to tell you the problem is solved by restarting your console. 😂😂😂
10:00 am, February 28, 2020 Technical Issues

aranhejar replied to fifa 20 not starting up
@EA_Cade Did not work. same thing when i click fifa 20, it opens up origin then minimzes and opens it back up. still doesnt work
2:00 am, February 19, 2020 Technical Issues

anonymousuni01 replied to FIFA 20 stuck at pre match training drills
@shzrkr I have to restart the game when it stuck at prematch training drill by closing it with the help of alt+f4
2:30 pm, March 20, 2020 Technical Issues

andre3zy replied to Career mode skill moves bug still present
@EA_Cade I’ve updated the game fully and have tried playing career mode with a new career. I still start with 4 stars in skill moves and goes to zero. I still can’t play with a the National s..
3:00 am, February 9, 2020 Technical Issues

ajed316 replied to Fifa 20 Ultimate team name and Est date not carried over
I too am having this issue now. Ultimate team name, est date didn’t carry over, thus not rewarded with loyalty packs. And I received special kit packs when first started ultimate team in Fifa 20, bu..
2:30 am, June 9, 2020 Technical Issues

adisselshamaa replied to FIFA20 keep crashing since new update
The game crashes on Xbox One either after opening packs and now during Squad Battles game after scoring a header. It all started after the last update.
7:00 am, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

abz_6988 replied to No opponents found fifa 20
The solution is to block Ur secondary account from Ur primary account.Then block the primary account from the secondary account.Restart Ur PS4 the open fifa. Then restart Ur PS4.The problem should now..
10:30 pm, November 17, 2019 Technical Issues

abdomoha1990 replied to FIFA 20 crashing when USB started
It happens when i unplug my headphones also
9:00 am, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

Zxrgx replied to Unable to connect to the EA servers
@ibrahim2222653 I have the same problem but for me it's reciently just 3 days ago started to show a message that Say *SL_MoreThanOneDevicePopup, ir You get any answerd about this let me know please, a..
4:00 am, December 30, 2019 Technical Issues

Zachyxt replied to Player Career Mode - Changing Role in Edit Pro not working
Hi Cade. I've deleted the Profile and recreated a new game. Result is the same. Just in case of any misunderstanding, I'm referring to "Create Your Pro" in Player Career. Then after the Play..
6:00 am, April 5, 2020 Technical Issues

Zachsby replied to FIFA 20 crashes on match start
I have. Everything on my PC appears to be up to date, but I'm a bit scared to mess with the dll file that's causing the error because I feel like replacing it would mess the whole thing up. But if Win..
6:00 pm, June 8, 2020 Technical Issues

ZUR1EL replied to PC FIFA losing focus in every single online game. Refund please
Never had a problem losing window focus until maybe a few days ago ? 4/20/2020 Now,... sitting in the TITLESCREEN of fifa, on the main menu, if i leave the game long enough, it will randoml..
1:00 am, April 24, 2020 Technical Issues

ZOPKA_EHOTA replied to Ping ping ping...
hello. In the last 3-4 days, I started having problems with ping. Can you see what this might be about? ..
10:00 pm, April 28, 2020 Technical Issues

YpresBulldog replied to I cant play a match on fifa 20 keep losing connection to the EA servers
I’m having this problem now also. It started on May 30th for me and I almost play every day. Have done checkups of internet connection and such and everything is working fine. Really frustrating!! E..
8:30 pm, June 20, 2020 Technical Issues

Yoesi replied to Lag compensation (part1) on May 7, 2020 8:23PM
TheTataGuy wrote: » unxius wrote: » TheTataGuy wrote: » @EA_Roger Time to forward this to higher up 🙃, enough is enough, time to start punishing people that decide to play on bad connection..
1:12 am, May 8, 2020 Ultimate Team General Discussion

YodaTOad432 replied to FIFA 20 Tournament Mode Is Always Crashing Any Solutions?????
no point in trying folks. as you said, it is isn’t Ultimate Team then it don’t matter. I had this glitched too and it started after the new update. lost 19 game progress in La Liga controlling all..
3:30 pm, March 22, 2020 Technical Issues

XXtore119XX replied to Not receiving squad battle rewards fifa 20
I just got gold 3 in squad battles i only just made it with 30 seconds left. But when i waited for the 30 seconds to pass i didn't get to claim my rewards it just moved on to the next week is there an..
12:30 am, January 20, 2020 Technical Issues

Wurrsmycash replied to Win 3 Lost 3 on November 10, 2019 3:08PM
Never go past 13 wins if possible. Started this one 5-1. Cue some disconnections and thrashings and I'm 10-10 before I know it..should have quit while I was ahead. It's win one lose 2 or win 2 lose 1 ..
3:30 pm, November 10, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Wurrsmycash replied to Did you guys decided which icons you are going to take ? on November 7, 2019 7:04AM
Grinded for Kluivert...started off unbelievable, banging in 2/3 goals a game for the first 10 but he since has turned into a stone statue...can't do anything, don't regret taking him as he was a child..
7:30 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Wigm88 replied to Thinking of going 3atb but is it WL suicide on November 7, 2019 10:33PM
EisenErmin wrote: » Th3DirtyPriest wrote: » I would be happy with scream pique as cd and use full backs as the rcb and lcb but would be hard to do for chem Start 4 at the back: Marcello -- Scr..
11:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Whitebeard replied to Fifa 20 server and netcode analysis (Now pros are messing with their connection to get an advantage) on November 3, 2019 3:27PM
tworaf wrote: » Whitebeard wrote: » I don't buy it. Sorry. When FIFA 17 started, the 1st few weeks were amazing. It was smooth, responsive. And ever since more people qualified, the experience w..
2:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Whitebeard replied to Fifa 20 server and netcode analysis (Now pros are messing with their connection to get an advantage) on November 3, 2019 2:56PM
I don't buy it. Sorry. When FIFA 17 started, the 1st few weeks were amazing. It was smooth, responsive. And ever since more people qualified, the experience was getting worse. It was the same during..
2:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

WhiteStarLiners replied to [Resolved] Companion & webapp connectivity issues
Trying to collect FUT WL rewards and saying problem with EA servers when I click on the menu option to collect. Says to try again later? I am connected to EA servers for everything else in FUT. I've t..
1:00 pm, January 23, 2020 Technical Issues

WelshXavi replied to Servers down? on November 7, 2019 12:37AM
Better not start working again as I've spent hours grinding to rank two and I've only made it by 150 points...
1:00 am, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

WarrenBarton replied to Season 2 on November 6, 2019 6:17PM
Objectives for packs, like there was when we started season 1
6:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

WarrenBarton replied to My 7 day ban continues but at least I know why...EA told me there is 8 days in a week! on November 6, 2019 9:47PM
ASlowPotato wrote: » WarrenBarton wrote: » ASlowPotato wrote: » gorillabear wrote: » ASlowPotato wrote: » Renamed123456 wrote: » 8 days in a week?? Probably why they're late deliverin..
10:00 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

WarrenBarton replied to My 7 day ban continues but at least I know why...EA told me there is 8 days in a week! on November 6, 2019 9:27PM
ASlowPotato wrote: » gorillabear wrote: » ASlowPotato wrote: » Renamed123456 wrote: » 8 days in a week?? Probably why they're late delivering content. Exactly!! I actually couldn't believ..
9:30 pm, November 6, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

WarrenBarton replied to It’s really windy out there, should I risk playing futchamps? on November 2, 2019 9:22AM
Game over man game over wrote: » Instant death will be less painful then the weekend league I guess so, plus I’m a coffee addict so probs worth the risk. I think the wind may have died down a..
9:00 pm, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

VizualPupil replied to Rttf mbabu
It's probably the same as Squad Battles, if you start a game before the timer runs out, but it actually run out while you're midgame, it won't count towards your points. BTW, Mbabu IS insane. Bes..
1:30 pm, December 17, 2019 Technical Issues

Vanch replied to I've Lost All Belief In Myself on November 7, 2019 2:21PM
ICE_UP_SON wrote: » ICE_UP_SON wrote: » This does feel like a weird year. The last 3 years I’ve spent the whole year in D1 with a little bit of D2 mixed in. This year I’ve been stagnant in D5..
2:30 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Vanch replied to I've Lost All Belief In Myself on November 7, 2019 1:30PM
BombSquadPuppy wrote: » If you havent felt the delayed gameplay or any shenanigans count your blessings 😂 This iteration i started off with a 5:1 win/loss, after the first couple patches it turn..
2:00 pm, November 7, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Vanch replied to Anybody else feel like they arent improving? on November 5, 2019 1:22AM
greif44 wrote: » FIFA 19 and 20 are probably the only online games where I haven't been able to improve regardless of team, tactics etc In previous generations of FUT (especially 17 and 18, that's ..
1:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion

Vanch replied to Anybody else feel like they arent improving? on November 5, 2019 12:12AM
All the time man, believe me. I used to think I was such a good player, and it's almost like all these amazing ESports Twitch watching players have come out the woodwork suddenly and I'm just getting ..
12:30 am, November 5, 2019 Ultimate Team General Discussion